INSY 3303

You’ll need to submit 3 different files for this assignment. Question 1 and 3 can be in word file. Question 1 has to be between 200-300 words.

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Question 1

Define an RFP, what are the components, and the reasons for using one? (Warning: If you use a cheat website for any of your answers you will receive a zero on the entire answer.).

Comment on another person’s post.

Definition 10 pts
Components 15 pts
Reasons 15 pts

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Question 2

P183 Network Design Software. Download SmartDraw (

PC (Links to an external site.)


Mac (Links to an external site.)

) and install. Using various network icons and templates, build a network diagram that fills one page. Have switches, hubs, routers, modems, firewall, PCs & Macs, printers, workstations, servers, mainframe, some wireless devices (phones, laptops, pads), and the Internet represented in your diagram. Each type of device worth 4 points for a total of 50.

You can use a template that already has some things on it, but you have to move things around, add stuff, and change the labels to make it your own. Place a screenshot in a Word document.

You can also use: (Links to an external site.)

php (Links to an external site.)

 (don’t use flowchart icons)

 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

  Click More Shapes; uncheck everything but General and add Network (don’t use flowchart icons)

12 items in a diagram in a Word doc 4 pts each

Question 3

Collect Information about two network design tools (if it allows you to explore or manage a network, it is a management tool, not a design tool) and compare and contrast what they can and cannot do. Submit in a Word document.

2 Design tools can/cannot do 50 pts

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