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Leadership attributes and traits that are beneficial in implementing decisions in a company include people-oriented, self-motivated, and influential communicators. Leaders who are people-oriented promote team culture by engaging others in decision-making and displaying respect to all team members. They inspire and motivate others by accommodating everyone. Self-motivated leaders are strong and endure to achieve goals despite setbacks. They work hard to not only reach but also surpass standards. Leaders with assertive communication can describe problems and find solutions succinctly and straightforwardly. They understand when to listen and talk to each other.

A charismatic leader is accountable for and works to get support and devotion to a given goal. In contrast, a transformational leader is open to opinions and feedback, facilitating power-sharing. Charismatic leadership has a significant impact on employee self-efficiency, turnover intentions, employee satisfaction, and organizational identity (Bratton, 2020). A transformational leader has various actions and attributes that encourage and empower an executive team to remain united and achieve a common goal. Transformational leadership involves converting team members into people who overcome self-interest and self-realization for the entire organization’s good.

Both charismatic and transformational leadership styles depend on the leaders’ capacity to encourage and control people. They equip employees with relevant skills that facilitate creativity and innovation. Both leadership styles enable employees to have adequate technical competency and problem-solving skills to handle new challenges technologically.

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A high-performance focus is suitable for operational decisions because it is consumer oriented. Operational decisions involve daily business decisions in an organization. 

The traditional focus is suitable for strategic decisions that affect the business, including its environment and employees.


Bratton, J. (Ed.). (, 2020). Organizational leadership. SAGE Publications Limited.


Leadership traits and attributes:

Every successful leader has exceptional decision-making skills. There are specific qualities that suit every leader’s ability to lead. There is uncertainty when making decisions, and good leaders must create clarity out of this uncertainty. In order to achieve an organization’s goals, decision-makers should evaluate both risks and opportunities while making commitments. Some of these leadership traits that best suit decision-makers include having good listening skills, being passionate and committed, showing positivity, being innovative, and having collaborative approaches (Scholl et al., 2018). It’s always essential that a leader listens to what his/her team have to say. Being passionate and committed means that the leader is enthusiastic about the organization’s mission.

Charismatic and transformational leadership:

In transformational leadership, there is a collective vision that is used to bring change in social systems. In contrast, in charismatic leadership, the leader employs an approach used to inspire and devote followers (Le Blanc et al., 2020). Cohorts in the charismatic leadership style make attributes of leadership abilities that are heroic based on the observations made. A transformational leader has the vision of developing his/her members into able leaders because they are an inspiration. One of the impacts brought in an organization by both charismatic and transformational leadership styles is the leader’s willingness to take risks.

Both of these leadership styles engender superior participation in subordinates’ works, and due to this participation, there is sophisticated efficacy and gratification. It’s easier for leaders to use these styles to implement new innovative technologies because teamwork among followers is encouraged to achieve an organization’s goals (Le Blanc et al., 2020). Creativity among the followers results in innovation. Implementing new innovative technologies means that there will be more motivation, which indicates that the followers will be swayed to do the best.

Traditional and High-performance focus:

For organizations to operate smoothly, it should employ a high-performance focus because constant attention is required. The top management makes strategic decisions, and this can be done traditionally. Organizations outdo others based on how they perform, and that’s why they should employ high-performance focus when making operational decisions. Also, within an organization’s structure, operations are considered activities that maintain the brand, and that’s why more focus should be on operational decisions.


Le Blanc, P. M., González-Romá, V., & Wang, H. (2020). Charismatic leadership and work team innovative behavior: The role of team task interdependence and team potency. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-14. Retrieved from 


Scholl, I., LaRussa, A., Hahlweg, P., Kobrin, S., & Elwyn, G. (2018). Organizational-and system-level characteristics that influence implementation of shared decision-making and strategies to address them—a scoping review. Implementation Science, 13(1), 40. Retrieved from 


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