Literature Review Resources 2

 The first on I didn’t get a good grade. Could you please have it in the APA Style 7th edition. He said my work isn’t in that style. Thank You 

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Literature Review Resources

Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Locate the assignment submission for “Literature Review Resources” from RES-811. You will add to this document to begin building a running literature review.
  • It is recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of this course.
  • Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.
  • Download the resource “Literature Review Resources Tool” (if needed) and use it to complete the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Directions:Read at least 10 empirical articles in your general dissertation field that you have not read previously.In the “Literature Review Resources” document that you submitted in RES-811, provide the following for each source that you are adding to the document:

  1. The APA-formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.

Highlight the additions to the document so your instructor can readily identify them. 


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Literature Review

Rosaline Nixon

Grand Canyon University


Professor Gary Piercy

November 25, 2020

Literature Review Resources

One of the most important aspects of your research will be how you organize your resources. RefWorks is an optional citation management software tool you can sign up to use that helps organize your citations. To find out more about how to sign up for your free, optional RefWorks account, review the information here:





Article Information: Be sure entries are presented in alphabetical order.

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or N (optional)



Prasad, A. (2015). Liminal transgressions, or where should the critical academy go from here? Reimagining the future of doctoral education to engender research sustainability. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 26, 108-116.




Researchers are faced with the problem of coming up with research work that count by observing the set institutional guidelines. Doctoral students are the ones who have been affected significantly with the provision of these regulations because they are not well empowered within the in the education ladder. As a doctoral student one has to expect different forces in their work, which are critical to thriving in their work, while encouraging them to focus on a certain area. Besides, these forces help them to determine the most appropriate methodology and the parameters that they have to take into consideration during their work. Most doctoral students are lacking the most important opportunities that will enable them to air their voices in their respective disciplines on culminations of the ongoing conversation regarding the nature of the existing institutional pressures on research findings. These calls for the reawakening of the doctoral study of the future through institutionalizing the roles of senior professors in the respective field of study because learning is affected by critical orientations, and focusing on collaborative efforts to untie from the mainstream propositions in.



Hands, A. S. (2018). What doctoral student motivation tells us about the future of LIS education. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 59(3), 17-25.



Different individuals are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree due to varying reasons such as interests in conducting, their educational experiences in the past, their need to prepare for the future as well as to appeal their respective areas of research. More specifically a student can be interested in attaining a LIS degree with aim of closing the gap between the existing LIS professionals, even though they might have little interests in engaging in teaching to help close the gaps. The study indicates the importance of relying on previous doctoral studies in helping students draw the existing areas that need to be addressed through their research work. This can also use from the students undertaking the doctoral study to understand their motivations and realign with existing literature to draw more comprehensive conclusions. This is critical because it helps the program administrators come up with more comprehensive findings that can inform them about the future of doctoral education prospects among learners. There also concerns that need to be addressed that pertains to the supply concerns, offering recommendations from graduate to doctoral studies as educational organization leaders.



Le, D. (2016). On the call for action: Rejoinder to “Isn’t it time we did something about the lack of teaching preparation in business doctoral programs?”. Journal of Management Education, 40(5), 528-532.



There have been inconsistencies in the current state of teaching preparations across doctoral programs. There have been inconsistencies regarding whether education is an art that is required to be acquired or a skill that should be learned. The underlying idea is that the whole idea regarding doctoral research is based on the fact that the effectiveness of the doctoral programs is based on engaging on research, but this has been skewed, especially when it comes to teaching preparations relating to business doctoral programs. The study has drawn much attention on emphasizing the importance of focusing on teaching aspects when focusing on offering a transformative approach to doctoral programs. This an important aspect for school administrators because it helps them to focus on call to action through suggesting new AACSB Standards for teaching preparations and increase the role schools play in teaching preparations. However, the researcher poses only a suggestion and does not insinuate it is part of the AACSB Doctoral Education Task Force.



Cansoy, R., & Parlar, H. (2018). Examining the relationship between school principals’ instructional leadership behaviors, teacher self-efficacy, and collective teacher efficacy. International Journal of Educational Management.



There is much to learn from the already existing bank knowledge provided by evaluating the relationship between school principles’ instructional leadership behaviors, self-efficiency among the teachers and collective teacher effectiveness. Organizations also recognize various factors that influence the effectiveness of the teachers within the school environment. School leadership behaviors dictate how the teachers will perceive collective efficacy. School heads need to demonstrate certain leadership skills that are aligned to their humanistic, educational, symbolic and cultural leadership skills. Self-efficacy and leadership efficacy dictate the level of collective efficacy achieved within the whole organization. School principals are responsible for implementing practices that influence teacher’s competence, so that they feel more effective so that they are able to compete as a group. Through collaboration, teachers with less experience can be guided by more experienced ones. Leaders in these institutions are responsible for coming up with opportunities that enhance effectiveness among ineffective and less experienced teachers for maximum efficiency to be attained.



Ivankova, N. V., & Stick, S. L. (2007). Students’ persistence in a distributed doctoral program in educational leadership in higher education: A mixed methods study. Research in Higher Education, 48(1), 93.



Different factors influence students’ persistence in doctoral program in educational leadership in high education. Understanding the factor behind student’s persistence by academic institutions can be helpful in meeting the needs of doctoral students, which improves their experience in their academic journey and increase their degree completion rates. The first factor that needs to be considered in determining the persistence in an educational program is the quality of the doctoral programs that student is undertaking. The nature of the online environment, and support from various programs. Besides, persistence in a doctoral program is also dictated by the student’s self-motivation. Though these factors work collectively, different factors work together in enhancing persistence, academic experience tends to influence persistence in doctoral programs compared to other factors. Most of the learners may have the necessary experience in their program but they also look forward to interacting with others and utilized the opportunity to learn from them. Other factors such as student’s departmental orientation, skills, and their attitudes towards participation in the program dictate their persistence within a program.





Literature Review Resources

Student’s Name:

Grand Canyon University

Literature Review Resources

One of the most important aspects of your research will be how you organize your resources. Ref Works is an optional citation management software tool you can sign up to use that helps organize your citations. To find out more about how to sign up for your free, optional Ref Works account, review the information here:






Article Information: Be sure entries are presented in alphabetical order.

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or N (optional)



Cosgrove P. (2019). The nature of success in doctoral education: The roles of the student, the advisor and goals.




For success in doctoral education to be achieved, students have to be committed and independent in their studies. Doctoral studies are different from undergraduate studies since the scholars are required to be self-drive in researcher and come up with great ideas. Hence, they need to be well organized and manage their time well. Success is intrinsic and thus, what drives them is what makes them achieve their goals. At this level of learning, everybody who enrolls in the program knows what they want and thus, they should not be forced to do what they are supposed to do. Another important thing is for the supervisors to be play their role fully where they should guide and support the students successfully. A rapport should be stablished between them and the students so that they can cooperate as required. By doing so, students will feel free to ask any questions and will be sharing their experiences. Goal setting gives both the students and the supervisors the reasons to keep on. These goals are further broken into smaller ones that need to be achieved each day and thus, the overall goal is realized. Also, goals unite the students and the supervisors.



Gopaul B. (2019). “Nothing succeeds like success”. Doctoral education and cumulative advantage. The review of higher education. 42(4(, 1431-1457.



There are numerous changes that have occurred in doctoral education in the last 25 years. There needs to be good supervisor relations, proper time management, and socialization .Supervisors s are the ones who guide the doctoral students on what is needed in the program and thus, they should be close to the students. There should be no fear of interaction so that learning can take place effectively. If students shy away from talking to their supervisors due to their attitude, they will fail in their studies and thus, their objectives will not be achieved. Also, the supervisors will have questions to answer to the department regarding the poor performance of their students. Time should be well managed to avoid last minute rush that leads to a shoddy work. Students will not understand concepts well if they do not use their time well. They should also socialize with others to have a healthy state of mind. A study was done on doctoral students who said that scholarships are scarce but those who got them had a chance to advance their studies and get a better life. These scholarship also provided other opportunities that made them enrich their studies.



Morgan C. L & Morgan. L.V. (2016). Effects of immediate Awareness of Success and Failure upon Objective Examination Scores4(1) :63-66



Doctorate students’ immediate awareness of success and failure in academics may positively or negatively impact achieving the doctorate qualifications. Doctorate students tend to put all their efforts into the degree achievement, including time and lots of resources, due to their knowledge of how success will impact their academic life. The efforts put in place by doctorate students to achieve success may cause social problems in case the success is not attained. Depression, disassociation, anger, and regret are some of the negative feelings doctorate students undergo when success is not achieved. Some of the Doctorate students may prefer corruption and fraud actions to achieve success in their final examinations to meet the heights of success. What they need for them to feel less pressure and be relaxed is adequate support from their supervisors, families and their employers. Al these groups of people should understand the kind of situation they are in and thus, try as much as possible to encourage them. They need to be motivated and given peace of mind. By doing so, they will concentrate and perform well instead to developing a negative attitude and resulting to illegal ways of achieving excellence.



Peltonene J, Vekkaila J, Rautino P, Haverinen K & Pyhalto K. (2017). Doctoral students’ social support profiles and their relationship to burnout, drop out intentions, and time to candidacy. International journal of doctoral studies.12, 157-173.



Doctoral students require social support in the process of their studies. A study was done among Finnish University students and it showed that those students who get support from their supervisors and the research community do well in their studies. For instance, psychological support. These students need encouragement and assurance that all will be fine despite the challenges that they go through while pursuing excellence. Those who receive such support experience burn-outs and are more likely to drop out. Such encouragement makes them work harder and see life from another perspective. A person who is about to drop –out might meet someone who will tell them something that will make them change their mind. Also, a friendly relationship makes them share experiences and know-how to solve issues affecting them. One person’s problem might be an easy issue to another person. Hence, the supervisory team should be close to the students so that they can make them feel they are not alone. They should be told the importance of remaining positive minded and focused despite the prevailing circumstances. Most of them give up and drop out because they lacked a person to talk to.



Samuel M. (2016). The Future of Doctoral Education, 24(1), 397-419



Through research, the relationship between the world of work and doctoral education concludes that doctorate students are mostly employed as primary workers within a laboratory, demonstrating that it would have been better if graduates were absorbed into the economy. It should be understood that doctorate students are workers first and researchers second. The program should be designed such that it allows them to maintain a balance. By doing so, they will not feel at high pressure and this will reduce the chances of drop out. Additionally, it reduce burn outs and they will concentrate better. Aligning doctorate graduates in the work system results in more productivity in the business and industry places and improves graduates’ employability since most of them go back to the ‘laboratories’ to continue with their research employment after graduating. New doctoral education modes should be put in place for accentuating the worthwhileness of a doctorate degree, including the social, economic, personal, and political agendas.

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