Do it Yourself Lab Activity 2 (Fingerprints) 50 points

Time: Allow 30 minutes to complete the hands on portion of this lab and then time to complete the written portion. Watch the video available in the module in Canvas for instructions.

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Part 1

Watch the Video Demonstration in Module:

Complete the lab and then complete the assignment below.

Gather the following items from your lab kit:


Lift cards

Adhesive strips

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Fingerprint brush

Black Fingerprint Powder

Ink Strips

Ten print card

Plastic Plate

Collect the following items from home:

Scratch paper to protect surface you are working on.

Smart phone camera or digital camera for photos and magnification

Pen or Pencil

Wet and dry paper towels or rag

Part 2

Use your lab findings to complete the Assignment and submit in Canvas by the due date and time. Late Assignments are not accepted.

Question to be answered in a Short Essay. (Use proper terminology) 15 points

Short Essay must be a minimum of 300 words. College level writing requires a comprehensive discussion and offers evidence (a source) for your reasoning.  Answer everything asked, write well and grammatically correct.

Just because someone touches a surface does not guarantee that a latent print will be found, explain why this can occur and give a common example.

A photo of your Ten Print Card of your fingerprints-classified (arch, loop whorl). (20 points- 2pts per finger- 1 for print, 1 for classification)

Photos of the front and back of your best Lift card. 5 points each photo (10 points total)

Include your photos of the items at the end of your essay.

Reduce the photos but make sure I can still clearly see your work. Large photos may cause problems when you upload your assignment.

Include references in APA format at the end of your document. 5points

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