
Endless Summer Harvest 20th Anniversary Video

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Endless Summer is a hydroponic farm growing lettuce and herbs in Loudoun County (specifically Purcellville, VA) for local restaurants and individual customers. For 20 years, they have been at the cutting edge of farming practices that are environmentally friendly and efficient yet not well known.

View the 20-minute video found at:


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1. Why do you think it is difficult to achieve 99% germination for most farmers (though Endless Summer is able to do so)?

2. What are microgreens?

3. Why do you think a microgreen carrot leaf is able to taste like a carrot root?

4. What are the nutritional advantages of microgreens?

5. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the system of growing hydroponic microgreens on the vertical burlap bag arrangement?

6. What is nutrient film technique farming, as described in the video?

7. Why is hydroponics viewed as the future of farming?

8. The video makes the general statement that 47,000 kW of power is used in the winter. Assuming that is used over 3 months (say 90 days) with an average cost of 11.1¢/kW per hour (the average cost in Virginia). How much is the 3 month winter season electric bill?

9. What elements of the indoor growing environment are computer controlled?

10. Considering strictly geographic reasons, why has Canada embraced hydroponic growing technology more than the US?

11. Assuming the greenhouse is closed, what should be recycled to be as efficient with resource recycling as possible?

12. Why are sorel and watercress particularly nutritious vegetables?

13. The greens produced by Endless Summer will last longer in your refrigerator when compared to greens purchased at a store, why?

14. The video does not discuss what happens with lettuce (and other plant) roots that are not used and discarded. What uses might they might have?

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