Lab 05 – Physical Design and DDL


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05 – Physical Design and DDL Last Modified September 29, 2020

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  • Data Admin Concepts & Database Management
  • Table of Contents
    Data Admin Concepts & Database Management …………………………………………………………………………….. 1

    Lab 05 – Physical Design and DDL ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

    Overview …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

    Learning Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

    Lab Goals …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

    What You Will Need to Begin ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

    Part 1 – Creating Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

    Setup ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

    Formatting Note ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

    SQL Server Management Studio …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

    Your First Table ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

    Another Table with a Foreign Key ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17

    Add Some Data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

    Creating the Follower List Table ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

    Part 2 – The Rest of the Tables ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

    What to Submit ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24

    Appendix A – VidCast Logical Model Diagram ………………………………………………………………………… 25

    Lab 05 – Physical Design and DDL

    This lab is the fifth of ten labs in which we will build a database using the systematic approach covered
    in the asynchronous material. Each successive lab will build upon the one before and can be a useful
    guide for building your own database projects.

    In this lab, we will use a diagram of properly normalized tables to create a set of tables in SQL Server.

    Read this lab document once through before beginning.

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    Learning Objectives
    In this lab you will

    • Demonstrate data definition language (DDL) proficiency
    • Demonstrate ability to convert from diagrams to SQL code

    Lab Goals
    This lab consists of two sections. The first section is a walkthrough of creating tables, columns, and
    constraints. In the second part, you will use similar code to build the rest of the database.

    In both parts, you will code a few data manipulation (DML) statements to see your tables in action.

    What You Will Need to Begin
    • This document
    • An active Internet connection (if using iSchool Remote lab)
    • A blank Word (or similar) document into which you can place your answers. Please include your

    name, the current date, and the lab number on this document. Please also number your
    responses, indicating which part and question of the lab to which the answer pertains. Word
    docx format is preferred. If using another word processing application, please convert the
    document to pdf before submitting your work to ensure your instructor can open the file.

    • To have completed Lab 04 – Normalization
    • Understanding of database tables
    • One of the following means of accessing a SQL Server installation

    o A connection to the iSchool Remote Lab ( )
    o A local installation of SQL Server (see Developer edition here
    o Regardless of how you access SQL Server, you will need to use SQL Server Management

    Studio to do so.

    Part 1 – Creating Tables
    After a thrilling round of design work, we have settled on a logical model design for the VidCast service.
    The current diagram is shown at the end of this document.

    We will use this document along with some other narrative elements to build our database.

    Formatting Note
    Look for the “To Do” icon to point out sections of the lab you will need to do to complete the

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    SQL Server Management Studio
    Most Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) are not software that we can directly interact
    with. Instead, they are services that run on a computer, server or otherwise, that manage access to the
    database and are responsible for handling the internal management of database objects. They are
    “headless” in that there isn’t a user interface for them.

    Instead, we use other applications to communicate with these services even if they are running on the
    same computer we’re using to connect to them. In the case of SQL Server, we can use SQL Server
    Management Studio (SSMS) to do most of our work.

    If you’re running your own copy of SQL Server, you will have to ensure SSMS is installed (see links in
    “What You Will Need to Begin” above). If you are using the remote lab, this software is already installed
    on the remote computer you are accessing.

    Screenshots used in this lab assume you are using the remote lab and are for the version of SSMS
    installed as of the last modified date of this document, but any differences in versions are mostly

    Open SSMS by clicking the Window icon (formerly Start Button) in the lower left corner of the
    desktop and begin typing SQL Server Management Studio.

    Click the SSMS icon that appears when typing. Note: this may appear before you’ve completed typing
    the name of the software and may have another version number than what is shown below.

    Once SSMS loads, you will have to tell SSMS how to connect to the server. You will be prompted with
    this dialog:

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    Let’s unpack what SSMS is asking for here.

    Server Type
    Make sure Database Engine is selected for Server Type. The SQL Server ecosystem has many services
    that do different things related to data. All but Database Engine are outside the scope for this class.

    Server Name
    The value to enter here is, aptly, the name of the server. This name is a domain name services (DNS)
    name of the server on your network. It can also be an IP address if no name has been set for the
    computer on which the server is running.

    If you are using the remote lab, the correct value for this is

    If you are running the server on your own computer, you can simply enter . here. (That is a “dot”
    “period” or “full stop”) “.” (without the quotes) is a shorthand for saying “this computer”. You might
    also have seen this as localhost or the IP address All of these are considered “loopback”
    names in that they tell the connection to use the current computer as the endpoint.

    Because SQL Server is managing access to our data and ensuring that only the right connections get
    through, we must authenticate with the server when we connect. In a sense, we are telling the server
    who we are.

    For now, set this to Windows Authentication (regardless of whether you’re using remote lab or your
    own hardware). Note that the user name and password are greyed out (cannot be edited) and that
    SSMS has set User Name to the domain\userid you used when logging into the local computer.

    Subsequent Connections
    SSMS should remember your settings for the next time you login, so you shouldn’t have to reset all
    these values every time you connect, but it may forget what you used before, so keep these settings
    handy for future connections.

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    Click Connect

    SSMS connects to the SQL Server and presents us with the main interface, ready to go!

    There are a few elements we’ll need to master to get our work done.

    Menu Bar and Toolbar

    We’ll discuss each of the menus and toolbar items as we need them, but if you’re unfamiliar with SSMS,
    take a moment to familiarize yourself with where the menu commands are and which toolbar buttons
    are available to you. Of interest to us are the New Query button, the save button, and the open File

    Hover your mouse pointer over the buttons for tooltips that tell us what each button is.

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    Object Explorer

    The Object Explorer is where we can see all the objects on our server and in our database. This is a
    hierarchical tree view of objects. At its root is the server to which you’re connected and as what user
    you’ve authenticated.

    There are several items below the server node, but the only one we’ll be working with this term is
    Databases. Click the + sign to expand Databases.

    If you’re using the Remote Lab, you will see a long list of databases. They are listed alphabetically and,
    fortunately, they are named based on a pattern. Your database will follow the pattern,
    IST659_M999_netid where M999 is the IST659 section you’re registered for. For example, caharper
    registered for IST659, section M400. This is their database:

    If you’re running your own server, you will not see any databases here except system databases. It’s
    best to leave these alone and instead create a new database. To do so, right click on your Databases
    folder in Object Explorer and click New Database. Give your database a fitting name, perhaps
    IST659_Labs, and click okay. As a rule, try to avoid spaces where possible.

    Expand your database and take note of the folders contained within. SSMS groups the
    objects of your database by their type.

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    Expand the Tables node. If you haven’t yet created any tables, your tree structure should
    look like this:

    The rest of this lab is going to deal exclusively with the Tables in your database. We just have to create

    In the toolbar, click the button. This opens a new blank query window.

    Take note of a couple elements that are now available. Particularly, there is a new toolbar. Also, this
    document has a tab at the top that lists the file name, the current server, the current database, and the
    currently authenticated user. This is a lot of data for one tab, so you may have to hover the mouse
    pointer over the tab to see all the information.

    The Editing Toolbar

    One of the new elements to appear after we open any query file, including a new one, is the editing
    toolbar. There are some elements here we need to note for later use.

    Available Databases

    This is a drop-down list of all the available databases on this server. This is important to note because
    whatever you type in your query editor window and, subsequently, execute will affect the currently
    selected database specifically. If you are on the remote lab, this should default to your database. If you
    are on your own server, the default is the system database, master, a database we do not want to mess

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    In either case, at this point, ensure the correct database is selected. If necessary, change to
    the correct database by clicking the drop-down and scrolling to the correct database. You can
    also type the name of the correct database here and it will change accordingly.

    Execute and Parse

    Just typing a query in the query editor window doesn’t automatically execute the query against the
    database. The file you’re viewing on the screen is merely a text file with a .sql extension, so SSMS
    knows how to set the font colors. Instead, we must type our SQL commands and click the Execute
    button to send those commands to the server.

    If you have written particularly complex SQL code and would like to verify that it works before executing

    it against the database, you can click the parse button to validate your code. You do not need to do
    this every time, but if you’re just starting out, it can be a good way to ensure your code is syntactically
    correct before executing it.

    Try It
    In the blank query editor window, type the following line of SQL code:

    Click the parse button to validate your code.

    The Results pane appears and tells us this code is good to go.

    If you do not get this message, double check that you have entered the code exactly as above.

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    Click the Execute button in the toolbar to execute your code. A grid view results
    pane appears.

    We will unpack this view later. For now, if you have never coded in SQL before, you just ran your first
    SQL query!

    Line Numbers
    When you first use SSMS, new query windows will not show any line numbers. While you can still see
    the line number in the lower right portion of the window:

    it is still helpful to have the line numbers next to the code in the editor window for many reasons. It will
    be helpful when screen sharing with a colleague or your section instructor. Also, when SQL reports an
    error in the code, it will tell you which line has the problem. It may be helpful to be able to see at a quick
    glance what that code is.

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    To add line numbers to your query editor window, click the Tools menu, then Options.

    Expand the Text Editor group and click on All Languages. On the right-hand side of the
    dialog, check the Line Numbers box below Display. Click OK to confirm.

    Note: You may have to reset this next time you log in.

    Your First Table

    Delete any text you have in your query editor window. Also make sure the correct database
    is selected in Available databases.

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    A Comment is a line or lines of code that are written to let the reader of the code know what the code is
    intended to do. They are an important part of any programming exercise to help demystify the code for
    readers, identify the authors and their intent, and can help explain decisions made by the author.

    Because comments are meant to be read by humans and not by a computer, they are not processed as
    part of the code when executing. Comments are also used on actual lines of code to prevent those lines
    from executing. This is helpful in debugging sections of code and for temporarily removing code from
    the execution plan.

    It’s important to get into the habit of commenting code whenever possible, so let’s start on the right
    foot. The correct foot, as it were.

    In SQL Server, anything after a double-hyphen, regardless of where it is on the line, is treated as a
    comment. SSMS will format commented text in a light green color.

    You can also create a multi-line comment, usually several lines of code, by starting your comment block
    with /* and ending with */ and everything between those characters will be treated as comment text.

    Add a comment block containing your name as author, Lab 05 as the title of the script,
    IST659 and your section number as the course number, and the current quarter term. Your
    code should like the following:

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    Save Your Work

    Save your file by clicking the Save icon in the toolbar, selecting Save from the File menu,
    or pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard. Keep in mind that a SQL file is just a text file with a .sql
    extension, so we can save it wherever we like. If you’re unsure where is best to save your file,
    the My Documents folder is a good starting point.

    Save early, save often, especially if using the remote lab. There may be times when the remote lab ends
    your session, either because of a network error or from being logged out after an extended period of
    inactivity. If this happens, it is very likely you will lose any unsaved work. It’s a good idea to get into the
    habit of saving as often as possible.

    Formatting and Code Conventions
    When we write code, we’re not only writing it to be executed by a computer program like SQL Server,
    we’re also writing it to be readable. Whether it is for you to diagnose an issue with your own code, or
    for someone else to try to make sense of what we’ve written after the fact, your code should be written
    for understanding by humans as well as computers. For this reason, it is important to devise and stick to
    a convention for formatting your code.

    For example, SQL Server does not care overmuch for the format you’ve chosen for your code but
    consider the following two code blocks.


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    The first and second examples are both syntactically correct and both will achieve the same goal of
    creating a table called MyNewTable. The second example, however, makes use of white space in the
    form of new lines and tabs to indent internal code to help the code make visual sense.

    By taking four lines of text for a single SQL statement, we have made the task of working with the code
    after the fact that much easier.

    Lines vs Statements
    Part of understanding how to best format SQL code in the file is understanding the difference between a
    line in the file and a full SQL statement.

    A line, simply put, starts at the beginning of a line of text and ends when a new line is reached (you
    create a new line by pressing the Enter key).

    A statement, on the other hand, is the full text of a single SQL command. As we’ve seen in the preceding
    two examples, a statement is made up of several elements. When a statement is sent to SQL Server for
    execution (by way of clicking the Execute button in the toolbar), it will interpret the statement from its
    start, (mostly) ignoring hidden whitespace such as tabs and new lines, and proceeds until it has a
    complete statement with which to work. It then does the thing it was asked to do.

    In basic terms, a SQL statement is made up of a few parts, all common to whatever the statement is
    trying to achieve.

    We start with some verb that tells the RDBMS what we’re about to do (CREATE, DROP, DELETE, SELECT,
    and UPDATE, to name a few). In many cases, particularly in Data Definition Language (DDL) statements,
    this is followed by some object type (TABLE, PROCEDURE, VIEW, FUNCTION, etc.).

    For DDL commands, the object type is followed by the name of the object. The balance of the statement
    is made up of the specific code SQL Server needs to complete the command.

    The Code for the User Table
    Let’s have another look at our previous example.

    Line 3 starts with the verb, CREATE. This tells SQL Server we’re going to create something new. This is
    followed by TABLE. This tells SQL Server we are creating a table. The name of that table is MyNewTable.

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    The CREATE TABLE statement requires a comma-separated list of columns and constraints that
    comprise the table structure. These columns and constraints are contained within parentheses. Let’s
    unpack this statement and create our first table.

    To start, we’re going to create the User table from our VidCast database. Let’s have another look at the
    User table from the diagram:

    We have most of the information we need to create this table in this shape. The only thing not shown
    here is that we want to default the UserRegisteredDate column to whatever the current date is at the
    time a row is entered. We could force the person adding the record to provide it, but to be user-friendly,
    let’s use a SQL default that tells the database what to use if no UserRegisteredDate is provided.

    If we decompose this diagram into the columns and constraints we’ll need to provide in our SQL CREATE
    TABLE statement, we can see the different components in the shape and how they might be coded.

    vc_User Columns
    Column Name Data Type Properties
    vc_UserID int identity
    UserName varchar(20) not null
    EmailAddress varchar(50) not null
    UserDescription varchar(200)
    WebSiteURL varchar(50)
    UserRegisteredDate datetime not null default GetDate()

    vc_User Constraints

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    Constraint Name Constraint Type Properties
    PK_vc_User PRIMARY KEY vc_UserID
    U1_vc_User UNIQUE UserName
    U2_vc_User UNIQUE EmailAddress

    You don’t need to build these grids for every table you create. These tables are presented here to
    illustrate how the diagram shapes translate to the SQL CREATE TABLE code.

    In your query editor window, type the following code:

    TIP: Be mindful of the commas at the ends of lines 1-15 and 17-18 above. Also note that there is
    not a comma at the end of line 19 as it is the last item in this comma-separated list.

    At this point, we can probably execute all our code without a problem, but let’s get into the habit of
    being selective about what we execute. Select the lines of code from your first comment through the
    last comment:

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    Now, click in the toolbar. SSMS will send your code to the SQL Server for execution.

    It should take a fraction of a second for your code to execute and return the success message.

    If you get any message other than this, double check that you have typed the code exactly as written in
    the sample image above. If you need to make any edits, simply do so and re-execute the code.

    We’ve created a table! There’s nothing in it yet, but now it is ready for us to add data. Have a look at
    your Object Explorer to see your ta… wait…

    Because the Object Explorer is built based on a snapshot of the database objects, it may not yet show
    your table. If it doesn’t, right-click the Tables folder and click Refresh

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    Much better. To see the columns and other properties we’ve defined for the vc_User table, expand the
    vc_User table, then expand Columns, then expand Keys. Your Object Explorer should look like this:

    Take a screenshot of your Object Explorer with your table and its columns and keys
    expanded. Paste this screenshot into your answer doc labeled as “User Table”

    Another Table with a Foreign Key
    Let’s code the UserLogin table. This table will track when a user logs in and keep track of what IP they
    connected from. We’ve isolated the table from the diagram here:

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    To aid in coding this as a table, we can look at it in grid format with the column properties translated.
    Let’s also default the timestamp to the current date and time.

    vc_UserLogin Columns
    Column Name Data Type Properties
    vc_UserLoginID int identity
    vc_UserID Int not null
    UserLoginTimestamp datetime not null default GetDate()
    LoginLocation varchar(50) not null

    vc_UserLogin Constraints
    Constraint Name Constraint Type Properties
    PK_vc_UserLogin PRIMARY KEY vc_UserLoginID
    FK1_vc_UserLogin FOREIGN KEY vc_UserID REFERENCES vc_User(vc_UserID)

    Add the following code to your query editor window. Remember to pay attention to the
    parentheses and commas in this code. SQL is quite particular about those things. Highlight
    and execute only this code.

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    Take a screenshot of your Object Explorer with your vc_UserLogin table and its columns and
    keys expanded. Paste this screenshot into your answer doc labeled as “User Login Table”

    Add Some Data
    Before we proceed, let’s see our tables in action.

    Copy and paste the following code into your query editor window (or type it out – that
    makes learning code easier!). Then highlight this code (and only this code!) and execute it.

    — Adding Data to the User table
    INSERT INTO vc_User(UserName, EmailAddress, UserDescription)
    (‘RDwight’, ‘’, ‘Piano Teacher’),
    (‘SaulHudson’, ‘’, ‘I like Les Paul guitars’),
    (‘Gordon’, ‘’, ‘Former cop’)

    SELECT * FROM vc_User

    TIP: Again, be mindful of the quotation marks, commas, and parentheses in these statements.
    They are important!

    TIP: After you have executed the INSERT statement, you will get an error message if you try to
    execute it again. This is by design. Once you run it, the data are there permanently, and we have

    guarded against duplication using our UNIQUE constraints.

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    The first four lines are a single INSERT statement. When that statement is executed, it adds three rows
    to the database in the vc_User table. The last line is a SELECT statement that queries that table.

    Upon completion of the execution, you should see a results grid like this:

    “But, wait, we didn’t specify a vc_UserID or UserRegisteredDate value. Where did they come from?” The
    identity property we added to vc_UserID told SQL Server to provide the next available value for us.
    When the first row went in, 1 was the next value. Then 2. Then… you get it. Because we specified a
    default of GetDate() on the UserRegisteredDate, but didn’t include one in the INSERT statement, SQL
    Server ran the internal GetDate() function (more on that in a later lab) which returned the current date
    and time (down to the microsecond, actually).

    Take a screenshot of your results grid and paste it into your answer document. Label it
    “User records”

    Creating the Follower List Table
    When a user follows another user, we need to add a record to this table. Pay special attention to how
    the UNIQUE constraint differs from what we’ve done before. In previous statements, we have only put
    one column name in the constraint. Because we want to ensure that the combination of values in two
    different columns must be unique, we add them both, separated by a comma, to the constraint.

    Also, this is the first time we have used a column name in a foreign key that differs from the referenced
    primary key in the other table. This is quite common. There is no hard and fast rule that says a foreign
    key column need be named the same as the referenced primary key column. In fact, it is more common
    to name them differently. When you do so, however, ensure that the meaning of the column name
    reflects the data you intend to keep. In our case, we have renamed our foreign key columns to indicate
    their semantic meaning.

    FollowerID is the vc_UserID of the vc_User doing the following.

    FollowedID is the vc_UserID of the vc_User being followed.

    As before, we will default the datetime to GetDate().

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    Type and execute the following code in your query editor

    TIP: Note line 54, above. This is how we create a composite unique constraint. Because
    both FollowerID and FollowedID are marked as U1. This means that they are part of the
    same Unique constraint. When you see the same constraint specification for more than
    one column on a table, you define them like this.

    Your line numbers might be slightly different. That’s okay.

    In the Object Explorer, refresh your Tables folder and take a screenshot of this portion of
    the screen. Paste it into your answers document and label it “User Tables”

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    Part 2 – The Rest of the Tables
    Code and execute the SQL CREATE TABLE statements to create the remaining tables.
    Remember to save often!!

    Though not shown on the diagram below, make sure all vc_UserID columns in this section have a foreign
    key constraint that references vc_User(vc_UserID). Also, do not add a default for the dates in VidCast.

    The diagram for these tables is below, but be sure to create them in this order:

    1. vc_Tag
    2. vc_Status
    3. vc_VidCast
    4. vc_VidCastTagList (be careful of the composite UNIQUE constraint)
    5. vc_UserTagList (be careful of the composite UNIQUE constraint)

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    Why in this order? Well, if you try to put a foreign key constraint on a table and the referenced table
    doesn’t yet exist, you will get an error message!

    Refresh your Tables folder in the Object Explorer and take a screenshot of the listing as
    before. Paste this screenshot into your answers document labeled “VidCast tables”

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    What to Submit
    After completing Part 2, copy and paste the text of your SQL query file at the end of your
    answers document. Save this document and submit it to the appropriate section on the

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    Appendix A – VidCast Logical Model Diagram

    For the full diagram, see

      Data Admin Concepts & Database Management
      Lab 05 – Physical Design and DDL
      Learning Objectives
      Lab Goals
      What You Will Need to Begin
      Part 1 – Creating Tables
      Formatting Note
      SQL Server Management Studio
      Server Type
      Server Name
      Subsequent Connections
      Menu Bar and Toolbar
      Object Explorer
      The Editing Toolbar
      Available Databases
      Execute and Parse
      Try It
      Line Numbers
      Your First Table
      Save Your Work
      Formatting and Code Conventions
      Lines vs Statements
      The Code for the User Table
      Another Table with a Foreign Key
      Add Some Data
      Creating the Follower List Table
      Part 2 – The Rest of the Tables
      What to Submit
      Appendix A – VidCast Logical Model Diagram

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