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Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest supply chain process/logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should Study chapter 1, 2 and review Fast food industry /Food companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:

The Answer should be 4- 5 pages 

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The Answer must follow the outline points below:

1. Executive summary (no more than one page)

– Summarize, what is Supply chain process/logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective.

2. Background information

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description (Covid 19)

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied

– Describe, what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5. Results

– Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution. 

6. References 

supply chain managementlogistics

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