landing page optimization assignment action plan template

Landing Page Optimization Assignment
with Wishpond

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You just got hired by Kent’s Camera Castle to help with their online marketing efforts.

One of the first projects you are tasked with is taking over an existing landing page selling the GoPro
Hero 4. It is performing poorly and now you get to look things over and apply your magic to optimize the
page for better performance using the principles learned in Chapter 2 of the Digital Marketing Essentials
Textbook, 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design Expert Session, and the Mimic Simulation.

A screenshot of the existing landing page is below:

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The landing page is a single product landing page selling the GoPro Hero 4.

Kent’s Camera Castle has a paid search manager named Brenda that manages pay per click and display
advertising campaigns. Brenda created this display ad below that will be used in sending paid traffic to
your new landing page once completed.


Your Job

Within the last 30 days, the landing page in its current state gets 100 unique visits a day and sells on
average of .5 cameras a day.

Your boss wants you to increase the average daily sales to 5 GoPro Hero 4’s a day.

As you look over the landing page, pay attention to the different elements, their positioning, wording,
colors, wow factors, etc.

There’s no need to stress, you aren’t expected to know or use any html code. Wishpond’s platform comes
with an easy drag and drop design editor tool. You’ll be able to easily drop, remove, rearrange any
elements you’d like. Want to change the text? Simply click and edit.

Getting Started

1. Download your Wishpond assignment template here. (unzip the folder)
2. Create your free Stukent Wishpond account here. {IMPORTANT: USE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS,

3. At the top of the page, click the “view more” button.

4. Click on the landing page template.

5. On the left side of the page, click the imported tab towards the top.

6. Click the “import template” icon in the top middle.

7. Drag and drop (or click to browse files on your computer) the “landing-page.wpt” file that you
downloaded in step 1. This is your landing page template file in its current state. You will
optimize/edit this template.

8. Once the upload is complete, click on the template thumbnail to view the template.


Submitting Your Final Work
Once you are finished, please publish your landing page to the Wishpond server and send an email
to your boss (professor) with a link to your newly revamped GoPro Hero 4 landing page.

Here’s how to do that:

1. While in the Wishpond editor, click the “Publish” button in the top right.

2. Click “Edit Publishing Options” at the bottom left corner of the pop-up that appears

3. Choose the URL publishing option on the far left.

4. Input a unique brand name in the “Subdomain Name” field. (don’t use “kentsamazingcameras”)

5. Input your first and last name in the second box located on the right using dashes to separate your first
and last name. Ex: john-smith

6. Click the “Publish” button.

7. Copy your newly published landing page URL and paste it in an email to your professor.

Your landing page URL should look like:
(replace “john-smith” with your first and last name, and “kentscameracastle” with your unique brand
name). Be sure to test your link to make sure it’s not broken and directs you to your newly created
landing page.

MRKT745 Internet Marketing

Individual Test #1

Action Plan Template


(State the overall strategy for your landing page optimization design. For example, briefly summarize the objectives for the landing page; identify some design philosophies/principles you adopted; specify primary and secondary conversions, etc.)
(Hint: Think about the web design framework, the online user experience to strive for, etc.)



In the action item column, specify a page element you used or changed.

In the corresponding expected outcome column, specify what this particular page element will help achieve.

E.g., Added a Call to Action – BUY NOW – at the upper fold

E.g., Making the landing page more conversion-centered by focusing attention to the primary conversion.

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