Legal, Ethical, and Risk Issues in Organizations


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Deliverable 7 – Risk Prevention Policy


  • Evaluate the safety and security compliance of organizational and employee work environments.
  • Analyze organizational practices as they relate to union-related and labor relations laws.
  • Design reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of employees and the organization.
  • Appraise the workforce relations of an organization to ensure optimal performance.
  • Integrate negotiation strategies with legal decision-making to ensure policies and practices reflect ethical values.
  • Design an organizational risk management plan.


You have been hired as the new Vice President of HR for your organization. One of the first areas in which you need to familiarize yourself with is in how well (or not) the organization manages and prevents risk. Upon review, you realize that there is no comprehensive policy for risk prevention and management currently in place. You report your findings to the CEO, who agrees that this lack of documented policy must be corrected immediately. The CEO has instructed you to develop a policy document to protect the organization and its employees from risk. As part of your role as VP of HR, you will need to research your organization, note that it is publicly-traded.


Based on your research, prepare a policy document for the company that:

  • Outlines standards for employee safety and security.
  • Designs measures for reasonable accommodation.
  • Designates critical components that must be addressed to assure business continuity in the event of a natural disaster.
  • Describes how management decisions must align to the ethical values of the organization.
  • Illustrates the impact of labor laws and unions.
  • Incorporates a Human

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  • Provides attribution for credible sources used in the policy document.
  • Resources

    Article Databases:

    • Business Source Complete via EBSCO
    • Business via ProQuest
    • Regional Business News via EBSCO

    Running head:





    Feedback to Learner8/14/20 8:51 PM

    Thanks, for resubmitting your assignment.


    Please see the rubric evaluation below for feedback on how to improve your grade.


    Methodology / 2 [C] – Basic explanation of research methodology, strategy, and purpose for the selected research question. //  Incorporated some research to justify these choices.

    Research Steps / 2 [C] – Basic identification of the steps needed to follow this strategy and considerations.

    Data Collection / 2 [C] – Basic explanation of each of the following data collection elements: 1) data types; 2) data source(s); 3) data analysis; and 4) interpretation plan.

    APA Formatting / 3 [B] – Minimal errors or omissions in APA formatting. Always be sure to follow the instructions in the APA Guide exactly. Comparing your work with the sample paper should help you identify errors. Remember that the college has adopted the 7th edition of the APA handbook, so be sure to review the updated APA Guide for changes.

    Communication / 3 [B] – Spelling and grammar errors are rare and do not distract the reader from the messages. Using Grammarly can help you find and fix common errors, but careful proofreading might be sufficient. Remember to avoid first and second person pronouns.

    Additional Comments:

    You’ve made some changes, but the don’t really address the deficiencies of the earlier submission. While you’ve defined some terms, what you need to do is provide examples of how you will use the tools of a particular strategy.

    Remember that your overall grade is the lowest grade on any of the individual criteria.  You must earn at least a 2 [C] on every criterion to pass the assignment. 

    Reach out to Dr. Gulbrandsen if you have any questions.

    If resubmitting, please be sure to highlight your changes.

    Research is very important in any field of study one undertakes. It enables one to gather the necessary information in one’s field of study; it helps one to find the root course of in-built problems in a process or a project that seems difficult to discover, also, research helps in improving the standards of living of individuals as it is through research that we are able to invent and make new discoveries hence creating jobs opportunities of income-generating activities. As for me, having research and writing as my career, I must develop research skills at the end of my course in order to make changes in the lives of individuals and the society that I live in. Also, this course is going to help me to develop and improve my skills in reading and critical evaluation, data collection skills, and research methodologies. I have been requested by my professor to develop a research strategy, a research question, and a methodology for my research paper. This is going to help me develop my research skills.

    My research question on this research project would be, how do the economic, political, and social factors affect homelessness patterns in San Francisco?

    In this research, I will use a mixed-method research design. Mixed method research design is a research approach that focuses on research questions that real-life contextual understanding, multilevel perspective, and cultural influences (Schoonenboom 2017). Mixed research methodology employs rigorous quantitative research assessing the magnitude and frequency of constructs, and rigorous qualitative research exploring the meaning and understanding of constructs. For these reasons, my research will use the mixed design methodology since my objectives shall involve the description of subjective individual experiences. Also, I would be required to interpret meanings, understand the concepts, and every data that is aligned to research the homelessness in San Francisco. The flexibility of qualitative research designs makes them so crucial in this project as they give me an opportunity to justify my approach according to my findings during the research process. Qualitative research is a kind of research that uses unstructured and non-numerical data. The data is qualitative research only includes the field notes which are written by the researcher during the course of his observations, interviews, questionnaires, and focus groups. For this research, I am going to rely on unstructured data as I will be using observations on the people of San Francisco, a qualitative research method will be the most appropriate here. For instance, understanding the extent to which economic, political, and social factors have affected the homeless people in San Francisco, the qualitative research design is appropriate for this research. Also, I will make use of the quantitative research design to answer my research questions as this project will require me to measure variables, to test hypothesis and correlation. The quantitative research design involves an empirical investigation of the observable phenomenon via statistical or computational techniques. The key aim of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories, and hypotheses pertaining to phenomena (Rahi 2017). This makes this quantitative design useful for me in measuring the variables of this research.

    By use of the qualitative method, I will collect qualitative data. This would include collecting information on the race of the people of San Francisco affected economically, their ethnic background, in order to know if these are some of the factors leading economic and social challenges to the homeless people in San Francisco. (Leavy, 2017)

    I would collect quantitative data by counting the number of homeless people affected by economic, social, and political factors in San Francisco.

    In data collection techniques, I will use interviews. Interviews will be the most appropriate technique to be used in this research, as it will enable me to get firsthand information. I will also employ the observation method. This will enable me to see directly hoe homeless people of San Francisco are suffering economically, socially, and politically. I would also employ focus groups where people of different locations will be grouped together and discuss with them the issues affecting the Homeless people of San Francisco economically, socially, and politically.

    In this research, I will employ the use of a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). This is the appropriate tool for data analysis in this research as it will enable me to analyze the data collected in a proper way. (Avella 2016)

    After data analysis, the interpretation of the data will be presented in graphs and tables. For qualitative data, I will ensure there is tracking the occurrence of words used.



    Schoonenboom, J., & Johnson, R. B. (2017). How to construct a mixed methods research design. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 69(2), 107-131.

    Rahi, S. (2017). Research design and methods: A systematic review of research paradigms, sampling issues, and instrument development. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 6(2), 1-5.

    Leavy, P. (2017). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches. Guilford Publications.

    Avella, J. R. (2016). Delphi panels: Research design, procedures, advantages, and challenges. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11(1), 305-321.


    Mikkelsen, M. F., Jacobsen, C. B., & Andersen, L. B. (2017). Managing employee motivation: Exploring the connections between managers’ enforcement actions, employee perceptions, and employee intrinsic motivation. International Public Management Journal, 20(2), 183-205.

    Antoni, C. H., Baeten, X., Perkins, S. J., Shaw, J. D., & Vartiainen, M. (2017). Reward management: Linking employee motivation and organizational performance.

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