Interview question

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Conversation Title: A title that tells the listeners what this story is about.

                   Part 1 

Social justice issue The person who will be interviewed is Mr. John Hopkins because he has been playing a major role in championing to end poverty as a major social justice issue which he faced first hand in his childhood until he finished his college education, a problem that is still facing our country to-date. Mr. John Hopkins feels connected to this issue since he has been raised from a poor family and he grew up in a community where he saw hundreds of families lack even the basic needs, he experienced many people die because of lack of medication due to poverty including children. He therefore started a charity organization when he was still in college together with his peers and started helping the needy in his community which has today grown to be a national program for people living with poverty. Mr. John believes that social justice is only guaranteed when all people have the right to live a life of dignity and that which is free from poverty and that many people do not realize that reducing the levels of poverty is closely linked to increase in social justice. Mr. John Hopkins is a friend to me, we met in a summit that was discussing about social equality in the country where he was recognized as one of the most influential advocate on ending poverty across the country. Mr. John Hopkins in his childhood experienced poor health since he was raised in an impoverished neighborhood, he sometimes missed school and found it difficult to concentrate in his studies. In addition, due to the quality of the environment, Mr. Hopkins experienced malnutrition since his parents could not afford a balanced diet and sometimes they could not afford at all, he also experienced violence and housing problems since they lived in a dilapidated house. Due to poverty, Mr. John could see his family unable to access health care and security and therefore crime was all over as he grew up. Also, in his growing up in a poverty stricken family, most of the days he lived without hope for the future and he usually regarded his life as a lie, the lie that poverty threw to him day-in and day-out. Also when he was about to join college, he experienced one of his young brother succumb to pneumonia simply because his parents could not be in a position to raise money for the hospital, he saw the grief and the desperation his parents had to go through. Poverty was so much in his community such that as the population grew, the place slowly turned into a slum, people damaged the environment which increased sufferings due to the pressure that the environment was facing. Also due to poverty as a social injustice, they could not afford clean water and sanitation which led to poor hygiene and eruption of cholera and rendered many adult people unable to work and the children were unable to go to school like other well-off children; a situation which has continued to bring disparity in the society since the uneducated cannot be able to compete with the educated children. In addition, due to this social injustice, he saw young girls being sexually abused and trafficked for sex which made him feel like the lives of the poor including his does not matter and that his life will never get any better, these were the most crushing and demoralizing aspect of living in a society that experienced socioeconomic inequality. However despite the scars that run deep in him, he has refused to let his past define him and dictate his future, the memories only keep him humble. He has been shaped not by the fact that he has lived in poverty that he has to live in poverty, instead, he is shaped by the idea that while he can’t change the past, he can change the future.

Part 2 

Marital conflict issue. The person who will be interviewed is Mrs. Catlin Perry because he has been fighting for the rights of those abused by their partners in marriage as a significant social injustice that she faced. At the same time, she was married and is still a common occurrence in society (Van Acker, 2017). Mrs. Catlin feels connected to this issue since she has gone through the experiences herself for the twelve years that she was married. She narrates how difficult life was when leaving with her abusive husband. She underwent so much physical and emotional abuse because she was getting beaten up. She says she could not leave her husband at that time because she had no employment, and her son was still young and hence feared for his life. She had to persevere, leaving with her abusive husband just so that her son could get something to eat because, despite the fact the husband was abusive, he still provided for them. Mrs. Catlin once met a lady who was working for a court of law, and after narrating her story, the lady was willing to help, and her son moves out of the abusive relationship. The lady went further ahead to ensure she found a place to stay in and a job to help her cater for herself and her son. 

 Mrs. Catlin went ahead to join a group of ladies at her local church to form an organization to fight for those in abusive relationships. She looks forward to saving such ladies because she can imagine another lady going through what she went through in her marriage. She has vowed to go an extra step to ensure that women can champion their rights and move out of abusive relationships since they can find refuge with her organization.  


Van Acker, E. (2017). Marriage and Values in Public Policy: Conflicts in the UK, the US and Australia. Taylor & Francis. 

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