JWI 518 Week 2 Discussion

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  • Week 2 Lecture: Engaging Customers through Stories View PDF  | Listen MP3
  • Godin, Read the following sections:

    Step 3: First Impressions Start the Story
    Step 4: Great Marketers Tell Stories We Believe
    Examples: Stories Framed around Worldviews

  • French, Why Data      Visualization and Data Storytelling Is Marketing Gold
  • Harris, “When to Sell with Facts and Figures, and      When to Appeal to Emotions” (link below)

Week 2 Discussion Question

During this course, you will develop a campaign plan to market a product or service. In Assignment 1, you will write a brief proposal for the campaign. In Assignment 2, you will develop a slide deck to present the campaign proposal to the executive team. 

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This week’s discussion helps you prepare for Assignment 1. You will select your company, indicate your chosen product or service, and explore its core function and key features. 

To get started, follow the directions below: 

  • Before writing your discussion post, read the Assignment 1 Instructions .
  • Write your discussion post by responding to the prompts      below:

    Choose the company or organization for your marketing       campaign

    You may select the company you currently work        for (recommended), a company you used to work for, a        non-profit organization, or a Fortune 500 company

    Indicate your idea for a product or service that will be the       focus of your marketing campaign
    Briefly describe your product or service in basic terms:

    What is the core problem that the product or service        solves?
    What are 2 or 3 key features of the product or        service? 

    How does the product or service you chose align with       the story and brand of the overall company?
    What challenges or risks could you face in a campaign to       promote this product or service? 

Learning Journal

Your Worldview

In All Marketers are Liars, Godin discusses the effect of a customer’s worldview on their reaction to products and services, as well as its impact on their purchasing decisions and recommendations to friends and family. Consider how Godin’s ideas apply to you, by responding to the questions below:

  • In general, what values, beliefs, and biases do you think      that you bring to your purchasing decisions?
  • Describe a specific purchase that you made and explain      how your values or beliefs affected your choice of product or service in      this case
  • Give an example where you recommended a product or service to      your family or friends or warned them against one. Do you think this      interaction reflected your shared values or beliefs?

Hello Professor and class,

In order for an organization to succeed it needs to have a campaign plan. It is through strict adherence to this campaign plan that the activities of the organization can succeed. At the moment I work for an inventory store. When I got here everything was in a mess and nothing was being done professionally. As a result there were delays in terms of service delivery which is a big disadvantage for any organization. The same applies to my long-term dream of working in a VA office. Many patients are facing challenges when it comes to accessibility to services provided by the government because of poor organization.

I would suggest several campaigns that can boost productivity levels. To begin, with it is important to automate several functions. There are many technologies that have been discovered which can be adopted by my organization. For instance, there are tools that are used for data collection and data analysis. When incorporated in the system it will serve not only time, but it will save the organization money as well (Gospe, 2018). This technology can also enhance service delivery which is important when we consider customer satisfaction.

The main problem that we face is that there are records that cannot be traced because they have not been stored in the best way. When all these records are digitalized it becomes easy to store and retrieve them. It is also important that we develop a system where all relevant departments can access these records. It eliminates the time where someone needs to go to the records office to retrieve the file.

The main goal of the organization is to enhance service. Despite the fact that effective implementation can play a huge role in enhancing delivery, it is important to note that there are challenges that come in as well. The organization that I work for is a low budget organization and some of these technology can be too costly to acquire and maintain (Gospe, 2018). The organization will also need to recruit a person who is conversant with the technology, or decide on training its personnel which can also be expensive. It is also important to note that technology is ever changing, and what is being used at the moment might not be the same as what is used in the future. This might Force the company to change technology from time to time which can be expensive.


Gospe, M. (2018). Marketing Campaign Development: What Marketing Executives Need to Know about Architecting Global Integrated Marketing Campaigns. NY: Happy About.

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