
This week is an introduction to keeping a professional journal.You will be contributing to your own professional journal with entries that are being reported on by you as you participate in your internship and business courses and will be shared in Week 8. The journal can be kept in the manner you choose and will be summarized in the CLA 1. Information for the journal keeping assignment is provided in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course including four (4) articles and a suggested journal template to follow. Students are to make at least two (2) entries in their professional journal each week for Weeks 3-7 to be reported about in CLA1 in Week 8. About Journaling: Whether you want to be able to look back at where you started, set a future goal for yourself and seek a new path, or just deal with present issues, journaling helps you do that in a reflective way. You need not write every day. Journaling gives you a place to better understand yourself, to plan your goals, and to follow-up on goals. One pitfall of journaling is that it can become part of a log of your feelings for any one day, try to keep these types of emotional responses from being included in your business journal.

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