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Interpersonal Communication – Week 8 Assignment

Family Life Cycles
In a 1000 – 1250 word (4-5 page) paper discuss each of the seven family life cycles from the
textbook. How important is each stage? What have we learned in this course that can help with
communication in each stage? Provide an example of each stage (what it looks like or consists of)
and communication aspects we’ve learned that are helpful during the stage.

Then based on cultural trends and evolving values of new generations, what changes in marriage
do you predict in the next 15 years? What evidence do you have to support this viewpoint? Do you
think most couples today follow the same cycle as those 20 years ago? Why or why not?

Your paper should be a 1000 to 1250 words (4-5 page) paper citing specific examples and
providing detailed analysis incorporation reading and textbook material. If outside sources are
used, proper citation of the source should be included.

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