Internet Programming


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This is an open book exam. However, each student is expected to work on it alone. Students whose solutions are the same or similar will get a grade of zero!!!

Exam time is 7:30pm to 10:50pm. Read instruction in “CPSC8720FinalExam “. Submit entire solution in zip file on blackboard before 10:50pm! Exam link will close and you wont be able to submit after that. Wrap up, zip, submit at least 5 minutes before 10:50pm! Submission passed due time will not be accepted! No Exception!

CPSC8720Internet Pramming Final Exam

For this project, you will build a multi-page, data driven app – Contact Manager. It looks like the one that’s shown below.

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The Home page

The Add and Edit pages (both use the same view)

UI/Functional Specifications:

 When the app starts, it should display a list of contacts and a link to add a contact.

 If the user clicks the first or last name of a contact, the app should display the Edit page for that contact.

 If the user enters invalid data on the Add or Edit page, the app should display validation errors.

 Here are the requirements for valid data:

o The Firstname, Lastname, Phone, Email, and Category fields are required.

o The Organization field is optional.

 If the user clicks the Cancel button on the Add page, the app should display the Home page.

 If the user clicks the Cancel button on the Edit page, the app should display the Home page.

Technical Specifications:

 Use Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC template and C# language to create this application.

 To reduce code duplication, the Add and Edit pages should both use the same view.

 Use Entity Framework (EF) Code First Development or Database First Development to create a new database that
maps to a “Contact” entity.

 When displaying, adding, or editing contacts, data are retrieved from or saved into database.

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