Information Tech – Information Mgt


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1 a) Project Stakeholders

Assume you are hired to manage a VERY large IT project such as the initial creation of Write a paragraph describing the project and then provide a list of the stakeholders for the project and describe their relative level of control of the project and why they have that level of control. Try to choose a topic unique from everyone else in the class. (150 words)

b) Project Stakeholders – who, what and how !

Along with the first question, lets all read through the following article, and plus up with your own thoughts in terms of where and why you agree or disagree with a number of ‘suggestions; that the author makes — I can think of many, would like to hear from everyone in the class! (150 words)

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Please read the article below:

2) Change Management – (450 words)

Write a paragraph describing a hypothetical project scenario and then provide an example of a change for each of the following categories:

a. External Event

b. Error or omission in scope of product

c. Error or omission in scope of project

d. Value-added change

e. Risk response

3) Write a 450 words Proposal on this topic: Information Systems Challenges-

The following must be well stated in the proposal:

a. Briefly describe how the topic relates to project management.

b. State a concrete, specific research question to guide your review of the literature. (State the

research question in true question format, not as an intention or objective)

c. List at least one suitable reference source in APA format related to your topic.

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