Job Redesign and Workplace Rewards

This project asks you to assess the current state of your workplace environment in regard to how it motivates–or fails to motivate–employees to cause increased job satisfaction and workplace productivity.

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Create a 12 to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in each slide assessment focusing on a selected job or department in your company in regard to the related system of goal setting, performance evaluation, and workplace rewards that affect productivity and job satisfaction.

Address the following:

  • Identify the position’s current major components, tasks, or responsibilities.
  • Describe the different types of emotions humans experience and analyze the biological and cognitive factors that affect emotion and their effects on worker productivity in this role.
  • Assess whether the position cultivates a sense of intrinsic motivation.
  • Briefly discuss current company-wide rewards, such as bonus plans, profit sharing, and one-to-one rewards such as praise or recognition, and how employees’ emotions affect their performance.

Cite at least 3 to 5 sources.

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