Integrating Literacy Article

Literacy is an area that crosses all content curriculum. Without mastery of reading and writing skills, many students will struggle to learn and demonstrate understanding in other content areas. It is important for teachers in all content areas to consistently integrate literacy skills into their curriculum, as well as assess them regularly to support the learning of every student.

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As the department lead, your principal has asked you to write an article for the monthly district newsletter explaining the importance of integrating literacy into all classes and content areas.

The 500-750 word article must include the following:

  • An engaging title and author byline
  • Definition of interdisciplinary literacy and fluency in contemporary education
  • Overview of three key theories related to reading and writing processes and development across content areas
  • Explanation of how cross-disciplinary instruction supports the historically shared knowledge base of literacy in all content areas

Support your findings with a minimum of 3-5 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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