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Emergency Management Response Analysis, Part A

Instructions: Using selected articles in the University Library, research and review various government and academic reports detailing the emergency management response to either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.Complete the following table to identify and describe key elements of the response. Be sure to include in-text citations as appropriate and remember to identify the reference information at the bottom of the worksheet.


Describe the nature & background of the emergency response to either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

(What happened, when, and where?)

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[Minimum 50 words using complete sentences]

Describe the initial response within the first 24 hours after the incident.

(What were the actions of police/fire or other first responders?)

[Minimum 50 words using complete sentences]

Identify and define3-5key terms related to emergency management that stood out during your research.

Critique the outcome of the response and assess the impact of this incident on emergency management.

[Minimum 75 words using complete sentences]

Identify/explain 2alternative courses of action that could have been taken that would have improved the response.

[Minimum 75 words using complete sentences]

ABC/123 Version X


Emergency Management Response Analysis, Part A Worksheet


Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Include any references used below. Refer to the University Library for reference and citation examples if needed.

Walsh, D. W. (2012). National incident management system: Principles and practice (2nd ed.). Sudbury,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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