internationalisation issues of the company Gazprom

You will need to produce a 1500 words (+/- 10%) report in which you discuss internationalisation issues related to a given company. You need to identify one EU (including UK) based company with a potential to internationalise in an emerging/developing country. Your task is to advise the company on: (1) a suitable NEW market to enter and (2) a relevant entry mode to adopt

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Coursework Brief



You will need to produce a 1500 words (+/- 10%) report in which you discuss

internationalisation issues related to a given company. You need to identify one EU (including

UK) based company with a potential to internationalise in an emerging/developing country.

Your task is to advise the company on: (1) a suitable NEW market to enter and (2) a relevant

entry mode to adopt. Your suggestions MUST be based on a clear analysis supported with

theories and models learned in class as well as up to date data. Submit on or before the deadline,

using the Moodle link on the University of Plymouth IUG3002 site.

Deadline and Submission

Please note the deadline time for submission of undergraduate coursework is: 02/12/2020 at

12 noon UK time. Work may be submitted on any day prior to the deadline. All coursework

must be submitted ONLINE using the online submission link set up on the Moodle page. Work

submitted up to 24hrs late will be capped at 40%. After this it will receive a zero mark. Module

staff are unable to give students extensions to deadlines. If you have a valid reason for late or

non-submission, you will need to complete an extenuating circumstances form.

Useful Information (Please read carefully)


Please stick to the following formatting and printing guidelines:

 Length: 1500 words excluding references.

 Font: Times New Roman 12

 Line spacing: 1. 5, one line after each paragraph

 Page margins: “Normal” (MS word default – 2.54cm top-bottom and left-right)

 Use Harvard referencing system

 The bibliography should include all references used in producing your work

Potential sources of data

You can use various SECONDARY sources to inform your report. These could be in the form

of published reports, academic articles, Newspaper articles, websites,…etc. Additionally,

Plymouth University offers you a free access to highly valuable databases such as MarketLine,

WARC, Statista…etc. These are available through PRIMO. Full details on how to access them

will be given in class during the coursework brief session.

The structure of the report

Introduction (Approx. 100 words):

Essentially, the introduction should highlight the purpose of the report and its basic structure.

The introduction should also BRIEFLY introduce the chosen company.

The body (Approx. 1200 words):

(1) The choice of Location: Here you should clearly discuss and justify the country you are

suggesting for international expansion. Your justification should be supported with up

to date relevant data together with theories and/or


(2) The Choice of Entry Mode: Here you should clearly discuss and justify the entry mode

your company should choose to enter the country you suggested in task 1. Your

justification should be supported by relevant data together with theories and/or


Conclusion (Approx. 200 words):

This should recall the purpose of the report. Thereafter, the conclusion should summarise the

key points made throughout the report and propose some recommendations.

References (Excluded from word count):

Full referencing should be provided following the Harvard Style.

Marking Criteria

Assessment Criteria Marks

Introduction o States the purpose of the report
o Announces the structure of the report
o Briefly introduces the chosen company.


Choice of Location o Justifies the choice of location with a relevant theory
o Supports the discussion with relevant and up-to-date data


Choice of Entry


o Justifies the choice of entry mode with a relevant theory
o Supports the choices with relevant and up-to-date data


Conclusion o Recalls the purpose of the report.
o Summarises the key points made throughout the report
o Provides relevant recommendations


General o Overall presentation, writing style and concision
o Uses a variety of sources of information/ data/ evidence
o Correctly cites sources according to the Harvard referencing


o Evidence of critical analysis throughout the report


Total 100

How to Address the Marking Criteria

Brief guidelines to address the assessment criteria

Introduction You are expected to provide a brief introduction where the purpose of the

report and its structure are announced. Additionally, you should briefly

introduces the company you chose

Choice of Location You will be taught about the various factors multinationals and small

businesses need to consider when choosing a suitable international location

to expand their activities to. You are expected to provide a clear evaluation

of those locational features that would have made the chosen country a

suitable target. Your justification/evaluation should be supported by



Choice of Entry


You will be taught various entry modes available to the firm when

internationalising. You will also be taught a number of theoretical

frameworks and tools that explain how companies decide on their entry

mode choice. Here, you are expected to apply theories and framework you

learned to explain the entry mode choice you suggest for your selected

company. Your justification should also be supported by relevant data.

Conclusion You are expected to provide a brief conclusion where you recall the purpose

of your report. In addition, brief recommendations should be provided for

the company to take into account when starting their internationalisation (in

relation to location and entry mode).

Grade Descriptors





Characteristics of student’s work

1st > 80%+ Outstanding work. Answers the question directly, using exceptionally

mature judgment and skilful argument based on

theory and data.


 Comprehensive, relevant and accurate coverage, clearly
informed by a wide variety of appropriate literature/theories

and data;

 Clear understanding of advanced concepts

 Effective choice and use of analytical approaches;

 Originality, flair, and perceptive critical thinking

 Exceptionally lucid and convincing style; clear structure;
outstanding presentation

1st 70-79% Excellent work. Answers the question directly, establishing a clear and

coherent agenda using penetrating and direct argument based on

theory and data.

 Comprehensive, relevant and accurate coverage, clearly informed
by appropriate literature/theory and data;

 Excellent understanding of core concepts; clear understanding of
advanced concepts

 Effective choice and use of analytical approaches;

 Originality, perceptiveness & critical thinking

 Fluent, coherent and convincing style; clear structure; very
effective use of figures/tables; excellent presentation

2:1 60-69% Very good work. Answers the question directly, establishing a clear

agenda based on theory and data. Demonstrates:

 Reasonably comprehensive, relevant and accurate coverage,
drawing effectively from and citing the wider literature/theory and


 Very good understanding of key concepts and some understanding
of advanced concepts

 Effective use of analytical approaches

 Considerable evidence of perceptiveness and critical thinking

 Fluent and coherent style; clear structure; very good use of figures
and table; very good presentation

2:2 50-59% Satisfactory-Good work. Provides a straightforward and essentially

factual answer based on theory or data. Demonstrates:

 A reasonably comprehensive coverage of material (theory or other

cases) addressed directly in lectures and data;

 Limited citation of literature

 Good understanding of core concepts;

 Some evidence of critical thought, but typically recites facts and
misses the question’s wider implications

 Analytical methods applied with reasonable accuracy but

 Reasonably fluent style, with some weaknesses in structure and

3 40-49% Pass. An essentially factual answer that just meets the learning

outcomes of the assignment or module with minimal use of theory or

data. Demonstrates:

 Coverage that is confined to core material (theory or other cases)
addressed directly in lectures and other classes; the material may

be incomplete, inaccurate or

irrelevant in some areas;

 Minimal reference to literature

 Analytical methods applied adequately but uncritically

 Adequate understanding of key basic concepts

 Acceptable style, limited in clarity and structure


30-39% Unsatisfactory work, that does not meet the learning outcomes of the

assignment or the module, but which could be compensated for by

strength elsewhere. Demonstrates:

 Complete reliance on factual material addressed directly in lectures
or other classes; the material is typically incomplete, inaccurate, or

irrelevant in some areas;

 Inadequate understanding of key basic concepts

 Inadequate expression and structure


20-29% Very unsatisfactory work that is well below the standards needed to

meet the learning outcomes of the assignment or the module.


 Only a few relevant, accurate pieces of information,

 Answer scarcely addresses the question as set.


< 20% Totally unsatisfactory work. Demonstrates:

 Only one or two relevant, accurate pieces of information

 Answer does not address the question as set.

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