Linear Programming Model

Costal Cup Company wants to determine how many cases of large and small cups should be
produced per day in order to maximize profit given the labor and material constraints. The unit
profit value for large cups is $35 per case, for small cups the unit profit value is $30 per case.
There are 120 hours of labor, 2000 units of resin material, and 325 units of packaging material
available per day. Each case of large cups requires .75 hours of labor, 16 units of resin material,
and 2.5 units of packaging material to produce and package, each case of small cups requires 1
hour of labor and 11 units of resin material and 2 units of packaging material to produce and
1. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem to determine how many cases of

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large and small cups should be produced in order to maximize the total profit.
2. Solve this problem by using the graphing method OR by using Excel Solver.
3. What is the optimal solution?

Note: Instructions for how to add and use the Solver Add-in are located in the Week 1
Instructional Materials: Lecture: Linear Programming Modeling Using Excel.


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Variable cell

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A satisfied Microsoft Office user: A satisfied Microsoft Office user:
Constraint cell

A satisfied Microsoft Office user: A satisfied Microsoft Office user:
Constraint cell

Large Small
Number to Make A satisfied Microsoft Office user: A satisfied Microsoft Office user:
Variable cell
Total Profit
Unit Profits
A satisfied Microsoft Office user: A satisfied Microsoft Office user:
Set cell, Objective Function
Constraints Used Available
Labor Hours
A satisfied Microsoft Office user: A satisfied Microsoft Office user:
Constraint cell
Material per case
Packaging per case

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