International Business


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The management of Target is nearly ready to proceed with their global expansion. The last remaining item that is needed before the strategic plan, is an understanding of any accounting issues that might come up, as well as an overall view of the supply chain. Your task is to present an analysis of these areas.

For this assignment, your requirement is to create a presentation that describes, discusses, and analyzes accounting issues and supply chain issues by covering the below points:

1. Present the key factors in international accounting, including any cultural and other differences in accounting practices. Include issues that the management needs to know about in regard to its expansion in your selected country.

2. Discuss the types of Foreign-Exchange exposure Target may experience. How should they protect against these exposure risks?

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3. What types of Supply Chain strategies should Target be concerned with?

You are to have at least one chart, graph or table

Length: 5-10 slides (with a separate title and reference slide)

Notes Length: 80-200 words for each slide – these notes should be in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint slides.

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Make sure your presentation follows good PowerPoint design principles (e.g., readable font, uses one template, one inch borders around the slides) and contains transitions, builds, and animation when appropriate.

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