Leadership Across Agencies 8352


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Imagine that county commissioners of a large metropolitan area believe that it is important to develop leaders at all levels of the various criminal justice agencies for which they provide oversight. Because of your experience, education, and publication history, you have been appointed by the County Commission to an advisory board for the Criminal Justice Training Council. The role of this advisory board is to provide recommendations for training focused on developing future criminal justice leaders in county-wide agencies. County commissioners want to know how to develop leaders, what topics should be included in training regimens, and what skills are required for criminal justice executives. They also want to break down barriers between the various agencies, and believe cross training may help to improve relationships.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources or conduct your own research to develop your recommendations.

ASSIGNMENT:  an Executive Summary (single spaced, no more than three pages) of an advisory board report for the county commissioners. Focusing on development of criminal justice leaders in county-wide agencies, include recommendations for training topics, necessary skill development, and methods to improve interagency understanding and cooperation. 


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Haberfeld, M. R. (2013). Police leadership: Organizational and managerial decision making process (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 8, “Doing Things Right or Doing the Right Thing: Contingency Theory” (pp. 97–111)
Eggers, J., & Geaither, R. (2012, February). Credibility, commitment and dialogue: Cornerstones of leadership. Corrections Today, 74(1), 84–85.
Schafer, J. A. (2010). Effective leaders and leadership in policing: Traits, assessment, development, and expansion. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 33(4), 644–663.
Jensen, C., & Graves, M. Bureau of Justice Assistance, Law Enforcement Forecasting Group, (2013). Leading our most important resource: Police personnel issues in the year 2020. Retrieved from website: https://www.bja.gov/Publications/LEFGPolicePersonnelIssues

Executive Summary (pp. i–iv)

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