Leadership Portfolio

This assignment will consist of two parts: an executive summary of the completed capstone project, as well as a leadership portfolio.

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Executive Summary

Write a 500-750-word executive summary of the capstone project. Include your approach to the capstone project, including design, purpose, goals, and results of your pre- and post-assessment evaluations. The executive summary should be the first entry in your

Leadership Portfolio


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Leadership Portfolio

The portfolio should contain components from at least four previous courses in the program, such (Leadership and Organizations, Leadership Styles and Development, Servant Leadership, Leadership and Innovation, Coaching, Mentoring, and Leadership Development, or Organizational Development and Change). Each of the four components should include a 250-500-word summary of how you approached the assignment, the lessons you learned from completing your work, and how these lessons helped shape you as a leader.

Please note that it is not required to submit the four course artifacts you are referencing; a well-written synopsis that clearly identifies the course and includes the required elements will be sufficient for the purposes of this portfolio. You may also include an artifact that is not course-related, but may be an additional level of support for the portfolio.

Conclude the portfolio with a brief personal call to action. In 250-500 words, describe your professional development plan after you graduate. How will you continue to grow as a leader? Also, identify specific resources, such as professional organizations, mentors, and professional development opportunities that will help you accomplish your plan.

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