Literature reviews

See attachments for instructions and templates

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Literature Review Forms Instructions

This assignment requires you to submit four completed review forms in one Microsoft Word document. The template for this assignment is attached and contains forms for all four separate article reviews. As you can see in the template, of these four review forms, you must complete two literature reviews and two meta-analyses that pertain to the capstone research topic.

For the literature reviews, be sure you select articles that are specifically designed to review the literature on a research topic and not merely an article that has a literature review within it.

For example, if your capstone topic was on English Language Learners (ELLs) learning literacy in a mainstream classroom, you might choose the following relevant literature review:

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Fitzgerald, J. (1995). English-as-a-second-language learners’ cognitive reading processes: A review of research in the United States. Review of Educational Research, 65, 145-190.

This article provides a broad and detailed overview of research that deals with how ELLs learn to read. It provides a thorough overview of literature within the field and directs the reader to pertinent research articles, reoccurring authors in the field, and repeating theories. It is clearly an article designed to review the literature on a given topic, not simply an article that has a literature review section. Please carefully note this distinction.

For the meta-analyses, the term “meta-analysis” will likely appear somewhere in the title. If the term meta-analysis is not in the article title, it is likely not one.

Begin by locating the 4 articles: 2 literature reviews and 2 meta-analyses no more than 5 years old. All articles must be read and then 2 “Literature Review” and 2 “Meta-Analysis” forms that are clear, concise, and at least 1 full page must be submitted as 1 document. You must complete each box on the forms with available information from the source. The boxes will expand as words are typed. You must also use complete sentences and follow current APA format.


Literature Review Forms Template

Literature Review #1

· APA Reference

· In 3–5 sentences, summarize the contents of the article.

· Identify the authors that keep reappearing. List them.

· Identify the significant theories that keep reappearing. List them.

· Quotes

Identify quotes that may be useful. Do not forget to include the page number.

· Ideas: Identify what role might this article play in the Related Literature section of your capstone project.

· New References to Examine

Identify resources cited in the article that may be useful to find and read.

Literature Review #2

· APA Reference

· In 3–5 sentences, summarize the contents of the article.

· Identify the authors that keep reappearing. List them.

· Identify the significant theories that keep reappearing. List them.

· Quotes

Identify quotes that may be useful. Do not forget to include the page number.

· Ideas: Identify what role might this article play in the Related Literature section of your capstone project.

· New References to Examine

Identify resources cited in the article that may be useful to find and read.

Meta-Analysis #1

· APA Reference

· In 3–5 sentences, summarize the contents of the article.

Do not forget to report the overall effect size (ES). If there are no ESs reported in your article, it is not a meta-analysis.

· Identify the authors that keep reappearing. List them.

· Quotes

Identify quotes that may be useful. Do not forget to include the page number.

· Ideas: Identify what role might this article play in the Related Literature section of your capstone project.

· New References to Examine

(Identify resources cited in the article that may be useful to find and read.)

Meta-Analysis #2
· APA Reference

· In 3–5, sentences summarize the contents of the article.

Don’t forget to report the overall effect size (ES). If there are not ESs reported in your article, it is not a meta-analysis!

· Identify the authors that keep reappearing. List them.

· Quotes

Identify quotes that may be useful. Do not forget to include the page number.

· Ideas: Identify what role might this article play in the Related Literature section of your capstone project.

· New References to Examine

(Identify resources cited in the article that may be useful to find and read.)

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