James Baldwin, “Sonny’s Blues”

Research Essay

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Your Name: Patricia A. West

Instructor’s Name: Prof. West

Course: ENGL 2222

Assignment: Final Research Essay

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Date: Spring 2017

Insert an engaging title that includes the literary title or author

Example: Movement and Migration: The Trope of Journey in James Weldon Johnson’s “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”

Part 1- Essay opening




Background information identifying author, work, and genre.

Example transition: Such a scene or theme is found in James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues”.

Write a clear thesis statement in 1-2 sentences. Introduce your claim.



For help, see:


Outline Part 2- Providing a social, political, and/or cultural context—6-7 sentences only. No biography of the author!




You may use Gates’s chapter introductions from the text and glossary information from studyspace:


Outline Part 3- Analysis of first thesis point with examples

Write a topic sentence.


3-4 supporting sentences:

Add literary quotes and examples from the text you are analyzing and provide your analysis.

Add quotes from expert sources with in-text citations. Provide analysis.

Repeat this process throughout the paper.


Outline Part 4- Analysis of second thesis point with examples

Topic sentence

3-4 supporting sentences:


Literary quotes and your analysis


Quotes from sources with in-text citations


Outline Part 5- Analysis of third thesis point with examples

Topic sentence
Literary quotes and your analysis
Quotes from sources with in-text citations


Outline Part 6- Analysis of fourth thesis point (if applicable) with examples

Topic sentence

Literary quotes and your analysis
Quotes from sources with in-text citations

Outline Part 7- Conclusion

Raise rhetorical questions

Re-engage the reader with a quotation

What does the research show?



Part 8- Works Cited

Do not use these headings: References, Bibliography, or Sources.

This is the last page of the essay with sources in ABC order according to MLA documentation style.

O’Neale, Sondra. “A Slave’s Subtle War: Phyllis Wheatly’s Use Of Biblical Myth And Symbol.” Early American Literature 21.2 (1986): 144. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

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