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Based on the feedback you have received on your introduction paragraph, begin writing a 4-page rough draft of the body paragraphs of your research paper, which should have a clear focus, problems and solutions, and reliable/scholarly sources as support. You should have a good supply of research notes to bring into each of your arguments. Be sure your rough draft includes the following:

  • An introduction that has been revised based on prior feedback
  • Body paragraphs organized around focused analysis and supporting evidence for each of the key points that you are researching
  • In-text citations and a reference page to document the sources being used



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Abdirahim M Muhumed

American Intercontinental University

Tues, 03/03/2020

Thesis statement

Human trafficking is an advancing social evil, which is destroying the social fabric of societies, increasing gang deeds and dispossening innocence of the world’s youth. This paper will focus on statelessness as a major contributor of human trafficking in the 21st century.


Human trafficking is illegal trade of persons who are exploited in a number of ways such as labor, organs removal, and sexual slavery among others. There are a lot of children, men and women who are being coerced into human trafficking in the world today. Human trafficking is caused by a number of reasons which includes; lack of education, conflict, violence, extreme poverty, statelessness and dangerous social norms. A stateless individual is a person who is not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law.

Hypothesis 1

Main causes of human trafficking are more common among stateless individuals than citizens; this makes them to take part in the trafficking series at a higher pace.

Hypothesis 2

Stateless individuals are not capable of resolving issues and legal arguments than citizens, revealing them to exploitation at an extreme rate.

The main cause of human trafficking must be highlighted. The main informant and the desk analysis interviews scrutinized the acknowledged causes of human trafficking in general. (Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015). To test hypothesis2, the research had to determine whether, if a stateless individual leaves their homes willingly in search for work or they are being forcefully taken. Although it is viewed that statelessness will be more prone to human trafficking. Subjective legal empowerment theory was incorporated within the main project so as to reduce the issue of exploitation.

Subjective legal empowerment indicates that an individual confidence in his or her capability to settle a dispute gives a good course for how probable that individual will be able to handle the situation. The subjective legal empowerment relative that conform to the indication of exploitative working conditions can be designed for the stateless individuals of a community and those who have nationality. This gives some insights to predict the probability of an individual who experience such a scenario to respond in a manner which will help him or her escape human trafficking.

To access the aforementioned research hypothesis, qualitative and quantitative approach was used. Quantitative analysis authorized the assessment of the relative prevalence rate of the main causes of human trafficking among stateless individuals and citizens. Qualitative measurement aided the comprehension of the method in which the main cause of human trafficking ability to handle disputes or problems, are affecting behavior and end product.

Currently, internet is increasingly becoming a major factor of human trafficking. The expansion of this crime worldwide has been indicated to be on the rise for the last ten years. This has attracted many people and organizations to team up and fight against this vice particularly statelessness. Most nations have enacted legislations to curb human trafficking for instance U.S. aims at facilitating both the prosecution of traffickers and the protection of stateless victims. Huge penalties have been imposed with individuals who are found guilty on human trafficking.

Researchers on the other hand have continued to study the methods and process of human trafficking victimization, patterns that exist on trafficking networks. The features of the stateless of victims and a variety of topics surrounding human trafficking by using experimental observation and case studies have been identified. The organizations are also helping in rescuing aiding victims and prosecuting the cases concerning human trafficking.

Indicators of human trafficking comprises of missing passports and other verification documents. Verification of passengers’ identity is an effective way of discouraging human traffickers and even arresting and prosecuting them. For example, in U.S. citizens are not allowed to travel outside the United States without a passport, regardless of destination or age. Displaying posters encouraging women and children held against their will to alert the authorities. In addition, other process of tracing the traffickers is by questioning the passengers to explain their destination of their journey, whether they have proper travel documents, if they are aware of whom they are going to meet and whether they planned their own travel. This has been achieved mostly by well-trained officers that are able to detect any form of dishonesty during the interrogation.

Stateless people should be empowered to have self-confidence; this will enable them to avoid being exploited. Simple ways of acquiring citizenship documents should be designed so as to enable individuals to easily get them.

Measurement and analysis approach

This paper will use theoretical concept and each detailed analysis plan will be written in line with the data collection plan and tools. Data collection is a process of gathering and measuring information on targeted individuals in an established system so as to enable one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. The information was collected inform of interviews from different people. An interview is an organized procedure where one participant, the researcher asks questions while the other one gives answers. This necessitated the data analysis in two stages. The first one was drawn from related number of major topics; statelessness and citizenship that is status, process and documentation. (Gozdziak, E., & Bump, M. 2008). The effect of statelessness is the major factor for human trafficking and the views for in-depth interviews with the victims of human trafficking.

The second phrase involved data analysis, the information gathered in connection to effects of statelessness and the cause of human trafficking, were synthesized into a structured manner by coding the data framework. The aim of this paper is to establish the relations between the two phrases, the causes and the effect interaction between human trafficking and statelessness. The table was developed to elaborate show the data, following the earlier established coding framework. Another table was drawn to indicate the consequences of statelessness and cause of human trafficking. The data collect through the interviews was used to support the desk review data and guide the process of qualitative and quantitative data gathering.

Citations and case studies were also used during the analysis with the aim of giving examples for inclusion in the research paper. Any examples of mentioned circumstances or encounters that were dimmed to be human trafficking, as well as perceptions or character which showed potentiality risk of human trafficking were also included during the analysis.

Applicable resources

Dragiewicz & Molly. (2014). Global Human Trafficking: Critical issues and contexts. London and New York: Routledge.

This edited article adopts an important stand on human trafficking and responses to it. It focuses on US and it gets information from experiences of the victims. The main goal of this publication is to give empirical work on different types of trafficking. It also talks about ways of solving social problems emerging from trafficking through local deeds and organizing for social justice.

Gozdziak, E., & Bump, M. (2008). Data and research on human trafficking: Bibliography of research-based literature. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University.

The author presents a research on issues relating to human trafficking for labor and exploitation. The article explains how human trafficking can be reduced by evaluating anti- trafficking program. The author strongly condemns children trafficking. The article also talks about ways to combat human trafficking such as use of improved technologies among others.

UNODC (2016). Global report on trafficking in persons.

This article gives a report explaining that children make up almost a third of all human trafficking victims globally. It also states that women and children make about 71 percent of the total human trafficking victims. This article explains why more resources should be allocated so as to help the victims of human trafficking, as well as to enhance criminal justice responses among others.

Wolf Legal Publishers, (2015). The Nexus between Statelessness and Human Trafficking in Thailand.

The authors of this publication explain how statelessness is a major contributor of human trafficking. Stateless individuals are more prone to human trafficking than citizens as stated by the article. The article also talks about the factors that are involved in human trafficking. Strategies to reduce human trafficking are also elaborated in this publication.



The Polaris project is a main hub on human trafficking statistics and information around the world. Polaris leads in worldwide fight to get rid of modern slavery. Polaris is second after the North Star that leads slaves to freedom. It interferes with the human trafficking networks that steal individual’s freedom and lives. Polaris project helps survivors to get back their freedom and prevent other people from becoming victims of the vice.

Ethical standards

The thesis observed the ethical standards which included the following; research participants were not subjected to harm in any way. Priority of dignity and respect was upheld. Participants before the interview offered full consent, voluntary participation of the responded was observed. The time the interview was to take, what was expected of the participants and any other eventuality arising from the study was adhered to.

The participants’ privacy was highly protected and guaranteed. The data collected was accorded due high level of confidentiality, the informant was made aware of how their information will be stored and shared. Exaggeration and dishonesty on the aims and the objectives of the research was strictly avoided. Recognition was given to the participants by the researcher by citation. The information must not be plagiarized using existing research papers. When all these are observed then the thesis meets the ethical standards required.


Dragiewicz & Molly. (2014). Global Human Trafficking: Critical issues and contexts. London and New York: Routledge.
Gozdziak, E., & Bump, M. (2008). Data and research on human trafficking: Bibliography of research-based literature. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University.
UNODC (2016). Global report on trafficking in persons.
Wolf Legal Publishers, (2015). The Nexus between Statelessness and Human Trafficking in Thailand.



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