Information system management

Patients are taking a much more active and involved role in their health care and, in doing so, they can help ensure the accuracy of their health information and its use.  The Society for Participatory Medicine, provides the following on its website:

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“The Society seeks to bring together all of the stakeholders in healthcare (patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, payers, and others) to encourage collaboration, communication and cooperation that will foster provider/patient engagement, patient empowerment and education.”

EVERYONE:  Visit the website Journal of Participatory Medicine and scroll down to the Articles and select one of the articles with the subheading “Evidence” (i.e., not “Opinion”).  Provide a brief summary of the article, and explain in your own words how the approach described can help improve outcomes, reduce medical errors, increase patient satisfaction, and/or improve the cost of care.  Add 2-3 sentences with your opinion of the article, the research, or other aspect of what you read.

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