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Active Listening

Review “Habits of Poor Listeners” in Chapter 3 of the required Adams and Galanes text.

  • Reflect on recent conversations that you have had with clients, friends, loved ones, or colleagues.
  • Were you actively listening through the duration of each of these conversations? How or how not?
  • What poor listening habits might you consider working on improving to help in delivery of human services working with clients, and/or working as part of a group in your human services agency?

Locate at least two credible Internet sources that educate individuals in the helping professions on how to improve active listening. You do not need to cite and reference outside additional sources; however, if you use thoughts, ideas, or quotes from the required text, then you must cite and reference your journal entry. Your reflective journal entry should consist of 350-500 words.


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Decision Making and Information Processing in Groups

Last week, you were introduced to the basic concepts of the study of groups in order to form a foundation for future learning on these topics. This week, we consider the heart of any group—communication. You will learn that communication is not just an exchange of words and will begin to learn about nonverbal communication in Week 2 and revisit this topic in greater detail in Week 6. Communication that is effective requires that involved parties be mindful of body language and nonverbal cues, stay abreast of cultural nonverbal cues that may be considered offensive, and master the art of active listening in order to serve populations in the human services most effectively and be a valued member of the team or group at their respective human service agencies and organizations. This week, you will complete one Peer Learning Discussion forum posting and a minimum of two peer replies, complete a Reflective Journal, and enjoy the opportunity to enhance learning by completing an un-graded self-check exercise.

Another video to help you shape your week (Heads up: It is a little bit sad):


Required Text

Adams, K., & Galanes, G. (2017). 

Communicating in groups: Application and skills

 (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

  • Chapter 3: Communication Principles for Group Members
  • Chapter 4: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Messages in a Group

Required References

Cheon, J., & Grant, M. (2009). Active listening: Web-based assessment tool for communication and active listening skill development. TechTrends, 53(6), 24-32.

Korovyakovskaya, I., Yu, C., & Hyonsong, C. (2016). An investigation of the relationships between three types of conflict and perceived group performance in culturally diverse work groups. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 20(1), 30-46.

Martínez-Tur, V., Peñarroja, V., Serrano, M. A., Hidalgo, V., Moliner, C., Salvador, A., . . . Molina, A. (2014). Intergroup conflict and rational decision making. PLoS One, 9(12), e114013.

Surowiecki, J. (2016). The Power of the collective [Video file]. Retrieved from

350 words 48 hours

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