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For this discussion, review a part or segment from the program that has made you proud. That may be achieving your first certification or badge, or completing your first graded assignment, or even going through the resources that have helped you expand your knowledge on leadership. You may choose to discuss someone you have learned the most from: your manager, your spouse or partner, or even a peer you have become friends with during the program.

Assignment Details:

In your post you should address the following questions:

· How would you describe your experience in participating in this course? How has your experience shaped your intention of how to participate in future courses?

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· What were some of the challenges you faced in this course, and how did these challenges help you prepare for challenges in today’s VUCA world of work? How do you think future courses will help you deepen your ability to work in the VUCA world?

· The fourth industrial revolution has introduced early advances on the internet of things; artificial intelligence (AI); and the production of smart equipment that can analyze, diagnose, and fix issues without the need for human intervention. How do these complex technological developments challenge leaders to adapt their leadership style and behavior?

· Considering those challenges, what do you want to learn to help prepare you to lead more effectively? How will your future work in this program benefit you and the people you lead?

Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.

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