Leadership essay


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Leadership studies demonstrate that the most effective leaders know how to draw upon self-leadership skills to in turn motivate and lead others to expand their strengths to ultimately better serve the goals of an organization. For this assignment, you will continue to study conscious leadership and look at a leadership example from contemporary media and evaluate how well the particular leader exemplifies the qualities of effective and ethical conscious leadership. 

Select a relevant and topical leadership issue from current news media that revolves around ethics and ethical decision making. Research the situation and gather information in order to evaluate the leader. Keep in mind, the issue that you choose will serve as the backdrop for your evaluation while using the key terms and concepts covered in your course readings. Write an evaluation (minimum 1,000-1,250 words) of the situation that addresses the following:

  • The power bases used by the leader.
  • The influence tactics used by the leader.
  • The leadership style of the leader.
  • The outcome (or potential outcome) of the situation.

Conclude by justifying whether you think this leader supports the values of conscious capitalism. Is the leader’s leadership style effective? Do you believe the leader acted ethically in the situation? Be sure to consider each tenet of conscious capitalism in your leader evaluation.

Next, imagine yourself as a practitioner of servant leadership. You have been appointed into the leadership role in this same circumstance. Explain how the situation would be different. Address the four criteria listed above in your discussion and incorporate the principles of conscious capitalism by explaining how your personal values and style are influenced by each tenet.

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Strengthen your claims in each content section of your essay with supporting citations and specific examples.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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