Item Inventory Inheritance C++


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1 The Problem

This assignment deals with a program places items into separate inventories.

In this assignment, you will make use of inheritance–e.g., virtual functions. You will need to complete the Armour and Consumable classes.

1.1 Input

The program reads data from one file, items-0x.txt. Each line in this file represents one item. The first item on every line denotes the Item type–the remainder of the line varies by item type.

 Tool Pickaxe Diamond 100 1 Fortune 5
 Potion Speed-II-Potion Spd*2 1
 Food Tomato Hunger-10 2
 Tool Axe Stone 10 2 Unbreaking 2
 Armour Boots Diamond 100 10 Protection 3 lightning

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Each Item type is denoted by a keyword:

  • Tool indicates a Tool object.
  • Armour and Armor indicate an Armour object.
  • Food, Potion, and Disposable indicate a Consumable object.

After the leading keywords, each line has a distinct structure:

  1. The remainder of a Tool line contains–in order–a name, material, durability, speed, enchantment, and enchantment level. Tool Items are not stackable.
  2. The remainder of a Armour line contains–in order–a name, material, durability, defense, enchantment, enchantment level, and element. Armour Items are not stackable.
  3. The remainder of a Consumable line contains–in order–a name, effect, and # uses. Consumable Items are stackable.

1.2 Output

If the program is run with the first provided input file, items-01.txt, the following output should be generated:

Processing Log:
(S) Speed-II-Potion
(S) Tomato
(S) PotatoCamera
(S) PotatoCamera
(S) Boots
(S) Boots
Player Storage Summary:
-Used 50% of 10 slots
 Nme: Speed-II-Potion
 Eft: Spd*2
 Use: 1
 Qty: 1
 Nme: Tomato
 Eft: Hunger-10
 Use: 2
 Qty: 1
 Nme: PotatoCamera
 Eft: ImageQuality-97%
 Use: 5
 Qty: 2
 Nme: Boots
 Dur: 100
 Def: 10
 Mtl: Diamond
 Mdr: Protection (Lvl 3)
 Emt: lightning
 Nme: Boots
 Dur: 100
 Def: 10
 Mtl: Diamond
 Mdr: FeatherFalling (Lvl 4)
 Emt: lightning

Note how there is no Tool output. The Tool class is not present in this assignment. The Tool class will be part of a future assignment.

Your output–including labels and spacing–must match the expected output. The easiest way to see generate the expected output is to run the sample executable solution I have provided.

Hint – each line of output in your display functions should probably start with two leading spaces.

To run this program with items-01.txt as input type:

./storage items-01.txt

(On a Windows system, you would omit the “./”. If you are running from Code::Blocks or a similar development environment, you may need to review how to

supply command-line parameters

to a running program.)

1.3 Your Tasks

The key abstractions employed in this program are Item, ItemStack, Inventory Armour, and Consumable.

Your overall task is to complete the Armour and Consumable ADTs.

  1. As an initial step, you will need to complete the Armour and Consumable Default Constructors:

    Set the stackable attribute–i.e., stackable.
    Hint Remember initializer lists?
    Set the name attribute–i.e., Item::name. The attribute, name, is a protected data member of Item.

  2. Implement Armour::clone and Consumable::clone.
  3. Implement Armour::read and Consumable::read.
  4. Implement Armour::display and Consumable::display.

You are expected to generate additional input files to test your code. Test your code throughly before submitting your solution.

1.3.1 Expected Initial Error Messages

If you run make without adding the missing read, clone, and display methods, you will see something simliar to

/usr/bin/ the vtable symbol may be because the class is missing its key function
Armour.cpp:14: error: reference to ‘vtable for Armour’
/usr/bin/ the vtable symbol may be because the class is missing its key function
Consumable.cpp:4: error: reference to ‘vtable for Consumable’
/usr/bin/ the vtable symbol may be because the class is missing its key function
Consumable.cpp:12: error: reference to ‘vtable for Consumable’
/usr/bin/ the vtable symbol may be because the class is missing its key function
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [storage] Error 1

While these errors may be intimidating, they are simply telling you to implement the necessary virtual functions for Armour and Consumable.

1.3.2 Testing Your Code

I have provided you a set of unit tests. In addition to your normal checks (e.g., running the completed program and performing head-to-head testing) run the unit tests with

make tests

You should see:

PASSED -> testDefaultArmourConstructor
PASSED -> testArmourCopyConstructor
PASSED -> testArmourClone
PASSED -> testArmourDisplay
PASSED -> testArmourRead
PASSED -> testDefaultConsumableConstructor
PASSED -> testConsumableCopyConstructor
PASSED -> testConsumableClone
PASSED -> testConsumableDisplay
PASSED -> testConsumableRead

2 Grading

In the grade report that you receive, you will see tests numbered 000 through 008.

  1. Test 000 evaluates your implementation of Armour::Armour()
  2. Test 001 evaluates your implementation of Armour::clone()
  3. Test 002 evaluates your implementation of Armour::display
  4. Test 003 evaluates your implementation of Armour::read
  5. Test 004 evaluates your implementation of Consumable::Consumable()
  6. Test 005 evaluates your implementation of Consumable::clone()
  7. Test 006 evaluates your implementation of Consumable::display
  8. Test 007 evaluates your implementation of Consumable::read
  9. Test 008 (System Test) evaluates all both classes–i.e., your solution as a whole–including output and output formatting.

Do not procrastinate.

3 Files

See Attachment 

4 Submitting

Files to Submit:

  • Armour.cpp–i.e., your version of the Armour ADT.
  • Consumable.cpp–i.e., your version of the Consumable ADT.

#include “Armour.h”
:Item(“Armour”, false), // There should be something simliar in Consumable.cpp
this->durability = 0;
this->defense = 0;
this->modifierLevel = 1;
void Armour::display(std::ostream& outs) const
// Implement this function
void Armour::read(std::istream& ins)
// Implement this function
Item* Armour::clone() const
// Implement this function
return nullptr; // remove this line

#include “Item.h”
* This class represents one piece of armour–as found in most video games.
* This includes boots and helmets.
* Armour may not be stacked. All Constructors must initialize Item::stackable
* to false.
class Armour : public Item {
double durability; ///< decreases each time the armour is used double defense; ///< damage that is blocked std::string material; ///< material out of which the armour is composed std::string modifier; ///< one of protection, feather_falling, or unbreaking int modifierLevel; ///< modifier level in the range 1 to 3 std::string element; ///< associated element--e.g., ice, fire, and lightning. public: /** * Default to a armour with an empty name */ Armour(); // Big-3 Armour(const Armour& src) = default; ~Armour() = default; Armour& operator=(const Armour& rhs) = default; /** * Retrieve armour durability */ double getDurability() const; /** * Set armour durability */ void setDurability(double durability); /** * Retrieve armour defense */ double getDefense() const; /** * Set armour defense */ void setDefense(double defense); /** * Retrieve armour Material */ std::string getMaterial() const; /** * Set armour Material */ void setMaterial(std::string m); /** * Retrieve armour Modifier */ std::string getModifier() const; /** * Set armour Modifier */ void setModifier(std::string m); /** * Retrieve armour Modifier Level */ double getModifierLevel() const; /** * Set armour Modifier Level */ void setModifierLevel(double level); /** * Retrieve armour Element */ std::string getElement() const; /** * Set armour Element */ void setElement(std::string e); /** * Print one Armour */ virtual void display(std::ostream& outs) const; /** * Read Armour attributes from an input stream */ virtual void read(std::istream& ins); /** * Clone--i.e., copy--this Armour */ virtual Item* clone() const; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline double Armour::getDurability() const { return this->durability;
void Armour::setDurability(double durability)
this->durability = durability;
double Armour::getDefense() const
return this->defense;
void Armour::setDefense(double defense)
this->defense = defense;
std::string Armour::getMaterial() const
return this->material;
void Armour::setMaterial(std::string m)
this->material = m;
std::string Armour::getModifier() const
return this->modifier;
void Armour::setModifier(std::string m)
this->modifier = m;
double Armour::getModifierLevel() const
return this->modifierLevel;
void Armour::setModifierLevel(double level)
this->modifierLevel = level;
std::string Armour::getElement() const
return this->element;
void Armour::setElement(std::string e)
this->element = e;

#include “utilities.h”
#include “bodgeUnitTest.h”
* This is the Bodge-Unit-Testing… PseUdO-Framework
* Bodge – A clumsy or inelegant job, usually a temporary repair;
* a patch, a repair. (From Wiktionary)
#define bodgeAssert(expression) \
if (!(expression)) { \
std::cout << "FAILURE: "\ << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__\ << " -> (” << #expression << ")\n";\ return false;\ } // End Macro // Unit Aliases using UnitTestFunction = std::function;
using UnitTestPair = std::pair;
* Run a single unit test function and output PASSED of FAILED based on the
* result.
* @TODO I could (and should) probably turn this into a macro.
void runTest(const UnitTestFunction& testFunction, std::string description)
std::cout << " " << (testFunction() ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") << " -> ” << description << std::endl; } #endif OOP/Consumable.cpp #include "Consumable.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Consumable::Consumable() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //void Consumable::display(std::ostream& outs) const // Add the definition for this function //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // void Consumable::read(std::istream& ins) // Add the definition for this function //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Item* Consumable::clone() const // Add the definition for this function OOP/Consumable.h #ifndef CONSUMABLE_H_INCLUDED #define CONSUMABLE_H_INCLUDED #include "Item.h" /** * This class represents one Consumable Item--as found in most video games. * This includes food. * * Consumable Items must be stackable. All Constructors must initialize * Item::stackable to true. */ class Consumable : public Item { private: protected: /** * The effect recieved by using the Item. */ std::string effect; /** * Number of time this Item can be used. */ int uses; public: /** * Default to a Comsumable Item with an empty name */ Consumable(); // Big-3 Consumable(const Consumable& src) = default; ~Consumable() = default; Consumable& operator=(Consumable& rhs) = default; /** * Retrieve effect */ std::string getEffect() const; /** * Set effect */ void setEffect(std::string effect); /** * Retrieve number of uses */ int getNumberOfUses() const; /** * Set number of uses */ void setNumberOfUses(int u); /** * Print the Consumable Item */ virtual void display(std::ostream& outs) const; /** * Read Consumable Item attributes from an input stream */ virtual void read(std::istream& ins); /** * Clone--i.e., copy--this Consumable Item */ virtual Item* clone() const; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline std::string Consumable::getEffect() const { return this->effect;
void Consumable::setEffect(std::string effect)
this->effect = effect;
int Consumable::getNumberOfUses() const
return this->uses;
void Consumable::setNumberOfUses(int u)
this->uses = u;

# Too many false positives

#include “Inventory.h”
// Allow the compiler to define the remaining
// comparison operators
using namespace std::rel_ops;
Inventory::Inventory(int n)
Inventory::Inventory(const Inventory& src)
this->slots = src.slots;
std::copy(src.begin(), src.end(), std::back_inserter(this->allItemStacks));
int Inventory::utilizedSlots() const
return allItemStacks.size();
int Inventory::emptySlots() const
return totalSlots() – utilizedSlots();
int Inventory::totalSlots() const
return slots;
bool Inventory::isFull() const
return emptySlots() == 0;

bool Inventory::addItems(ItemStack itemStack)
const int& targetId = itemStack.getItem().getID();
auto id_equal_function = [targetId](const ItemStack& aStack)
return aStack.getItem().getID() == targetId;
auto matchingIterator = std::find_if(this->begin(),
// A match was found
if (matchingIterator != this->end()){
ItemStack& stackToUpdate = *matchingIterator;
if (stackToUpdate.permitsStacking()) {
return true;
// There is no space for a new type of `ItemStack`
if (this->isFull()) {
return false;
// This is a new type of item and there is plenty of room
return true;
double Inventory::percentUtilized() const
return 100.0 * utilizedSlots() / totalSlots();
Inventory::iterator Inventory::begin()
return allItemStacks.begin();
Inventory::iterator Inventory::end()
return allItemStacks.end();
Inventory::const_iterator Inventory::begin() const
return allItemStacks.begin();
Inventory::const_iterator Inventory::end() const
return allItemStacks.end();
void Inventory::display(std::ostream &outs) const
outs << " -Used " << percentUtilized() << "% of " << slots << " slots" << "\n"; for (const ItemStack& it : *this) { outs << it << "\n"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory& Inventory::operator=(Inventory rhs) { std::swap(*this, rhs); return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Inventory::swap(Inventory& other) { using std::swap; Inventory& lhs = *this; Inventory& rhs = other; swap(lhs.allItemStacks, rhs.allItemStacks); swap(lhs.slots, rhs.slots); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool operator==(const Inventory& lhs, const Inventory& rhs) { if (lhs.utilizedSlots() != rhs.utilizedSlots()) { return false; } if (lhs.totalSlots() != rhs.totalSlots()) { return false; } return std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function is missing. While you do not have to write it... you need to // be able to explain: // // 1. Why the program still works without operator< // 2. Why not including operator< *can* lead to issues // // bool operator<(const Inventory& lhs, const Inventory& rhs) OOP/Inventory.h #ifndef INVENTORY_H_INCLUDED #define INVENTORY_H_INCLUDED #include
#include “ItemStack.h”
* An Inventory is composed of n slots. Each slot may store only
* one type of item–specified by *slots*.

* Once all slots are filled, no additional Item types may be stored.
* Individual slots may contain any number of the same
* Item.
class Inventory {
* Alias for a container of ItemStacks.
using ItemStackCollection = std::vector;
using iterator = ItemStackCollection::iterator;
using const_iterator = ItemStackCollection::const_iterator;
* All `ItemStack`s in *this* `Inventory`
ItemStackCollection allItemStacks;
* Total capacity of *this* `Inventory`.
int slots;
* Default to 10 slots
* Create an inventory.
* @param n total slots (capacity)
* @pre n > 0
Inventory(int n);
* Duplicate an existing Inventory
* @param src existing Inventory.
Inventory(const Inventory& src);
* Empty all Inventory slots.
* Let the compiler do all the work;
~Inventory() = default;
* Check the number of used/utilized (i.e., non-empty).
int utilizedSlots() const;
* Check the number of unused (i.e., empty) slots.
int emptySlots() const;
* Retrieve the total size (number of slots in total).
int totalSlots() const;
* Check if this inventory is full
* @return true if all slots are filled and false otherwise
bool isFull() const;
* Add one or more items to the inventory list
* @return true if *stack* was added and false otherwise
bool addItems(ItemStack itemStack);
* Retrieve the utlization as a percent (used / total)
double percentUtilized() const;
* Print a Summary of the Inventory and all Items contained within
void display(std::ostream& outs) const;
// Begin Iterator Support (begin/end)
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
// End Iterator Support
* Assignment operator (implemented using the copy-and-swap trick).
Inventory& operator=(Inventory rhs);
* Swap the contents of *this* and another inventory.
void swap(Inventory& other);
* Print the Inventory through use of the display member function
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outs, const Inventory& prt) { prt.display(outs); return outs; } /** * Compare two Inventory objects, without direct access */ bool operator==(const Inventory& lhs, const Inventory& rhs); /** * Swap the contents of two inventories. This is a wrapper around the swap * member function. * * @param lhs first inventory (left hand side) * @param rhs second inventory (right hand side) */ inline void swap(Inventory& lhs, Inventory& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } #endif OOP/Item.cpp #include
#include “Item.h”
this->name = “Air”;
this->stackable = true;
Item::Item(std::string name)
this->name = name;
this->stackable = true;
Item::Item(std::string name, bool stackable)
this->name = name;
this->stackable = stackable;
void Item::display(std::ostream &outs) const
outs << " " << name; } OOP/Item.h #ifndef ITEM_H_INCLUDED #define ITEM_H_INCLUDED #include
* Item represents an individual Item in an inventory.
* This includes items such as potions, building materials, and food.
* Only one of each item can exist–i.e., no two items share the
* same numeric id.
class Item {
* Indicates whether this Item can placed in an stack larger than 1.
bool stackable;
* A short name (e.g., HP Potion).
std::string name;
* Default to name = Air and stackable = true
* Create an Item with a specified id and name
* @param n desired name
* @pre
* – all items that share a name are of the same type (and have the same id).
* – differences in capitalization denote different items
Item(std::string n);
// The compiler can handle the Big-3
Item(const Item& src) = default;
virtual ~Item() = default;
Item& operator=(const Item& rhs) = default;
* Create an Item with a specified id and name
* @param stackable flag that indicates whether duplicates
* of this item can be stacked
* @pre
* – all items that share a name are of the same type
* – differences in capitalization denote different items
Item(std::string name, bool stackable);
* Retrieve numeric id.

*The id is the hash of the name. The hash is computed using std::hash.
int getID() const;
* Retrieve name
std::string getName() const;
* Update name
void setName(std::string n);
* Check for logical equivalence–based on name
bool operator==(const Item &rhs) const;
* Check ordering–based on name
bool operator<(const Item &rhs) const; /** * Can this item be placed in a stack? */ bool isStackable() const; /** * Print one Item */ virtual void display(std::ostream &outs) const; /** * Read the item from an input stream */ virtual void read(std::istream& ins) = 0; /** * Copy this Item--i.e., duplicate this Item */ virtual Item* clone() const = 0; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline int Item::getID() const { return std::hash{}(name);
std::string Item::getName() const
return this->name;
void Item::setName(std::string n)
this->name = n;
bool Item::isStackable() const
return this->stackable;
bool Item::operator==(const Item &rhs) const
return this->getID() == rhs.getID();
bool Item::operator<(const Item &rhs) const { return this->getID() < rhs.getID(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Item &prt) { prt.display(outs); return outs; } /** * Print one Item by invoking display--through dynamic binding */ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Item &prt); #endif OOP/ItemFactory.cpp #include
#include “ItemFactory.h”
using std::find_if;
const ItemFactory::ItemPair ItemFactory::_KNOWN_ITEMS[] = {
{“Armour” , std::unique_ptr(new Armour())},
{“Armor” , std::unique_ptr(new Armour())},
// {“Tool” , std::unique_ptr(new Tool())}, // TBA in future assignment
{“Food” , std::unique_ptr(new Consumable())},
{“Potion” , std::unique_ptr(new Consumable())},
{“Disposable”, std::unique_ptr(new Consumable())}
Item* ItemFactory::createItem(std::string type)
for (const ItemPair& thePair : _KNOWN_ITEMS) {
if (thePair.first == type) {
return (thePair.second)->clone();
// A item with the given type could not be found
return nullptr;
bool ItemFactory::isKnown(std::string type)
const auto it = find_if(begin(_KNOWN_ITEMS), end(_KNOWN_ITEMS),
[type](const ItemPair& thePair) -> bool
return thePair.first == type;
return it != end(_KNOWN_ITEMS);
* Read the rest of a line and discard it.
void discardRestOfLine(std::istream& ins)
std::string aether;
getline(ins, aether);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& ins, Item*& rd)
std::string type; // first “word” on line
// Read the item type and retrieve a template Item from the ItemFactory
ins >> type;
rd = ItemFactory::createItem(type);
if (rd == nullptr) {
else {
return ins;

#include “Item.h”
#include “Armour.h”
#include “Consumable.h”
* The Item Creating Wizard
class ItemFactory{
using ItemPair = std::pair>;
static const ItemPair _KNOWN_ITEMS[]; ///< Listing of known items public: /** * Create a Item * * @param type the item to be created * * @return A item with the specified type * or nullptr if no matching item is found */ static Item* createItem(std::string type); /** * Determine whether a given item is known * * @param type the item for which to query */ static bool isKnown(std::string type); }; /** * Create the appropriate Item class--e.g., Tool, Armour or Consumable. * * How is **inheritance** used? */ std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& ins, Item*& rd);

Tool Pickaxe Diamond 100 1 Fortune 5
Tool Shovel Gold 20 3 Unbreaking 2
Tool Pickaxe Diamond 100 1 Fortune 5
Potion Speed-II-Potion Spd*2 1
Food Tomato Hunger-10 2
Disposable PotatoCamera ImageQuality-97% 5
Disposable PotatoCamera ImageQuality-97% 5
Tool Axe Stone 10 2 Unbreaking 2
Armour Boots Diamond 100 10 Protection 3 lightning
Armor Boots Diamond 100 10 FeatherFalling 4 lightning

Tool Pickaxe Diamond 100 1 Fortune 5
Disposable PotatoCamera ImageQuality-97% 5
Tool Shovel Gold 20 3 Unbreaking 2
Tool Pickaxe Diamond 100 1 Fortune 5
Potion Speed-II-Potion Spd*2 1
Food Tomato Hunger-10 2
Disposable PotatoCamera ImageQuality-97% 5
Tool Axe Stone 10 2 Unbreaking 2
Armour Boots Diamond 100 10 Protection 3 lightning
Armor Boots Diamond 100 10 FeatherFalling 4 lightning
Armour ChestPlate Diamond 100 10 Defense 9 light
Potion Speed-II-Potion Spd*2 1

#include “ItemStack.h”
ItemStack::ItemStack(const Item& inputItem, int s)
this->item = inputItem.clone();
ItemStack::ItemStack(const ItemStack& src)
this->item = src.item->clone();
this->quantity = src.quantity;
delete this->item;
ItemStack& ItemStack::operator=(ItemStack rhs)
swap(*this, rhs);
return *this;
Item& ItemStack::getItem() const
return *(this->item);
int ItemStack::size() const
return this->quantity;
void ItemStack::addItems(int a)
// Add *a* items if stacking is permitted
// otherwise, silently discard *a* items
if (item->isStackable()) {
this->quantity += a;
void ItemStack::addItemsFrom(const ItemStack& other)
if (this->permitsStacking()) {
this->quantity += other.quantity;
bool ItemStack::operator==(const ItemStack& rhs) const
return *(this->item) == *(rhs.item);
bool ItemStack::operator<(const ItemStack& rhs) const { return *(this->item) < *(rhs.item); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ItemStack::display(std::ostream& outs) const { getItem().display(outs); if (this->permitsStacking()) {
outs << " Qty: " << size() << "\n"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void swap(ItemStack& lhs, ItemStack& rhs) { std::swap(lhs.item, rhs.item); std::swap(lhs.quantity, rhs.quantity); } OOP/ItemStack.h #ifndef ITEMSTACK_H_INCLUDED #define ITEMSTACK_H_INCLUDED #include
#include “Item.h”
#include “ItemFactory.h”
using namespace std::rel_ops;
* A Homogeneous–i.e., uniform–stack of Items.
class ItemStack {
* Item out of which the stack is composed.
Item* item;
* Number of items in the stack.
int quantity;
* Default to an empty stack composed of Air
* Create a stack of type *item*
* @param item Item out of which the stack is composed
* @param s size of the stack (defaults to 1).
* @pre (s > 0)
ItemStack(const Item& item, int s = 1);
// The Big-3
ItemStack(const ItemStack& src);
ItemStack& operator=(ItemStack rhs);
// End the Big-3
* Retrieve the Item out of which the stack is composed
Item& getItem() const;
* Retrieve the size of the stack
int size() const;
* Increase the size of the stack
* @param a number of items to add
* @pre a > 0 AND permitsStacking() == true
void addItems(int a);
* Increase the size of the stack
* @param other ItemStack with the items to move (i.e., steal).
* @pre *this.item == other.item AND permitsStacking() == true
void addItemsFrom(const ItemStack& other);
* Does that Item contained in this stack permit stacking?
* This can be less formally phrased, is this a stackable ItemStack?
bool permitsStacking() const;
* Consider two stacks to be the same if
* they contain the same type of Item.
bool operator==(const ItemStack& rhs) const;
* Order stacks based on Item id.
bool operator<(const ItemStack& rhs) const; /** * The usual display function. */ void display(std::ostream& outs) const; /** * The usual friend-ly swap function. */ friend void swap(ItemStack& lhs, ItemStack& rhs); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool ItemStack::permitsStacking() const { return item->isStackable();
* Print the ItemStack using the display function.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outs, const ItemStack& prt) { prt.display(outs); return outs; } #endif OOP/make.dep storage.o: storage.cpp Inventory.h ItemStack.h Item.h ItemFactory.h \ Armour.h Consumable.h Item.o: Item.cpp Item.h ItemFactory.o: ItemFactory.cpp ItemFactory.h Item.h Armour.h Consumable.h ItemStack.o: ItemStack.cpp ItemStack.h Item.h ItemFactory.h Armour.h \ Consumable.h Inventory.o: Inventory.cpp Inventory.h ItemStack.h Item.h ItemFactory.h \ Armour.h Consumable.h Armour.o: Armour.cpp Armour.h Item.h Consumable.o: Consumable.cpp Consumable.h Item.h utilities.o: utilities.cpp utilities.h OOP/makefile MAINPROG=storage CPPS= storage.cpp Item.cpp ItemFactory.cpp ItemStack.cpp Inventory.cpp Armour.cpp Consumable.cpp utilities.cpp TEST_CPPS= Item.cpp ItemStack.cpp Inventory.cpp TestNewClasses.cpp Armour.cpp Consumable.cpp utilities.cpp DIR=${PWD} ASST=$(notdir ${DIR}) ifneq (,$(findstring MinGW,$(PATH))) DISTR=MinGW EXE=.exe LFLAGS= else DISTR=Unix EXE= LFLAGS= -Wall -fsanitize=address,leak -fuse-ld=gold endif # ######################################################################## # Macro definitions for "standard" C and C++ compilations # CPPFLAGS=-g -std=c++14 -D$(DISTR) CFLAGS=-g TARGET=$(MAINPROG)$(EXE) LINK=g++ $(CPPFLAGS) # CC=gcc CPP=g++ # # # In most cases, you should not change anything below this line. # # The following is "boilerplate" to set up the standard compilation # commands: # OBJS=$(CPPS:%.cpp=%.o) DEPENDENCIES = $(CPPS:%.cpp=%.d) TEST_OBJS=$(TEST_CPPS:%.cpp=%.o) %.d: %.cpp touch $@ %.o: %.cpp $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -o $@ -c $*.cpp # # Targets: # all: $(TARGET) tests win: $(OBJS) $(LINK) $(FLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(LINK) $(FLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(LFLAGS) tests: $(TEST_OBJS) $(LINK) $(FLAGS) -o testNewClasses $(TEST_OBJS) clean: -/bin/rm -f *.d *.o $(TARGET) testNewClasses make.dep: $(DEPENDENCIES) -cat $(DEPENDENCIES) > $@
include make.dep

#include “Inventory.h”
#include “ItemStack.h”
#include “ItemFactory.h”
using namespace std;
* Read an input stream and generate an Inventory
* @param size desired number of Inventory slots
Inventory createInventory(std::istream &ins, int size);
* Print the final Inventory summary
* @param inv Inventory to print
void printInventorySummary(std::ostream &outs, const Inventory &inv);
* Assignment 1: Item Storage
* @param argv[1] items filename
* @param argv[2] inventories filename
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int inv_size = 10; // Inventory Size
// Check Command Line Arguments
if (argc < 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " item_file " << "\n"; return 1; } // If an inventory size was specified, parse it. if (argc == 3) { inv_size = atoi(argv[2]); } // Default to 10 if inv_size is invalid--i.e., <= 0 if (inv_size < 1) { inv_size = 10; } // Open list_file ifstream infile(argv[1]); if (!infile) { cerr << "Error: " << argv[1] << " could not be opened" << "\n"; return 2; } Inventory inv = createInventory(infile, inv_size); infile.close(); // Print the Inventory printInventorySummary(cout, inv); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inventory createInventory(std::istream &ins, int size) { Inventory inventory(size); cout << "Processing Log:" << "\n";; while (ins) { Item *item = nullptr; ins >> item;
if (item != nullptr) {
bool success = inventory.addItems(ItemStack(*item));
cout << " (" << (success ? "S" : "D") << ") " << item->getName()
<< "\n"; } // `item` was just added to an ItemStack in an Inventory, where a copy // was made. The original must be deleted delete item; } cout << "\n"; return inventory; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void printInventorySummary(std::ostream &outs, const Inventory& inv) { cout << "Player Storage Summary:" << "\n" << inv; } OOP/TestNewClasses.cpp #include
#include “Item.h”
#include “ItemStack.h”
#include “ItemFactory.h”
#include “bodgeUnitTest.h”
#include “utilities.h”

// Unit Tests – Support Data

// Unit Tests – Test Functions
bool testDefaultArmourConstructor()
Armour genericArmour;
Item& genericRef = genericArmour;
// I should really complete this unit test with calls to each of the
// accessors. However, I will forgo the remaining checks for this test
// I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool testArmourCopyConstructor() { Armour fancyArmour; fancyArmour.setName("Fancy"); fancyArmour.setDurability(9001); fancyArmour.setDefense(62); fancyArmour.setMaterial("Vibranium"); fancyArmour.setModifier("ProcrastinationReduction"); fancyArmour.setModifierLevel(999999); fancyArmour.setElement("H20"); Armour copy(fancyArmour); // Checks bodgeAssert(copy.getName() == "Fancy"); bodgeAssert(!copy.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(copy.getDurability() == 9001); bodgeAssert(copy.getDefense() == 62); bodgeAssert(copy.getMaterial() == "Vibranium"); bodgeAssert(copy.getModifier() == "ProcrastinationReduction"); bodgeAssert(copy.getModifierLevel() == 999999); bodgeAssert(copy.getElement() == "H20"); // I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool testArmourClone() { // Setup Armour fancyArmour; fancyArmour.setName("Fancy"); fancyArmour.setDurability(9001); fancyArmour.setDefense(62); fancyArmour.setMaterial("Vibranium"); fancyArmour.setModifier("ProcrastinationReduction"); fancyArmour.setModifierLevel(999999); fancyArmour.setElement("H20"); Armour& copy = *((Armour*) fancyArmour.clone()); // Checks bodgeAssert(copy.getName() == "Fancy"); bodgeAssert(!copy.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(copy.getDurability() == 9001); bodgeAssert(copy.getDefense() == 62); bodgeAssert(copy.getMaterial() == "Vibranium"); bodgeAssert(copy.getModifier() == "ProcrastinationReduction"); bodgeAssert(copy.getModifierLevel() == 999999); bodgeAssert(copy.getElement() == "H20"); // I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool testArmourDisplay() { Armour fancyArmour; fancyArmour.setName("Fancy"); fancyArmour.setDurability(9001); fancyArmour.setDefense(62); fancyArmour.setMaterial("Vibranium"); fancyArmour.setModifier("ProcrastinationReduction"); fancyArmour.setModifierLevel(999999); fancyArmour.setElement("H20"); //-------------- Raw Literal String -------------- const std::string expected = R"( Nme: Fancy Dur: 9001 Def: 62 Mtl: Vibranium Mdr: ProcrastinationReduction (Lvl 999999) Emt: H20 )"; //------------ End Raw Literal String ------------ const std::string actual = toStr(fancyArmour); bodgeAssert(actual == expected); return true; } bool testArmourRead() { Armour fancyArmour; const std::string inputStr = "Fancy Vibranium 9001 62 ProcrastinationReduction 999999 H20"; std::istringstream ins(inputStr);; // Checks bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getName() == "Fancy"); bodgeAssert(!fancyArmour.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getDurability() == 9001); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getDefense() == 62); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getMaterial() == "Vibranium"); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getModifier() == "ProcrastinationReduction"); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getModifierLevel() == 999999); bodgeAssert(fancyArmour.getElement() == "H20"); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool testDefaultConsumableConstructor() { Consumable imagination; Item& genericRef = imagination; bodgeAssert(imagination.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(genericRef.isStackable()); // I should really complete this unit test with calls to each of the // accessors. However, I will forgo the remaining checks for this test // I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool testConsumableCopyConstructor() { Consumable tea; tea.setName("Green Tea"); tea.setEffect("Wake Up"); tea.setNumberOfUses(10); Consumable moreTea(tea); bodgeAssert(moreTea.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getName() == "Green Tea"); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getEffect() == "Wake Up"); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getNumberOfUses() == 10); // I should really complete this unit test with calls to each of the // accessors. However, I will forgo the remaining checks for this test // I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool testConsumableClone() { Consumable tea; tea.setName("Green Tea"); tea.setEffect("Wake Up"); tea.setNumberOfUses(10); Consumable& moreTea = *((Consumable*) tea.clone()); bodgeAssert(moreTea.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getName() == "Green Tea"); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getEffect() == "Wake Up"); bodgeAssert(moreTea.getNumberOfUses() == 10); // I should really complete this unit test with calls to each of the // accessors. However, I will forgo the remaining checks for this test // I should really check display() and/or operator<< here. However, I will // do that in a separate `testDisplay` function return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool testConsumableDisplay() { Consumable tea; tea.setName("Green Tea"); tea.setEffect("Wake Up"); tea.setNumberOfUses(10); //-------------- Raw Literal String -------------- const std::string expected = R"( Nme: Green Tea Eft: Wake Up Use: 10 )"; //------------ End Raw Literal String ------------ const std::string actual = toStr(tea); bodgeAssert(actual == expected); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool testConsumableRead() { Consumable tea; const std::string inputStr = "Green-Tea Wake-Up 5"; std::istringstream ins(inputStr);; bodgeAssert(tea.isStackable()); bodgeAssert(tea.getName() == "Green-Tea"); bodgeAssert(tea.getEffect() == "Wake-Up"); bodgeAssert(tea.getNumberOfUses() == 5); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char** argv) { UnitTestPair armourTests[] = { {testDefaultArmourConstructor, "testDefaultArmourConstructor"}, {testArmourCopyConstructor, "testArmourCopyConstructor"}, {testArmourClone, "testArmourClone"}, {testArmourDisplay, "testArmourDisplay"}, {testArmourRead, "testArmourRead"}, }; UnitTestPair consumableTests[] = { {testDefaultConsumableConstructor, "testDefaultConsumableConstructor"}, {testConsumableCopyConstructor, "testConsumableCopyConstructor"}, {testConsumableClone, "testConsumableClone"}, {testConsumableDisplay, "testConsumableDisplay"}, {testConsumableRead, "testConsumableRead"} }; std::cout << "Armour:" << "\n"; for (const UnitTestPair& testPair : armourTests) { runTest(testPair.first, testPair.second); } std::cout << "Consumable:" << "\n"; for (const UnitTestPair& testPair : consumableTests) { runTest(testPair.first, testPair.second); } return 0; } OOP/utilities.cpp #include
#include “utilities.h”
* Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
* @param str string to prune
* @pre str is nonempty
void trim(std::string& str)
if (str.empty()) {
const int first_nonspace = str.find_first_not_of(” \t”);
const int last_non_space = str.find_last_not_of(” \t”);
str = str.substr(first_nonspace, last_non_space + 1);

* Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
* @param str string to prune
* @pre str is nonempty
void trim(std::string& str);
* Helper function for types where std::to_string is not available.
* Convert any type with an operator<< defined to a std::string */ template
std::string toStr(const T& thing)
std::ostringstream outs;
outs << thing; return outs.str(); } #endif

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