Journal entry


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Reflect on what you have learned in this course about how to construct high-quality arguments for positions. Give an example of how the ability to think logically and to construct good arguments could help you in your career and your daily life. In what ways will the skill of being able to evaluate the quality of reasoning on all sides better enable you to discover what is true and to make better choices? (Feel free to reference the specific area of life that you raised in your post your introduction in Week 1.)

Finally, consider the argument you have been developing for your writing assignments. How have fairly considering multiple points of view helped you clarify your own perspective? What advice would you give to people to help them understand issues more clearly and objectively while being fair to all sides? Feel free to comment on any other values you have gained from this course so far.

Your journal entry must be at least 250 words. You do not need to follow APA Style for this journal entry, but you should proofread your work to eliminate errors of grammar and spelling.

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