Interpersonal communication

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Short Report Assignment (2 reports)

In the short reports, you will have an opportunity to explore interpersonal communication research on a topic and report on the insights that you have gained. The due date of each report is listed on the schedule. In your short reports, include an introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, and in-text citations. The report should be 3-3.5 pages, double spaced, not including the references. Please proofread your paper because you will be graded down for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors. Include at least
journal articles; no Wikipedia. Note how to complete good library research from the video lecture at the beginning of this course. Use APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Short report 1: Pick a TV show, movie, advertisement, or song that exemplifies several interpersonal communication concepts from the first 6 chapters of our textbook. Take only one paragraph to describe the show, movie, advertisement, or song (please feel free to upload or provide a link to the material in your post). In the remaining portion of the report, explain how it exemplifies the interpersonal communication concepts. Remember to include definitions of the concepts in your own words and provide source citations. This includes any information you include from your textbook. Finally, explain why these interpersonal communication processes are important and how they impact people outside of the material in the “real world” of interpersonal relationships. Be sure to include research findings from journal articles to convey the relevance of the interpersonal communication concepts. This short report is worth 50 points.

Short Report 2: Consider your relationship with ONE (1) friend. This paper should NOT focus on intimate/romantic relationships. Focusing on chapters 7-11, address specifically (with examples) how this relationship serves certain needs and to what extent you believe the needs are reciprocal in the relationship. Using at least one of the theories that explain forming and maintaining social bonds, analyze your friendship thoroughly. What does it allow you to see via that theory’s lens? What primarily accounts for how the friendship has been maintained over time? What specific behaviors have come into play in this regard, by whom? I would also like you to consider the impact of various dialectical tensions on your friendship and how you address them. Be sure you have considered the implications (impact) of your communicative behaviors and propose strategies that would enhance the health and stability of the relationship. This short report is worth 50 points.

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Short Report Assignment

(2 reports)

In the

, you will have an opportunity to explore
research on a topic

and report on the insights that you have gained
The due date of each report is
listed on the

In your short reports, include an introduction, thesis, body, conclusion,
and in

text citations. The report should be 3

3.5 pages, double spaced, not including the
references. Please proofread your paper because you will be graded down for typos,

mistakes, and grammatical errors. Include at least

journal articles; no Wikipedia. Note how
to complete good library research from the video lecture at the beginning of this course. Use
APA formatting for all references and in

text citations.

Short report 1: Pick a TV show, movie, advertisement, or song that exemplifies several
interpersonal communication concepts from the first 6 chapters of our textbook. Take
only one paragraph to describe the show, movie, advertisement, or song (please feel

to upload or provide a link to the material in your post). In the remaining portion of the
report, explain how it exemplifies the interpersonal communication concepts. Remember
to include definitions of the concepts in your own words and provide sour
ce citations.
This includes any information you include from your textbook. Finally, explain why
these interpersonal communication processes are important and how they impact people
outside of the material in the “real world” of interpersonal relationships
. Be sure to
include research findings from journal articles to convey the relevance of the
interpersonal communication concepts.
This short report is worth 50 points.

Short Report 2: Consider your relationship with ONE (1) friend. This paper should NOT
ocus on intimate/romantic relationships.
Focusing on chapters 7

11, a
ddress specifically
(with examples) how this relationship serves certain needs and to what extent you believe
the needs are reciprocal in the relationship. Using at least one of the theor
ies that explain
forming and maintaining social bonds, analyze your friendship thoroughly. What does it
allow you to see via that theory’s lens? What primarily accounts for how the friendship
has been maintained over time? What specific behaviors have com
e into play in this
regard, by whom? I would
like you to consider the impact

of various dialectical

on your friendship and how you address them. Be sure you have considered the
implications (impact) of your communicative behaviors and propose

strategies that would
enhance the health and stability of the relationship.

This short report is worth 50 points.

Short Report Assignment (2 reports)
In the short reports, you will have an opportunity to explore interpersonal communication
research on a topic and report on the insights that you have gained. The due date of each report is
listed on the schedule. In your short reports, include an introduction, thesis, body, conclusion,
and in-text citations. The report should be 3-3.5 pages, double spaced, not including the
references. Please proofread your paper because you will be graded down for typos, spelling
mistakes, and grammatical errors. Include at least two journal articles; no Wikipedia. Note how
to complete good library research from the video lecture at the beginning of this course. Use
APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.
Short report 1: Pick a TV show, movie, advertisement, or song that exemplifies several
interpersonal communication concepts from the first 6 chapters of our textbook. Take
only one paragraph to describe the show, movie, advertisement, or song (please feel free
to upload or provide a link to the material in your post). In the remaining portion of the
report, explain how it exemplifies the interpersonal communication concepts. Remember
to include definitions of the concepts in your own words and provide source citations.
This includes any information you include from your textbook. Finally, explain why
these interpersonal communication processes are important and how they impact people
outside of the material in the “real world” of interpersonal relationships. Be sure to
include research findings from journal articles to convey the relevance of the
interpersonal communication concepts. This short report is worth 50 points.

Short Report 2: Consider your relationship with ONE (1) friend. This paper should NOT
focus on intimate/romantic relationships. Focusing on chapters 7-11, address specifically
(with examples) how this relationship serves certain needs and to what extent you believe
the needs are reciprocal in the relationship. Using at least one of the theories that explain
forming and maintaining social bonds, analyze your friendship thoroughly. What does it
allow you to see via that theory’s lens? What primarily accounts for how the friendship
has been maintained over time? What specific behaviors have come into play in this
regard, by whom? I would also like you to consider the impact of various dialectical
tensions on your friendship and how you address them. Be sure you have considered the
implications (impact) of your communicative behaviors and propose strategies that would
enhance the health and stability of the relationship. This short report is worth 50 points.

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