Intercultural Communication

Answer for Questions 1 

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TAP #2 (p.76) (attached) 

using Performativity Principle (ch.3) and Positionality Principle (ch.4)!!! (make them easy to identify)

Doing whiteness?

Answer for Questions 2 

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TAP #2 (p.104) (attached) 

using Performativity Principle (ch.3) and Positionality Principle (ch.4)!!! (make them easy to identify)

Cultural differences?

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Intercultural Communication!

READINGS: Igor E. Klyukanov. Principles of Intercultural Communication, 2nd Edition, Routledge.

· Read Chapter 3: Performativity Principle

· Lecture and PowerPoint Slides Chapter 3 (attached)

· Read chapter 4: Positionality Principle

· Lecture and PowerPoint Slides Chapter 4 (attached)

· Watch video:


Answer for Questions 1

TAP #2 (p.76) (attached)

Performativity Principle
(ch.3) and
Positionality Principle
(make them easy to identify)

Doing whiteness?

· How do people of color in the act doing in white

· Why must they be of the times do like white or feel like they have to do like white

· Reflect on a particular culture (whiteness/culture is performed verbally and non-verbally).

· Include positionality.

Answer for Questions 2

TAP #2 (p.104) (attached)

Performativity Principle
(ch.3) and
Positionality Principle
(make them easy to identify)

Cultural differences?

· In the scenario is a group of swedes and afghans that celebrating a birthday party by inviting afghans to show swedes culture and how they celebrate birthdays

· Find differences in the cultural activities that could cause and does cause a bit of conflict in this particular birthday celebration

Intercultural Communication

“Takeaways points Assignment Rubric”

· Use the proper format (name, course #, TAP #…Identify each Question you’re answering…have your TAP double- spaced, after answering both questions, you should total 500 word- count

· Have thoughtful answers

· Include the 2 Current Principles (
Performativity and Positionality
) in both of your answers to each question

(make them easy to identify)

CMST 340 Performativity Principle
Chapter 3

How to understand “knowing” being performed


PQ: “What is the “means”, “to meaning” in IC?

CMST 340 Performativity
The search for knowledge takes place in a backdrop of uncertainty.
Uncertainty makes it possible to look for meaning!
Language: a means of communication
Verbal (Spoken/ Written) Nonverbal (Unspoken)
(fig. 1 p. 55)

CMST 340 Performativity
NV Language:
Environment: landscape, temp., element effect
Artifacts: used for specific purpose ( clothes, vehicles)
Paralanguage: sounds, rate, volume, pitch
Kinesics: body movements (gestures, facial expressions)
Proxemics: use of space (bubble, etc.)
Haptics: use of touch
Chronemics: monchronic ( schedulers) , polychronic: more relaxed approach)
(Gestures Across Cultures Video Clip about 9 minutes)

CMST 340 Performativity
Language Rules: Rules allow for organization, coordination of our lives, create order
Prescriptive: tells us how to follow it, how to use it and what happens if not followed
Contextual: rule applied to specific situation
Enculturation: how people learn rule in own culture to create own cultural ID (primary)
Acculturation: learn rules that relate to another culture (secondary)
Language Games: dynamic structures created to accomplish various tasks (offered coffee in Saudi Arabia)

CMST 340 Performativity
People deal with uncertainty in “IC” through performances!
Performance is the manifestation of performativity.
“IC” performed like MUSIC (v&nv elements: NOTES)
Example (routine greeting)

CMST 340 Performativity
1) The dramaturgy of performativity: from rules to roles
Communication as Drama: playing roles
Performance and Face: Culture ID presented to others
Performance and Frames: interpret certain situations, what means (wedding, job interview, lectures)

CMST 340 Performativity
2) Performativity as a Reiterative Process
“IC” as Ethnographic Encounter (S.A. Valentines card)
Introspection, Observation, Experiment, Interview
(Fig.6 p. 64)

“IC” as Culture Shock
Preliminary stage, Honeymoon stage, Crisis stage,
Adjustment stage (Fig. 7 p. 65)

CMST 340 Performativity
“IC” as Hermeneutic Circle
Distance- experience/ Near experience (Fig. 8 p. 67)
Assimilation: disregard own for other culture tradition/ Separation: favor own tradition, disregard other culture
3) Structure of Performance
Levels: Activity, Action, Operation (BB Game)
(Fig. 9 p. 69)
(Apache woman: girl puberty ceremony/ BD party)

CMST 340: Performativity Principle
“IC cannot be successful with out “hospitality”… welcoming with goodwill people from other cultures!
“We can only have a genuine intercultural experience only if we take the risk of opening ourselves up to the Other!”

CMST 340 Performativity
Performativity Principle Defined:
“IC” process of playing out our ID moving from rules to roles
“Enactment of meaning” is a reiterative process
Structure of “IC” as performance: from activity through actions to operations and then back to activity
“IC” is a reiterative process whereby people from different cultures enact meaning in order to accomplish their tasks.
What happens to cultural meanings as they are enacted? Next Chapter!!!!

CMST 340: Performativity Principle
Short Definition:

Performativity Principle is enacting meaning in order to accomplish tasks.

CMST 340 Positionality Principle
Chapter 4

Specificity: every culture system is unique

PQ: What happens to cultural meanings as they are performed and enacted?


CMST 340 Positionality
“IC” and perception: “Select…Organize…Interpret ”
“All our interactions are influenced by perception.”
Move from sensing this world to make sense of it!
All Cultures have the following:
Beliefs: connect between a character and an object (cow’s blood- strength, river- energy)
Attitudes: a predisposition to respond (Neg., Pos., Neutral) to object or practice
Values: shared ideas within a culture, what is important or desirable
Successful “IC” requires attitudes and values be taken into

CMST 340 Positionality
Norms: a shared standard/ accepted and expected behavior
3 Categories:
1.Folkways: everyday practices widely accepted (dress, eat)
2. Mores: practices that carry moral connections
(coming of age ceremonies: Kenya)
3. Laws: practices codified usually written down
(illegal for ceremony/ hunt lion w/ one spear: Kenya)

CMST 340 Positionality
Worldview: assumptions and beliefs about the nature of reality…the universe, human life, God, philo. issues, concepts of being
African countries WV
Indian WV
Am. WV

CMST 340 Positionality
Cultural Gaze: “looking out”/ “looking in”
Common with every culture
Ethnic Tourism: invited to experience other cultures
Ethnocentrism: point of reference that every culture needs to understand the world and itself (from where we are, particular location and time period)

CMST 340 Positionality
Ethnocentrism: 2 views
One culture views others with an attitude of superiority, others inferior and wrong
Positively, surviving threats and taking pride in what your culture represents…helps culture maintain its integrity

CMST 340 Positionality
“E” Reduction: (fig. 1 p. 90): Imposing
“E” Negation: (fig.2 p.91): Ignoring
“E” Affirmation: (fig. 3 p. 92): Affirming

CMST 340 Positionality
Positionality Principle:
Positionality and Grounding: establishing a cultural system of meanings
Positionality and Authority: laying claims that are accepted…narrative (events POV) grand narrative ( stories giving meaning, moral direction)
Positionality and “IC” Engagement: present cultural narratives as true vision of the world to other cultures
(U.S. in winning WWII…..Great Britain POV Russia POV)
Positionality is determined by where one stands in relation to the other.

CMST 340 Positionality
Positionality Defined:
Process of establishing specific cultural position…grounding
Matter of power relation between cultural positions…authority
Impossible to determine real position without engaging other cultures
“IC” is a process whereby people from different cultures claim authority for their vision of the world.

CMST 340: Positionality Principle
Short Definition:
Positionality Principle is claiming authority for culture’s vision of the world.

CMST 340 Positionality Principle
CASE STUDY: “Argument in Israeli- Palestinian Encounters”
View video
Summarize narrative in text
Jewish- Israeli Qs and Palestinian Qs
Role of grounding in the encounters: (I= defense, P= punish)
Power relations revealed in the encounters: each with “authority” for their vision
Israeli- Palestinian encounters: engaged dialogue

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