Information system in healthcare

 mHealth app –  ( follow the information on the mile stone 2 word file and complete information required on the poster template).

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  • Name of app
  • Purpose of app
  • Intended audience
  • Mobile device(s) upon which the app will operate
  • Where to download or obtain it (include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website)
  • Any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation
  • Be sure to cite all sources you use. ( 2 sources and the app web)

Identify a developed and reliable mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app, including the following: name, purpose, intended audience, mobile device(s) upon which it will operate, where to download or obtain it, and any other applicable information. Be sure to cite all sources you use in APA format.

Describe how you would determine the success of the patient’s use of this app. For example, include ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan that are a good fit for the type of mHealth app and focus on specific ways that this app benefits the patient’s health and wellness.

Provide all references for all sources utilized in APA format, though a hanging indent is not needed.

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mHealth Application







This section should include the approved patient scenario that includes a disease process, diagnosis, a desire to maintain good health and prevent illness. Include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.

This section should contain important points about the mHealth app that you want to teach to the patient, including any safety guidelines and hot to interpret and act on the information that is provided.
**Please note, you are to remove all red wording and replace with your own content. Use short bullet points in all boxes. Boxes will expand as you type. Please delete this box prior to submission.
Insert photo, graphic or chart to increase visual appeal


DefineApproved Patient Scenario

38-years old Mary visited the outpatient clinic for his routine scheduled regarding her conception. The nurse realized that her blood pressure has increased based on her previous records, she drinks about 10-12units of alcohol but does not smoke. On examination her blood pressure was 158/94mmHg whilst her heart rate is 72 beats per minute and regular. She has not been diagnosed with hypertension before, so she does not use any antihypertensive medications. Based on Mary’s situation, it means that all her historical data have been accounted for and any doctor can treat her. Having that in mind, the following steps will be how to use the Blood Pressure log-MyDiary app to help manage or keep track of the blood pressure values.

Identify Teaching Areas

· Information:

· Explain every topic in a manner that will be well understood, that uses the layman way on the healthy app, this brings them closer to you and starts feeling better.

· Demonstrate in workshops, seminars, have recorded videos to show them, have witnesses who have benefited from the same app.

· Manual should be provided to the patient, with every explanation given in simplicity, proper directions should also be given as well.

· Every visit has new information about the patient’s lifestyle, which makes patient learn more and become very careful with the activities they engage in.

· Using a mobile app for self-management purposes could make it easier for patients with hypertension to have insight into and control their blood pressure (Jamaladin et al., 2018)

· Update on new information can be provided on a new manual to keep the patient track on every visit.

· Guidelines regarding update are provided in writing or in a form of pictures.

· Safety:

· MyDiary app is safe and only monitors and records patient’s blood pressure values.

· The app shows pictures, videos and demons which keep a log of all the blood pressure values and sends reports to the doctor to know how effective the pressure medication is (My Blood Pressure log-MyDiary).

· The app is handy and can be assessed at anytime, anywhere provided the patient is close to a wi-fi connection.

· The accessibility of the app is safe, since everyone has a unique password unless the patient shares her information with a third person.

· Also, the app can export blood pressure readings and other data through emails, which can help share patient’s information to healthcare providers.

· Interpretation:

· The patient logs every blood pressure values onto MyDiary app on her phone. The values are shown in a form of graphics or pictures and sent it directly to the physician.

· Based on the information, the physician will decide on what medication and health teaching that should be given to the patient.

· The interpretations reveal that the patient is either not following the medication regime or it is her sedentary lifestyle which is causing either increase or decrease blood pressure values.

Determine and Evaluate Success (3)

MyDiary app can be said to be a success if the below ways are adhered to.

· Usability- The app is user friendly to all patients. This makes the patient be able to use it at any given time. The software can accommodate all age groups regardless of their status in society. This will help cover a wide area, promoting good health in society.

· Efficiency- The information provided must be available when needed. Patient should have full trust with the app that it will deliver without fail. Connections of the app to the server should be at a high speed since we are dealing with emergencies. Any query regarding the patient should be able to be solved without any delay, references on the same should always also be readily available.

· Privacy- The app should be able to keep confidential information only to the patient. This makes them more comfortable with it all time. The app allows patients to go into the deep secrets of their health without being compromised (Himmelfarb, 2016). With all this combined, the patient will have full trust in the app regarding their health thus the success of it.


Blood Pressure log-MyDiary. Retrieved from:

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