Literature Review 2

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Running head: CYBER SECURITY 1


Emerging Cyber Security Threats

Name: Supriya Mutyala

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Literature review

Papers for Cyber Security research

1. Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: vulnerabilities, threats, intruders and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65-88.

The article provides a lot of information about cyber security attacks and it also shows enough evidence that is relevant for the research and to give examples. This article can be bought online or its html version can be accessed for free.

2. Sutton, D. (2017). Cyber Security : A Practitioner’s Guide. BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

This book covers the various types of cyber threat and explains what you can do to mitigate these risks and keep your data secure. The book can be found online and can also be downloaded as a PDF version.

3. Ďulík, M., & Ďulík jr., M. (2019). Cyber Security Challenges in Future Military Battlefield Information Networks. Advances in Military Technology, 14(2), 263–277.

This paper is relevant for this research because it deals with complex threats to military cyberspace, in which primarily wireless channels may be easily available by the enemy. Employed sub-networks may have different properties. For the research the paper points out at the importance of maximum security

4. Svilicic, B., Rudan, I., Frančić, V., & Doričić, M. (2019). Shipboard ECDIS Cyber Security: Third-Party Component Threats. Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, 33(2), 176–180.

The analysis is based on the cyber security testing of the shipboard ECDIS using an industry vulnerability scanner. This analysis is relevant because it provides areas of weakness in cyber security. In this research this analysis helps to point out the areas of weakness in cyber security. The paper can be purchased online or accessed as a PDF.

5. Fuller, C. J. (2019). The Roots of the United States’ Cyber (In)Security. Diplomatic History, 43(1), 157–185.

This paper is relevant because it shows the vulnerability of computer networks to cyber-attacks exposed the security flaws across the computer networks of the U.S. Department of Defense. This paper adds more information on the vulnerabilities that exist in the US security computers. The paper can be found at EBSCO.

6. Svilicic, B., Brčić, D., Žuškin, S., & Kalebić, D. (2019). Raising Awareness on Cyber Security of ECDIS. TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation & Safety of Sea Transportation, 13(1), 231–236.

In this paper, it is estimated ECDIS cyber security in order to study the origin of ECDIS cyber security risks. This paper comes in to help in the finding of solutions to the cyber-attacks and raise awareness. The paper can be found at the EBSCO site.

7. KOVÁCS L. Cyber Security Policy and Strategy in the European Union and Nato. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre. 2018;23(1):16-24.

The paper is relevant for this research because it discusses the cyber security of infrastructures such as water systems which are present in public utilities, economic life, public administration, defence sector or even in the smallest detail of everyday life. The paper can be found at the EBSCO site.

8. Fielding, J. (2020). The people problem: how cyber security’s weakest link can become a formidable asset. Computer Fraud & Security, 2020(1), 6–9.

The paper discusses how technological changes that have come with lifestyle shift have increased threats. Insider threat has increased as working practices have evolved and new technologies. The paper can be accessed online as a html version or PDF

9. Kerner, S. M. (2019). Why Trust Is Key for Cyber-Security Risk Management. EWeek, N.PAG.

This paper outlines the intersection of identity, risk and trust and how his firm is bringing them together to help improve security outcomes. It can be found at EBSCO site.

10. Osborn, E., & Simpson, A. (2018). Risk and the Small-Scale Cyber Security Decision Making Dialogue–a UK Case Study. Computer Journal, 61(4), 472–495

This paper discusses results from a survey that considered (in part) cyber security decisions made by SSITUs. For the research this paper can reveal threats and help in finding solutions.

11. Kerner, S. M. (2019). How Superforecasting Can Help Improve Cyber-Security Risk Assessment. EWeek, N.PAG.

This paper outlines an advanced approach to help organizations go beyond basic methods for evaluating and reporting on risk. This resource can be accessed at the EBSCO site.

12. Quigley, K., & Roy, J. (2012). Cyber-Security and Risk Management in an Interoperable World: An Examination of Governmental Action in North America. Social Science Computer Review, 30(1), 83–94

This article deploys an anthropological understanding of risk in order to examine public sector action and capacity with respect to the multidimensional challenge of cyber-security and suggests some solutions. This paper can be accessed online for free.

13. Falco, G., Eling, M., Jablanski, D., Weber, M., Miller, V., Gordon, L. A., Shaun Shuxun Wang, Schmit, J., Thomas, R., Elvedi, M., Maillart, T., Donavan, E., Dejung, S., Durand, E., Nutter, F., Scheffer, U., Arazi, G., Ohana, G., & Lin, H. (2019). Cyber risk research impeded by disciplinary barriers. Science, 366(6469), 1066–1069

The article reports on Cyber risk research impeded by disciplinary barriers and explores how security progress requires cross-disciplinary collaboration. The paper can be accessed at the EBSCO site.

14. Siegel, C. A., Sagalow, T. R., & Serritella, P. (2002). Cyber-Risk Management: Technical and Insurance Controls for Enterprise-Level Security. Information Systems Security, 11(4), 33.

This paper presents a risk management approach to the security of information technology systems in the enterprise. The paper can be accessed at the EBSCO site.

15. Yin, X. C., Liu, Z. G., Nkenyereye, L., & Ndibanje, B. (2019). Toward an Applied Cyber Security Solution in IoT-Based Smart Grids: An Intrusion Detection System Approach. Sensors (14248220), 19(22), 4952.

The paper presents an innovative approach for a Cybersecurity Solution based on the Intrusion Detection System to detect malicious activity targeting the Distributed Network Protoco. This paper can be accessed online as a PDF document.

16. Wilson, J. R. (2019). Military cyber security: threats and solutions. Military & Aerospace Electronics, 30(12), 16–23.

The article informs about U.S. government and military taking steps to protect sensitive computers from cyber-attack, and providing solutions for them. The paper reveals some of the cyber security threats as well as solutions. It can be accessed at the EBSCO site.

17. Smith, G. (2018). The intelligent solution: automation, the skills shortage and cyber-security. Computer Fraud & Security, 2018(8), 6–9.

This paper is relevant for this research as it suggests unique solutions to the problem of cyber security. It can be accessed on Google scholar for books

18. Sun, C.-C., Hahn, A., & Liu, C.-C. (2018). Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-art. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 99, 45–56.

This paper further reveals the threats to cyber security especially in situations where there are infrastructures such as power grids. The paper can be accessed at Google scholar.

19. Yin, X. C., Liu, Z. G., Nkenyereye, L., & Ndibanje, B. (2019). Toward an Applied Cyber Security Solution in IoT-Based Smart Grids: An Intrusion Detection System Approach. Sensors (14248220), 19(22), 4952.

The paper is relevant for this research because other than helping to find solutions to cyber security it also helps in pointing out threats. The paper can be found at the EBSCO site.

20. van der Meer, S. (2015). Enhancing International Cyber Security. Security & Human Rights, 26(2–4), 193–205

This paper is relevant for this research because it provides a global approach to the problem of cyber insecurity. It can be accessed at the EBSCO site.

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