Leveraging Resources and Overcoming Barriers

Post an explanation of the specific resources (e.g., financial, personnel, time) needed to address the weaknesses and threats and build upon opportunities and strengths you identified through your SWOT analysis. Explain how you would leverage these resources to carry out the change you are proposing through your Strategic Plan. Also, explain the strategies you would use to minimize or address barriers, including resistance to change, related to your Strategic Plan. Explain how you would promote stakeholder involvement for your proposed change and encourage them to become change champions. Finally, explain the potential negative consequences that could arise if stakeholder involvement is not adequately addressed during planning.Thomas, P. L., & Roussel, L. (2020). Procuring and sustaining resources: The budgeting process. In L. A. Roussel, P. L. Thomas, & J. L. Harris (Eds.), Management and leadership for nurse administrators (8th ed., pp. 155–188). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

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Boomer , G. (2010, July). Managing change: Clarity reduces resistance. Accounting Today.
Gokenbach, V., & Thomas, P. L. (2020) Maximizing human capital. In L. A. Roussel, P. L. Thomas, & J. L. Harris (Eds.), Management and leadership for nurse administrators (8th ed., pp. 189–226). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 
Harrison, J. S., & Thompson, S. M. (2015). Analysis of the organization and its stakeholders. In Strategic management of healthcare organizations: A stakeholder management approach (pp. 39–56). Business Expert Press.
Jeffs, L., Merkley, J., Sinno, M., Thomson, N., Peladeau, N., & Richardson, S. (2019). Engaging stakeholders to co-design an academic practice strategic plan in an integrated health system: The key roles of the nurse executive and planning team. Nursing Administration Quarterly, (2), 186-192. 
Lachman, P., Runnacles, J., & Dudley, J. (2015). Equipped: Overcoming barriers to change to improve quality of care (theories of change). Archives of Disease in Childhood — Education & Practice Edition, 100(1), 13–18.
Lowe, G., Plummer, V., & Boyd, L. (2018). Nurse practitioner integration: Qualitative experiences of the change management process. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(8), 992–1001.

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