Introduction to Early Childhood


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Please respond to the question:

  1. After reading the poem The Hundred Languages of Children, what does this poem mean to you? How does it relate to your practice and influence your beliefs?


  1. Use your own knowledge and feelings of how the poem resonates with yourself. Referring to the course materials and other sources will add weight to your discussion. APA citations must be followed.
  2. Answer the question in a short composition or point form. You may want to compose your response before you post it online. Writing 400 – 500 words on this topic (excluding the references) would be appropriate for this posting.
  3. Make sure that you explain your answer by giving the reasons for your feelings. These reasons may be cultural, personal, or based on a past experience. Remember that the other students will be reading and responding to your posting.
  4. Post your response by replying to this post directly.
  5. Take some time to read the contributions of your classmates. Give feedback to at least two other students. You can post your feedback as a comment beneath each student’s post.
  6. Check back to see whether anyone has responded to your writing!

Complete your post by 11:59 pm March 7th (MDT). Make sure that you comment on two others’ posts by 11:59 pm March 14th (MDT). 

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