Introduction ; 1 full MLA page. Due tomorrow 8/26/2020 at 2:00pm.Thank you

  Question 1. What would you would like us to know about you, your family, school or work life, and/or hobbies and interests?

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My answer. Make it longer, please 

  • that’s  what I want to put one my introduction paper ; 1 ” I like to get all my tasks done before I leave work as a healthcare secretary.
    2” I have two boys one of them going to 12th grade , and I‘m really focused on their education
  • 3) I like to travel outside the United State specially du the Summer. 

4) I pray God a lot and I like to what action movies. 

Questions 2. What motivates you?

  •  answer I want that on number 2 questions 
  • my family’s motivate me because I always want to succeed just for them.( my boys specially)

Question3. Which of your strengths do you think will be most useful to you in succeeding academically?

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 I also want that answer on the paper 

I am hands on. I understand everything better if I can see it or with example.

Question 5. Where do you want to be five years from now? 

Question 6.  What do you hope to gain from this class?

 I. Would like to see this answer on my paper also

in five years from now I would like to have a master in nursing as a nurse practionner

I would like this class to show me the fastest way to study and to succeed in schoo.

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