Lead personal and strategic transformation

Lead personal and strategic transformation Reflection report

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Lead personal and strategic transformation

Task 2 – Reflection Report

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BSBLDR801 – Task 2 –

Reflection report

Student Name: NAME

Student ID: NUMBER

Submission number: NUMBER


Task summary

You are required to reflect on your leadership experiences and write a report that evaluates your leadership skills.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.


Your completed assessment task 2 document (you only need to insert your name in header then submit the document in Moodle – Your assessor will use it to complete the grading)

Your completed Reflection Report (6 to 8 pages long) in PDF format named as per naming convention

[YOUR NAME_ID] AT2 Reflection Report S#.

e.g. Mary Smith_123466 AT2 Reflection Report S1


· Access to textbooks and other learning materials

· Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

· Documents available in MOODLE in your assessment task

[YOUR NAME_ID] AT2 Reflection Report S#.


You must submit ALL documents specified in the SUBMIT section above by the due date specified in your unit plan.

Assessment criteria

For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Resubmission (also called reattempts) – important information

You may be allowed to resubmit if you were marked NOT SATISFACTORY on your first attempt provided you submitted your assessment by the due date. Your trainer will advise you if you can resubmit and the resubmission date. Your trainer will provide you with feedback to help you improve your revised answer.

To provide a revised answer, put a heading REVISED ANSWER under the question/section you must re-answer and type your new answer. Look at the example at the top of your template.

Refer to video or written instructions in your Student Pre-Requisite course in Moodle for instructions on how to submit a subsequent attempt Moodle.

If you need to revise your answer and resubmit, add a Heading “Revised Answer – V X ”

UNDER your existing answer and write your answer

The colours of the Australian flag are red, blue, and green

Original answer

Revised Answer attempt 2
Revised answer

The colours of the Australian flag are blue, white, and red


Q1 – Why are the colour of the Australian flag?

Detailed instructions

Write a reflection report about 6 – 8 pages long, no longer to demonstrate your ability to review, assess and evaluate your personal and professional effectiveness and past leadership effectiveness.

Use the template provided in this document, carefully follow the guidance provided in each question in the template.

Consider leadership roles you have taken on in your life. This can include at school, through sport, in volunteering roles and at work. Then evaluate


Your personal efficacy.

2. Your interpersonal competence

3. Your professional competence

4. Your ability for empathy in personal communication, relationships, and day to day leadership roles

5. Your ability to build confidence and respect with diverse groups of individuals

6. Your personal experiences in building effective organisational and workplace culture.

7. Your current and past work-based relationships.

8. Your experience of role modelling that you have done in the past.

9. Your leadership style

The last section of your report is a reflection on your future development. Take notes on your personal and professional plans over the next few years.

10. Describe what you intend to do to develop your:

· Own personal development

· Personal leadership style

· Self-management skills

Reflection report

Complete ALL sections


Personal Efficacy

Evaluate your personal efficacy?
Give at least
two examples
where you have been effective in producing positive change in

2. Interpersonal Competence

Evaluate your interpersonal competence?
Give at least
two examples
where you have demonstrated competence in
helping others

3. Professional Competence

Evaluate your ability to achieve positive professional competence.
Give at least
two examples
where you have attained desired leadership competence outcomes that increase your management accountability and responsibilities. These can be formal courses or mentorship experiences.

4. Empathy

Evaluate your ability to identify with and understand another people’s situation or feelings.
How you have demonstrated empathy in the following:
· personal communication
· relationships
· day to day leadership role
Give one example for EACH category

5. Diversity

Evaluate your ability to build confidence and respect with diverse groups of individuals.

5a. Comment on your ability to lead in a manner that is inclusive and respectful of the differences between people.

· by describing the last time you had respectful interactions with people from diverse backgrounds

6. Organisational Culture

Evaluate your personal experiences in building effective organisational and workplace culture. Give at least
two examples
where you have been an integral part of improving the organisational culture of a place where you worked.

7. Current and Past Work Based Relationships

Evaluate your current and past work-based relationships.

7a. Give at least
two examples
where you have managed work-based relationships effectively

7b. Give at least
two examples
where you have cultivated collaborative and participative work relationships

8. Role modelling

8a. Describe at least
two examples
when you acted as a role model for others

8b. Give at least
two examples
where you have modelled and encouraged collaborative communication and learning in your place of work

8c. Do you think you are a good role model and explain why?

8d. Evaluate your ability to build trust in others

9. Leadership style

9a Describe your personal leadership style in a few sentences.

9b. Give at least
two examples
where you have adjusted your leadership style for different contexts

9c. Describe how you integrate your emotions and what you have studied into your personal leadership style.

9d. Think about your ability to get others to participate in discussions or other work-based activities.
Give at least two examples where you have encouraged colleagues to contribute ideas or be actively involved in activities.

9e. Evaluate whether you lead with good judgement, intelligence and common sense while carrying out your day to day leadership duties.
one example
from the past year when you performed in a way that was not reacting in the heat of the moment, but in a considered, sensible manner.

9f. Consider your own potentially disruptive emotions and impulses. Are you able to monitor and regulate these?
Describe what these emotions and impulses are for you and give at least
one example
of how you have been able to regulate them to achieve a desired result.

9g. Think about occasions when you have used your own expertise, or that of colleagues, to achieve specific strategic results for your organisation.
Give at least
one example
of this from the last two years.

10. Reflections on Future Development

10a. Describe what you intend to do over the next few years for your own

10b. Describe what you intend to do over the next few years to develop your personal leadership style.

10.c. Describe what you intend to do over the next few years to develop your
self-management skills

10d. Describe how your participation in a workshop could contribute to your personal development

10e. Describe how you
facilitating / conducting
a workshop could contribute to your
personal developme
nt and improving your
leadership skills

Assessment Task 2 – Reflection Report Evaluation Checklist All comments to be provided directly in the leadership report using MOODLE

Did the student:

Completed successfully?



Evaluate their own personal efficacy, giving at least two examples where they have been effective in producing positive change in others?

Evaluate their own personal competence, giving at least two examples where they have demonstrated competence in helping others?

Describe their ability to achieve positive professional competence outcomes, giving at least two examples where you have attained desired leadership competence outcomes?

Describe their own personal development objectives and priorities?

Evaluate their experiences as a role model, including being a good role model for others?

Evaluated their ability to build the trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and relevant individuals?

Evaluate their personal experiences in building an effective organisational and workplace culture?

Evaluate their personal experiences in building an effective organisational and workplace culture?

Describe how they have achieved the competence required to fulfil their company’s management accountabilities and responsibilities?

Evaluate their own personal leadership style?

Give two examples where they adjusted their personal leadership style for different contexts?

Describe how they integrate their emotions and what they have learned into their personal leadership style?

Give at least one example of how they have demonstrated empathy in personal communication?

Give at least one example of how they have demonstrated empathy in relationships?

Give at least one example of how they have demonstrated empathy in a day to day leadership role?

Give one example from the past year when they have led with judgement, intelligence and common sense rather than reacting in the heat of the moment?

Give one example of them using their personal expertise, and that of other people, to achieve strategic results for their organisation?

Give one example where they have encouraged others to contribute to discussions or other work-based activities.

Give at least two examples where they modelled collaborative communication and learning in the workplace?

Give at least two examples where they had cultivated collaborative and participative work relationships?

Give at least one example of how they have been able to regulate their emotions and impulses to achieve a desired result?

Comment on their ability to lead in a manner that is inclusive and respectful of individual differences?

BSBLDR801 – Reflection report template v1.0 2020-10.29


© 2020 RTO Works Brighton College Pty Ltd RTO: 45023 | CRICOS: 03635G

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