Life of the Counselor db


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You have 4 Discussion Question options this week – please pick one and answer it in a minimum of 175 words: 

Option 1:

Chapter 1 of The Inner Life of the Counselor talks about the importance of humility. Describe the concept of humility in your own words. How is humility beneficial for counselors?

Option 2:

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Chapter 2 of The Inner Life of the Counselor discusses “Alone time” and why it’s important to honor the moments we get alone of peace and quiet. Where in your life does quiet time already exist? In what parts of your life is it realistic to create some new space where you can relax and practice mindful breathing?

Option 3:

Mindfulness has many benefits that can positively affect us. Chapter 3 in The Inner Life of the Counselor lists several under the heading: Recognizing the Fruits of being Mindfully Centered. List and discuss some of the benefits listed. Do any of these resonate with you? Why or why not?

Option 4:

Chapter 5 of The Inner Life of the Counselor discusses the concept of self-nurturance. Describe self-nurturance in your own words. Is this the same thing as self-care? Why or why not? If you think they are different, how so?

Due Monday, 3/23/20; 11:59 pm MST

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Responses must be a minimum of 100 words.

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