Interpresonal communication


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Text: Floyd, Kory (2017). Interpersonal Communication. Third Edition.McGrawHill, New York. ISBN: 9781307190458

Chapter ten

1.Are all of your Facebook friends truly your friends? Explain.

2. How do you define the word friend? Do friendships differ by sex? Explain.

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3. What makes a family? (Give your own definition and examples).

4. What is your theory about why the divorce rate in the United States is so much higher than in the rest of the world?

5. Discuss Rawlins’s Six Stages of Friendship. In your own words, explain stage #4.

1. Define interpersonal conflict and distinguish it from intrapersonal conflict.

2. When are avoiding or accommodating the best strategies for dealing with conflict?

3. Identify ways in which conflict can be harmful and beneficial.

4. Define and discuss French and Raven’s five forms of power.

5. Discuss situations in which each of Blake and Mouton’s five strategies might be the best option for

6. Chapter Twelve

1. List and describe the defining elements of deception.

2. Why is it so distressing to find out someone has lied to you?

3. Define the four common forms of lying included in this chapter: falsification, exaggeration, omission, equivocation.

4. Identify and discuss reliable behavioral clues to deception.

5. Discuss the Fact or Fiction story, “Most people can’t look you in the eye while lying.”

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