Information Security Roles and Responsibilities

This is associated with the Twitter hack of 2020 and is a continued assurance plan to mitigate weakness while outlining the key roles of leaders and their responsibilities. See Below and Attached.

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You will submit your roles and responsibilities portion of the final project. Who are the key leaders of the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s information? You must also identify key ethical considerations. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations? What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the information assurance plan? For example, examine the current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. 

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  • IT 549 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
  • Employing information assurance best practices will ensure a firm is able to eliminate hierarchical structures, become more f lat, and have greater customer touch
    points by leveraging the correct information at the right time. Successful firms will maintain an established information assurance plan and posture that is
    implemented and reviewed on a weekly basis.

    The ability to properly assign roles is crucial to the design of an effective information assurance pla n. Without clearly identified roles and responsibilities, the key
    members of an organization would not have a clear understanding of what was expected of them. The establishment of roles and responsibilities assists each
    member to communicate clearly and effectively throughout the organization.

    Prompt: In Module Four, you will submit your roles and responsibilities portion of the final project. Your submission should answer the following questions: Who
    are the key leaders of the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s information ? You must also
    identify key ethical considerations. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations? What are t he key
    components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within t he information assurance plan? For example, examine the
    current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

    Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

    II. Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
    a) Analyze the role of the key leaders within the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s

    information. What is the relationship between these roles?
    b) Evaluate key ethical and legal considerations related to information assurance that must be taken into account by the key lea ders within the

    organization. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations?
    c) What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the infor mation assurance

    plan? For example, examine the current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

    Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
    font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Responsibilities of Key

    Anal yzes the rol e of the key
    l eaders wi thi n the

    organi zati on

    s peci fi c to how thei r
    res pons i bi lities are connected to
    the s ecuri ty of the organi zati on’s
    i nformati on

    Anal yzes the rol e of the key

    l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on

    but mi s s es key rol es or as pects of
    res pons i bi lities s peci fic to the
    s ecuri ty of the organi zati on’s
    i nformati on

    Does not anal yze the rol e of the
    key l eaders wi thi n the

    organi zati on


    Key Ethical and Legal

    Accuratel y eval uates key ethi cal
    and l egal cons i derations rel ated
    to i nformati on as s urance that
    mus t be taken i nto account by

    the key l eaders wi thi n the
    organi zati on, i ncluding the
    rami fi cati ons of key l eaders not
    properl y accounti ng for ethi cal

    and l egal cons i derations

    Eval uates ethi cal and l egal
    cons i derati ons rel ated to
    i nformati on as s urance that mus t
    be taken i nto account by the key

    l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on
    but does not i ncl ude the
    rami fi cati ons of key l eaders not
    properl y accounti ng for ethi cal

    and l egal cons i derations , or
    eval uati on i s i naccurate

    Does not eval uate ethi cal and
    l egal cons i derati ons rel ated to
    i nformati on as s urance that mus t
    be taken i nto account by the key

    l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on

    Key Components of
    Information Assurance

    Comprehens i vel y addres s es
    components of i nformati on
    as s urance as they rel ate to

    i ndi vi dual roles and
    res pons i bi lities wi thi n the
    i nformati on as s urance pl an

    Addres s es components of
    i nformati on as s urance as they
    rel ate to i ndi vi dual roles and

    res pons i bi lities wi thi n the
    i nformati on as s urance pl an but
    does not addres s confi denti al ity,

    i ntegri ty, and/or avai lability of
    i nformati on

    Does not addres s any
    components of i nformati on
    as s urance as they rel ate to

    i ndi vi dual roles and
    res pons i bi lities wi thi n the
    i nformati on as s urance pl an

    Articulation of

    Submi s s i on has no major errors
    rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
    s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on

    Submi s s i on has major errors
    rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
    s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on

    that negati vel y i mpact readabi lity
    and arti cul ation of mai n i deas

    Submi s s i on has criti cal errors
    rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
    s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on

    that prevent unders tandi ng of
    i deas


    Earned Total 100%

      IT 549 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

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