Journal Article Review

 The student is required to choose a journal article regarding the topic selected.   The critique will discuss a summary of the article along with relevant points made by the author. In addition, the student should offer a critique of the article and should give an application of the concept being discussed. This assignment should be approximately 3-4 pages in length. 

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Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management
Vol 1 No 2 (2010) 8-19

 UTSePress and author (s)

Integrating knowledge management with project management for
project success

Anthony Yeong
Independent Consultant
Thou Than Lim
Decision Modelling Systems2

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  • Abstract
  • This paper aims to study the improvement of project success in organizations by integrating
    knowledge management strategies with project management practices in a typical project

    According to the Standish Group’s Chaos Report for 2009, only 32% of all surveyed projects are
    considered to be successful and are delivered on time, on budget, with the required features and
    functions. This could be an indication that project management practitioners have not fully
    acquired and transferred knowledge learned from past projects to ensure a higher success rate for
    current and future projects.

    Knowledge management is an emerging discipline and practice in organizations. This paper
    proposes an integrated model that combines knowledge management with project management
    to improve project success and thus contribute towards competitiveness and sustainability in

    Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Transfer; Project Management; Project
    Lifecycle; Project Success


    Organizations today face dynamic market competitions and continuous technology advances,
    creating unique knowledge through innovation that leads to organizational sustainability in the
    marketplace. This innovative knowledge transforms into products and services that allow
    organizations to continue to grow and survive in the business. Products and services are the end
    results or deliverables of the several project initiatives of the organizations. Nonaka (1991)
    argues that successful companies are those that consistently create new knowledge, circulate
    knowledge within the organization and deploy the knowledge into new products rapidly. This
    paper reviews the definitions of knowledge management and project management-related terms
    from a number of internationally recognized guides or frameworks. This is followed by
    exploring literature in the area of integrating knowledge management with project management
    in order to improve the success rate of the projects. The paper then discusses the possibility of
    combining the knowledge management and project management frameworks to enhance project
    success and proposes such an integrated model.


    Definitions of knowledge management

    Knowledge has been touted as the only asset that can offer organizations a competitive
    advantage as there is a strong linkage between core competence and knowledge (Prahalad &
    Hamel 1990). Knowledge could be explored individually or as part of knowledge management or
    the knowledge management system concept. The concept of knowledge is explored by Seufert,
    Back and von Krogh (2003) as a continuous flow in which knowledge is categorized into logical
    processes such as localizing and capturing; sharing and transferring; creating and applying. They
    attempt to explain knowledge management as a process of managing knowledge to enable
    “creation of entirely new knowledge, while also accelerating the innovation” (Seufert et al. 2003:
    106). Others have argued that knowledge management also contributes to productivity in a cost-
    cutting environment (Thompson 2003).

    Several researchers agree that the main components of knowledge management include the
    dimensions of organizational culture, processes and technology (Lee & Hong 2002; Chung et al.
    2001). Bollinger and Smith (2001) acknowledge knowledge management as a resource in terms
    of what the organization knows about customers, products and processes, and resides in
    databases or is gained through the sharing of experiences and best practices both internally and
    externally (Bollinger & Smith 2001).

    Much of the work on knowledge management has been to focus on the components of
    knowledge management without much attention being placed on how the knowledge
    management processes are affected by other factors such as culture and technology. Linkages
    between organizational culture, context, structure, leadership and knowledge management
    processes can be established (Lim 2002).

    Definitions of project, project management and project success

    The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a widely recognized association by project
    management practitioners internationally. The PMI is prominent in the research and training of
    professionals in the United States but it also has a significant global presence. The Institute’s
    Project Management Body of Knowledge guide (PMBOK) defines a project as being “a
    temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result” (PMI 2008:4). A
    project can create a product that can be either a component of another item or an end item in
    itself (PMI 2008). Project management is defined as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools,
    and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirement” (PMI 2008:6).

    There are alternate definitions of project and project management from other guides or
    frameworks. Other popular definitions are from the Managing Successful Projects with
    PRINCE2 guide. PRINCE2 is the acronym for Project in Controlled Environment version 2, a
    registered trademark from Office of Government Commerce from United Kingdom. PRINCE2 is
    a project management framework adopted mostly in European countries and Australia but lately
    gaining international popularity. According to the PRINCE2 guide, a project is “a temporary
    organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products
    according to an agreed business case (OGC 2009:16). Project management is defined as” the
    planning, delegating, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of


    those involved, to achieve the project objectives within the expected performance targets for time,
    cost, quality, scope, benefits and risks” (OGC 2009:17).

    The Project Management Association of Japan (PMAJ) offers yet another definition for project
    and project management. According to the PMAJ’s Project & Program Management guide
    (P2M), “project refers to a value creation undertaking based on a specific, which is completed in
    a given or agreed time frame and under constraints, including resources and external
    circumstances” (PMAJ 2005:15). The PMAJ defines project management as “the professional
    capability to deliver, with due diligence, a project product that fulfills a given mission, by
    organizing a dedicated project team, effectively combining the most appropriate technical and
    managerial methods and techniques and devising the most efficient and effective work
    breakdown and implementation routes” (PMAJ 2005:16). PMAJ and the Project & Program
    Management guide are highly regarded by the project management professionals in Japan.

    All three definitions of project and project management have similarities and complement each

    According to the PMBOK, the increase in project management indicates that the application of
    appropriate knowledge, process, skills, tools, and techniques can have a significant impact on
    project success (PMI 2008). The main objective of project management is to ensure a project is
    be completed at the required scope defined by the stakeholders, within project budget, on time
    and delivers a quality product or service as the end result.

    Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 offers a set of principles, themes and processes to
    deliver a successful project according to the business case. The business case, according to the
    guide, presents the optimum mix of information used to judge whether the project is desirable,
    remains desirable during the project lifecycle, is viable and achievable and, therefore,
    worthwhile investing in from the stakeholders’ perspective (OGC 2009). PRINCE2 states that a
    key success factor of any project is that it delivers what the user expects and finds it acceptable
    (OGC 2009).

    The P2M adds additional dimensions for the criteria of project success. It reasons that, in order to
    complete a project successfully, it is necessary to devise a well integrated plan that takes into
    account budget, time as well as HSE (health, safety, environment) aspects of the project (PMAJ

    In general, project success can be judged as the project completed within time, cost and quality.
    However, Turner (2009) argues that this definition is simplistic and even dangerous (Turner
    2009). He gives an example of a project that was finished on cost and in time but five years later
    was judged to be a failure. Turner states that different stakeholders, for example, sponsors, users
    and project managers, judge project success in different ways and it is important to achieve a
    balance of those different criteria, to meet the needs of the different stakeholders (Turner 2009).
    Kerzner (2009) agrees that it is one of the most difficult tasks to predict whether a project will be
    successful. Projects delivered on time, within cost and meeting performance requirements might
    contribute to profits but we may not be able to identify whether the project itself was managed
    correctly (Kerzner 2009).


    In addition to the traditional definitions of project success from other guides or frameworks,
    Turner (2009) lists nine criteria for judging project success

    • “The project increases the shareholder value of the parent organization.
    • The project generates a profit.
    • The project provides the desired performance improvement.
    • The new asset works as expected.
    • The new asset produces a product or provides a service that consumers want to

    • The new asset is easy to operate.
    • The project is finished on time, to budget, and with the desired quality.
    • The project team has a satisfactory experience and the project met their needs.
    • The contractors made a profit” (Turner, 2009:67).

    Turner (2009) emphasizes that project success needs to balance the needs of everybody in the
    organization. The project success criteria focus on success as a whole. The top three points relate
    to higher-level strategic goals. The middle three points relate to the project’s outcome on
    whether the project delivered what was expected. The last three points assess the works of the
    project as well as the outputs of the project (Turner 2009).

    Integrating knowledge management with project management

    The previous sections of the paper discussed the definitions of knowledge management and
    project management-related terms. This section explores the contemporary literature on
    integrating knowledge management and project management to improve project success in the

    According to Ismail et al. (2009), despite the extensive literature on knowledge sharing, little is
    known about how individuals share knowledge, especially in a project environment. The authors
    proposed a theoretical framework as represented in Figure 1, which indicates that providing
    appropriate motivators and removing relevant inhibitors to sharing knowledge and experience
    would result in more efficient and effective sharing of knowledge in projects which, in turn,
    would lead to an increased probability of project success. Their model suggests that there are
    significant relationships between effective project knowledge sharing practice and project
    success. The model was based on Nonaka’s Knowledge Conversion Model ( known as the SECI
    model) and focuses on the socialization of tacit knowledge, which is currently a gap in most
    project environments. The authors concluded that ensuring when and how tacit and explicit
    knowledge is shared is essential for enhancing project success (Ismail et al. 2009).


    Figure 1. Proposed theoretical framework for project knowledge sharing
    contribution to project
    Source: Ismail et al. 2009:52.

    Cope III et al. (2006) also suggest that knowledge management is a practice that makes sense for
    improving project management. They state that if the knowledge (both tacit and explicit forms)
    could be captured and shared within the project management community, organizations would
    benefit a lot (CopeIII et al., 2006).

    Lierni and Ribiere (2008) state that very few academic publications focus on the role of using
    knowledge management to improve the management of projects. Lierni and Ribiere conclude
    that it is reasonably certain that project managers perceive the use of knowledge management
    practices as a positive influence on the management of projects. The most frequently adopted
    knowledge management practices to help project managers are: Shared Repository of Project
    Artifacts; Lessons Learned and Best Practices Repositories; and Document and Content
    Management Systems (Lierni & Ribiere 2008). They propose that in the project environments,
    knowledge comes primarily from explicit knowledge sources but project managers could
    strongly benefit from sharing and codifying tacit knowledge associated with the management of
    former projects.

    Another framework, proposed by Owen (2008), is that knowledge created, transferred, captured
    and reused within a project will result in improving project management maturity. She provides a
    structure to link project/program management to knowledge management and mutually
    exploiting both (see Figure 2). According to her, a project can be defined as a task where
    knowledge is created as the result of the activities that are carried out by project teams. Project
    team members create, transfer, and reuse knowledge created from the tasks supported by a


    knowledge management system. This framework suggests that project team members will be
    able to conceptualize the task, and reuse and apply past knowledge and experiences supported by
    a knowledge management system.

    Owen’s framework shows how knowledge is developed at the task level which is embedded into
    the project methodology in the project environment and eventually improves the capability of an
    organization. She suggests that knowledge is embedded throughout the project lifecycle at both
    tactic and explicit levels. Tacit knowledge is captured and reused at the project level in the form
    of personal knowledge contributed by the project team members. Tacit knowledge is transferred
    and reused via mentoring from project members with more experience. Explicit knowledge is
    reused in terms of project documentation captured during the project lifecycle. The framework
    proposed by Owen uses the concept of recursiveness and extending the project to the program
    level, where the program is a group of projects managed together allowing added benefit and
    control which would not normally be achieved from managing the projects individually (PMI
    2008; Owen 2008).

    Owen concludes that in order for an organization to deliver successful projects, continuous
    learning needs to occur to improve its capability. Continuous learning can be derived in terms of
    developing guidelines for creating, sharing, and reusing knowledge in a project management
    environment, thus integrating knowledge management practices with project/program

    Figure 2. Knowledge management and project/program
    management linked


    Source: Owen 2008:140.

    Finally, Gudi and Becerra-Fernandez (2006) studied the role of knowledge management in
    project management of complex systems organizations. Their research was driven by the
    motivation to reduce risk and prevent failures during the development of complex systems and
    focus on the dynamic aspects of project management using knowledge management. They argue
    that if we are able to understand the nature of risky systems better, we may be able to reduce or
    remove the risk of failure and increase the chance of project success. Gudi and Becerra-
    Fernandez suggest that when the project complexity increases, it becomes important to find the
    means to manage the inter-relatedness of sub-projects and related activities and events in the
    project environments. Their intent is to identify knowledge management strategies, which
    organizations could institute in project management practices to reduce risk of failure and
    increase the chance of project success.

    Gudi and Becerra-Fernandez (2006) identified certain knowledge management mechanisms,
    processes and technologies that could be appropriate for project management requirements. Their
    conceptual model of the role of knowledge management in project management is summarized
    in Figure 3 below. They concluded that there are many factors affecting project risk in complex
    project organizations. These include external factors like political and economic impacts. The
    extent of innovation, complexity and coupling are some internal factors affecting project risk.
    Finally, knowledge management mechanisms and technologies influence project team adaptation
    which in turn affect project success (Gudi and Becerra-Fernandez 2006). Consistent with
    previous literature, project success is measured in terms of time, budget and functionality.

    Figure 3. Role of knowledge management in project
    Source: Gudi & Becerra-Fernandez 2006:26.


    As described by Levin (2010), every organization wants to make use of project management to
    deliver its products and services with superior outcomes and benefits that can be sustained for its
    customers and users. If the organization could implement knowledge management effectively, it
    is the key to success in project management and thus could transform the organization to
    excellence. Organizations are becoming project-based and management-by-projects is a defined
    strategy. However, in order for the organization to transform further, knowledge management
    must be integrated with project management to response rapidly to gather information to solve
    specific problems and share knowledge assets effectively and efficiently. Levin argues that
    knowledge management must become an integral part of each project professional’s daily project
    work. She suggests that it is necessary to integrate knowledge bases to projects so the people
    involved in the project could combine individual contributions to those of the project’s
    objectives and align with the organization’s strategic objectives.

    Levin proposes nine guidelines for organization to have successful implementation of integration
    of knowledge management with project management as listed below:

    • Define knowledge management so that everyone in the organization can understand it
    • Make knowledge management to be a work package in the work breakdown structure of

    every project
    • Establish a point of contact for knowledge management on each program and project

    working with the Enterprise Project Management Office
    • Use a Responsibility Accountability Matrix (RAM) to define roles, responsibilities, and

    accountabilities for knowledge management
    • Communicate the importance of knowledge management to all stakeholders throughout

    the organization
    • Provide knowledge management orientation and training to all stakeholders
    • Establish a practical knowledge management reward and recognition system
    • Track the usefulness of knowledge management by using metrics
    • Organization should focus on continuous improvement (Levin 2010)

  • Proposed integrated KM & PM model
  • In the previous section, the literature on knowledge management and project management was
    reviewed with the view to merging knowledge management and project management in order to
    improve project performance and knowledge sharing and ensuring project success.

    A theoretical framework is now proposed based on the knowledge derived from the literature
    discussed in the previous section, which introduces the intervening factors that might influence
    knowledge management and project management. The intervening factors proposed in this paper
    are culture, process and technology. It is suggested that these factors might have an impact on
    knowledge management and project management factors which, in turn, influence the
    enhancement of project success. In a study undertaken by Lim (2008), it was found that
    organizational culture, knowledge management process and technology provide strong support
    for effective knowledge sharing. As indicated earlier, other researchers also agree that the main
    components of knowledge management include organizational culture, processes and technology
    (Lee and Hong 2002; Chung et al. 2001).


    Turner (2009) states that in order to speed up the delivery of new products, it is critical that new
    project management practices are introduced in the organization. These include the change of
    organizational culture and the use of new technology as well as the process that focuses on the
    quality of the project’s deliverables. In the proposed theoretical framework for this paper, it is
    suggested that culture, technology and process might influence project management practices in
    the organization which in turn affect the chance of project success (see Figure 4).

    Culture is the most significant problem in international projects as stated by Turner (2009). The
    dimensions of cultural difference according to Turner (2009) include:

    • Uncertainty avoidance
    • Power distance
    • Individualism
    • Masculinity
    • Role of time
    • Consideration of detail

    Turner (2009) suggests that appropriate project managers and project team members should be
    selected to accommodate cultural differences in international projects. Appropriate leadership
    styles, methods of working, appropriate languages and cross-border coaches should also applied
    in managing international project with different cultures (Turner 2009).

    The proposed theoretical model for this paper suggests that the culture is important to most
    project environments and not just international projects. This is supported by Kendra and Taplin
    (2004), who state that the alignment of organizational cultural values with project management
    values enables the organization to successfully adopt project management as a new work method
    for improved project success.

    A process in a project environment is known as a structured set of activities designed to
    accomplish a specific organization’s objective. A process has several defined inputs and turns
    them into defined outputs which are the deliverables of a project (OGC 2009). There are two
    versions of process (Turner 2009; PMI, 2008):

    • Process derived from the work of Henri Fayol: plan, organize, implement and

    • Process according to the PMBOK: initiate, plan, organize, execute, control and

    The notion of process is similar to the phases in project lifecycle and the management of process
    has a significant impact on project success. Thus, process is one of the three key factors that
    affect the project environment and, in turn, project success in the proposed theoretical model.

    Turner (2009) argues that good project management can be achieved by achieving a balance
    between the different areas of technology as well as between technology and culture (people,
    system and organization). In most projects, the project manager should be viewed as the person
    possessing an understanding of the technology rather than a command of the technology. Good
    project management practices emphasize a cooperative working relationship between the project
    manager and the technical experts from the line management (Kerzner 2009).


    Levin (2010) emphasizes that knowledge management must be embedded throughout the project
    management lifecycle. Knowledge assets are continuously developed in the organization and
    each project should builds on these and shares the knowledge (Levin, 2010).

    In the proposed model (Figure 4), it is suggested that project managers should continuously
    feedback and align existing knowledge from the repository and newly created knowledge from
    the projects to enhance project success. This could be done by building the process to the project
    lifecycle and holding regular discussions to share knowledge with all project members and

    In summary, two propositions have been derived from the theoretical model for this paper:

    Proposition 1
    Culture, process and technology are common factors influencing knowledge management and
    project management.

    Proposition 2
    Continuous feedback and alignment of knowledge management and project management
    enhances project success

    • Culture
    • Process
    • Technology

    PM Factors

    KM Factors

    Project Success

    – Scope
    – Time
    – Cost
    – Quality
    – Values to

    Organisation &

    KM in PM: Conceptual Model


    Figure 4. Proposed integrated knowledge management and project management
    Source: developed for this paper.


  • Conclusions
  • The purpose of this paper is to understand the integration of knowledge management with project
    management to enhance project success in organizations. Definitions of knowledge management
    and project management-related terms have been discussed. Relevant literature in the areas of
    integrating knowledge management with project management was reviewed. It is important to
    understand how knowledge could be created via projects and how the knowledge is transferred to
    other project team members in the form of tacit and explicit knowledge. It is assumed that
    continuous feedback and alignment of knowledge in the project lifecycle as well as knowledge
    sharing among the project team members is essential for enhancing the success of a project. A
    theoretical framework is proposed to suggest that both knowledge management factors and
    project management factors could have significant influence on project success. The common
    factors are culture, process and technology that, in turn, might affect both knowledge
    management and project management. This emphasizes the need for continuous feedback and
    alignment of knowledge in the project environment. This paper contributes to both knowledge
    management and project management disciplines. It provides a foundation to conduct further
    research to understand how project success might be achieved via integrating knowledge
    management and project management as well as the underlying culture, process and technology
    factors. Future research could include a study of the capture and sharing of existing knowledge
    and new knowledge in all phases of the project lifecycle. To conclude, knowledge is created via
    projects and continuous creation of innovative knowledge is essential for the survival of


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    About the authors:

    Anthony Yeong is an independent consultant, trainer and researcher in project management from Sydney, Australia.
    Anthony has a DBA and MBA from Southern Cross University, Australia. He is an external supervisor registered
    with Southern Cross University with their doctoral business program. In addition, Anthony is a certified Project
    Management Professional (PMP) from PMI, US, and PRINCE2 Practitioner from APM Group, UK. His major
    research interests are project management, knowledge management, marketing management and consumer

    Thou Tin Lim is the principal consultant at Decision Modelling Systems. He is a certified business intelligence
    professional in business analytics with TDWI and a fellow of the American Academy of Financial Management. As
    a management consultant and practitioner, he has facilitated organizational initiatives/projects over 15 years in the
    region, including Australia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, India, Indonesia and Thailand. Thou Tin holds
    Masters degrees in Information Systems and Knowledge Management and a DBA from Southern Cross University,
    Australia. His current research interests include business modelling and business intelligence. He has published
    articles in refereed international journals, and book chapters in the area of business intelligence, management
    research and knowledge management.

      Proposed integrated KM & PM model

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