Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model


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To prepare for the Week 2 Assessment, consider a past or current professional experience where a culture change was needed.

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Organizational Change Chart

, outline information about the experience and organization following Kotter’s 8-Step to Change Model as a guiding line.

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

o Step One: Create Urgency.

o Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.

o Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.

o Step Four: Communicate the Vision. 

o Step Five: Remove Obstacles.

o Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.

o Step Seven: Build on the Change.

o Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

LDR 535 Collaboration Warm-Up Exercise: Organizational Culture Overview

Slide 1

Title: Collaboration Warm-Up Exercise: Assessing NASA’s Safety Culture and the Central Role of Collaboration in Facilitating Relevant Organizational Change

Slide 2

Title: Exercise Objectives

Assess an organization’s culture.

Align an organization’s culture to reflect the organization’s mission, values, and strategies.

Slide 3

Title: Challenge

In this warm-up, you will assess NASA’s culture in terms of its readiness for change by reviewing the required module readings module, and the case study and cultural readiness assessment provided in this warm-up exercise.

Slide 4

Title: Assessing an organization’s culture for change readiness

Learning to assess the various aspects that influence each organization’s climate and culture and the organization’s ability to undergo positive change, will enable you to

formulate plans to implement, support, and facilitate organizational change. Aspects that influence organizational climate and culture include leadership styles, human behavior, persuasion, negotiation and conflict management competencies, diversity, and understanding the change process.

Download: Cultural Change Prerequisites Handout

Download Link:


Download: Cultural Change Assessment Handout

Download Link:


Slide 5

Title: NASA Overview and Organizational Culture

In 2003, seven NASA crew members aboard Space Shuttle Columbia were killed when the shuttle disintegrated upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. This triggered an investigation into the cause of the accident.

The investigation revealed three main issues:

1. Systematic safety cultural and organizational problems including decision making, risk management, and communication.

2. Inadequate or insufficient requirements for returning safely to earth.

3. A need to foster technical excellence.

As a result, NASA’s objective was to transform its organizational and safety culture, and create a climate and culture focused on safety.

Slide 6

Title: Assessing NASA’s current culture

The first step in developing and implementing the change plan was to assess NASA’s current safety culture and norms, and specifically those aspects that did not support the adoption of the required changes.

This allowed NASA to develop courses of actions that promoted behavioral changes and introduce new norms that:

1. Eradicated barriers to a safety mindset and culture.

2. Promoted collaboration, alignment, and integration of NASA’s workforce and its support of a strong safety culture.

Slide 7

Title: Assessing NASA’s Current Culture

Why was the first step to creating the desired change to assess the current organizational culture?

[Student Entry]

[Following student responses:]

The current organizational culture needed to be assessed to understand how the workforce’s dominant unstated, shared values and beliefs were influencing their behaviors and functioning.

Slide 8

Title: Assessing NASA’s Current Culture


The current organizational culture needs to be assessed to understand how the workforce’s dominant unstated shared values and beliefs were influencing their behaviors and functioning.

Slide 9

Title: Adapting Performance Management

Review pages 6-11 of Assessing NASA’s Safety Culture and the Central Role of Collaboration in Facilitating Relevant Organizational Change: (link to


) and consider the assessments that were conducted on NASA’s culture.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1:

Describe the role of leadership in organizational culture on a change initiative:

[Student Entry]

Question 2:

Explain the main shortcoming of the recommendations for the change effort made by the Diaz team and the impact of this on the change effort:

[Student Entry]

Question 3:

The NASA report includes assessments and recommendations from several sources. What is one of the benefits of collaboration when assessing organizational culture for a change initiative?

[Student Entry]

Question 4:

Read “Five ways to drive collaborative change in your organisation.” (link to:

Five ways to drive collaborative change in your organisation

) Explain how collaboration relates to and plays a central role in several of the prerequisites for cultural change:

[Student Entry]

Slide 10

Title: Adapting Performance Management


1. Leaders set the example in an organization about what is acceptable and valuable to the organization. Leaders influence others’ beliefs and behaviors by their actions, words, and the consequences they enforce.

2. The Diaz team did not conduct a sufficient cultural assessment. This meant they were unable to adequately identify and address NASA’s cultural issues, which were causing the safety problems.

3. One of the main benefits is that different points of view can be accessed. This means that a more holistic, accurate picture of the situation becomes evident.

4. As per the first prerequisite of the Culture Assessment, conveying sincere and complete information is necessary for cultural change as it is in collaboration. Collaboration also requires trust and follow-through, as per the second prerequisite for cultural change. As with the fourth prerequisite for cultural change, there must be motivation and a clear reason, goal, and outcome for collaboration. We can see that some of the key prerequisites of cultural change comprise the same facets of those of collaboration. This suggests that collaboration is key in how leaders create a culture that is ready for change and innovation.

Slide 11

Title: Final Submission

Return to your course in Blackboard where you will prepare a reflection post. Include responses to the questions below:

What competency do you feel is your strongest based on your work experience? Based on your work experiences, which competency would you like to improve upon? How could you improve on your weakest competency? What experience might help?

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