IT project ticketing system


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n this course, you are required to identify a problem or opportunity in the IT area and develop a solution to the problem.  The project should integrate theory and application from across your educational experience and allow you to showcase your academic learning.  During the course, you will identify a problem, develop requirements based on stakeholder needs, develop a design after considering alternative solutions, implement the solution (virtually is sufficient), and test the solution.  Your design and test plans should take into consideration the end-user as well as the broader context of the end-user.  The course culminates in a final presentation and final report.

Your project should not be something that you have done before, either as part of your academic work or for an employer.  However, you can work on a project which is for your employer and will be implemented in the workplace, as long as you don’t develop the design with colleagues at work. It is important to note that your project MUST include a hands-on component (typically completed in a virtual environment). Because of the point distribution, you MUST complete an appropriate hands-on project in order to pass this class.

If you need some ideas, see the attached file, “IT491 Capstone Topic Ideas” for some suggested topics. 

Keep in mind that your project should meet the objectives listed for this course: 

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1. Apply industry standards to the implementation and support of network systems and computer devices.

2. Demonstrate the principles of information technology security.

3. Use information systems for the collection, organization, and delivery of data.

4. Express relevant information to technical and non-technical audiences.

5. Design secure network infrastructures for physical and virtual environments.

6. Create information technology solutions based on business needs or requirements.

You may not begin work on the project until your proposal is approved by your instructor.

In this assignment, please write a proposal for your capstone project using the attached “IT491 Week One Assignment 2020.”


Student Name

– Page 8


Student Name

Herzing University IT491

Instructor Name


Begin abstract here.


Begin Introduction Here.

Note: you can start working with your project introduction. As you work with your project through the different units, you may want to review this sections finding opportunities to improve it.

Problem Description

Problem Definition (Unit 1 Assignment)

I copied below the content that you submitted for Unit 1 Assignment (see below). In this class, I ask students to start working with the paper template document so they can start working with main draft. In general, you should avoid using first person. You can use “we” instead of “I.”

I noticed that you haven’t added support to your statements – APA in-text citations / References. You should list a minimum of two/three different references per each paragraph that you work.


The problem with ABC packaging solutions is the company bought out a couple other smaller companies that each use their own ticketing system software. The goal is to establish a new single software for the company to use as a whole.

Please, provide some background of the needs of a ticketing system by organizations. Furthermore, you can provide some information of the ticketing systems that all smaller companies are using.


The company I will be implementing this for is a fictional company named ABC packaging solutions. ABC packaging is a pre-established company essentially will be expanding to 1000 employees.

Opportunties to add references and add content to this page will relate to adding information related to packaging solutions type of businesses including operations, structure, personel, and so on.


The desired outcome will be a single ticketing system that any user can access with helpdesk request. The system will have a simple user interface and will auto assign the request to the appropriate department within IT. Tickets will be able to have level of urgency assigned.

You need to define what a ticket system is. Also, the solution that you are providing should be deployed under a high availability clustering solution using a Microsofot Windows Server or Linux operating systems. The reason of the high availability is that the organization and stakeholders won’t be affected if the system is down. Please, introduce concepts related to high availability as you should expande it in the Technology solution section.

Technology Solution (Unit 1 Assignment)

Because information technology departments have a high volume of request, ABC packaging solutions must implement a centralized system that can handle these incidents. The proposed solution
includes the
at least three ticketing software services that the company would potentially use. The tickets will be contain IT related issues submitted from every department and then distributed to the appropriate section to resolve these issues. Each ticketing system will be installed on a virtual machine with a demonstration of how it works. The goal is to have several solutions that can be considered for their pros and cons. The ticketing system will need the following in order for the company to consider stream lining it as their main software:

Can it be easily accessed and understood by end client users?

Can the tickets be separated into different sections within the department? For example, helpdesk, Networking, Information assurance, Applications.

Is it cost effective? Does it need a subscription or will it be a one time purchase?

Can you apply different levels of urgency depending on the user it is affecting?

Is the system secure? This will be a top priority as tickets could contain sensitive information.

Can it be accessed 24/7? IT is a full time operation the needs to be handled at all hours of the day. The system needs to be fully functional through all of this

You need to briefly introduce the three ticketing systems that you selected for your project. The introductions should include the IT environment required for these systems.


Needs Assessment

Unit 2 Assignment

Technology Solution and Requirements

Unit 2 Assignment


Design Methodology

Purpose and Scope of your Design

Logical and Physical Network Topologies

Technology Budget

Unit 3 Assignment

Design Plan

Logical Network Design

Network Topology

IP Addressing and Network Devices Naming

Networking Services or Technologies

Physical Network Design

LAN Cabling

LAN Technologies

LAN Devices

Unit 3 Assignment


Implementation Plan

Unit 4 Assignment

Implementation Detail

Unit 4 Assignment


Test Plan

Unit 5 Assignment

Test Results

Unit 5 Assignment


Begin conclusion Here.


Begin references here. The hanging indent format has already been selected. Be sure to list all references using proper APA formatting.


Begin appendix content here.

Herzing University “Career Focused, Convenient, Caring”

Design Document – Week 1 – Proposal

Course ID: IT 491


This template must be filled out completely and turned into the course instructor. If you need assistance please contact the instructor prior to the due date.

This is an individual assignment and all work must be original and should be designed, submitted, and documented entirely by the student.

This assignment is worth 50 points.

It is strongly recommended that you get your topic selection approved by your instructor BEFORE submitting week one work.



Project Title:

PROJECT TITLE: Ticketing System

Project Fundamentals:

PROBLEM DEFINITION (Your IT project should solve a well-defined problem):

Each question should have a 1 to 2 paragraph response. This section is worth 15 points.

· Organization – Who is the organization you are completing work for? Is this a fictional or real company? How large is the company?

· Problem – What is the problem(s) you are addressing? (i.e. are you moving locations, are you improving performance of existing computers, are you expanding your services, are you creating a new department, are you improving security? etc.)

· Outcomes – What will be the desired outcome of this project? These outcomes should be measurable and specific.

• The company I will be implementing this for is a fictional company named ABC packaging solutions. ABC packaging is a pre-established company essentially will be expanding to 1000 employees. The problem with ABC packaging solutions is the company bought out a couple other smaller companies that each use their own ticketing system software. The goal is to establish a new single software for the company to use as a whole. The desired outcome will be a single ticketing system that any user can access with helpdesk request. The system will have a simple user interface and will auto assign the request to the appropriate department within IT. Tickets will be able to have level of urgency assigned.

TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION You should have a top-level idea of the solution or how you will solve the problem:

This section is worth 10 points. This section should be 3-4 paragraphs and should include the following information.

· What is the proposed solution?

· How do you propose to complete your project?

· What tools and/or methodology (e.g. Network Diagram, IP Addressing, Security Technologies, Virtualization, Operating Systems, etc.) will be used to design, implement, and deliver the proposed solution?

· What type of resources (e.g., software, hardware, virtualization techniques, etc.) will you need to complete your project?

Because information technology departments have a high volume of request, ABC packaging solutions must implement a centralized system that can handle these incidents. The proposed solution is to research at least three ticketing software services that the company would potentially use. The tickets will be contain IT related issues submitted from every department and then distributed to the appropriate section to resolve these issues. Each ticketing system will be installed on a virtual machine with a demonstration of how it works. The goal is to have several solutions that can be considered for their pros and cons. The ticketing system will need the following in order for the company to consider stream lining it as their main software:

Can it be easily accessed and understood by end client users?

Can the tickets be separated into different sections within the department? For example, helpdesk, Networking, Information assurance, Applications.

Is it cost effective? Does it need a subscription or will it be a one time purchase?

Can you apply different levels of urgency depending on the user it is affecting?

Is the system secure? This will be a top priority as tickets could contain sensitive information.

Can it be accessed 24/7? IT is a full time operation the needs to be handled at all hours of the day. The system needs to be fully functional through all of this.

OBJECTIVE ALIGNMENT Because this project is a demonstration of the skills you have learned throughout your time here at Herzing University, your project should address each of the program outcomes. Describe how your proposed project meets each of these specific course outcomes:

Each objective should be addressed in one or two complete sentences. This section is worth 15 points.

· Apply industry standards to the implementation and support of network systems and computer devices

· Demonstrate the principles of information technology security

· Express relevant information to technical and nontechnical audiences

· Design secure network infrastructures for physical and virtual environments

· Create information technology solutions based on business needs or requirements

Description of Hands-On Component: Since a hands-on component is required to pass the class you need to begin thinking about it now. Please explain how you will do your live project demonstration i.e. using virtual machines on your home computer, using Azure online, building a small network at home, demonstrating at work, etc. Also, it will be live so you will need to use Zoom or Skype or other meeting software. This section is worth 10 points.

Using Microsoft teams, I will share my screen showing a virtual computer. If necessary, I will demonstrate the install of a virtual machine setup. After setup, I will demonstrate how to download each software that will be the ticketing systems. Once downloaded I will run each system from the admin end and the users end. The demonstration from the admin perspective will include things such as login, how to assign tickets, how to close them, how to create new groups etc. From the user end I will demonstrate how to login which should be browser based. I will also show how to submit tickets and check the status.

IT 491 Capstone Project
Herzing University
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Filename: Week 1 IT 491 Capstone Project DESIGN DOCUMENT [Proposal] – Template

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