
 we will assess the influenza pandemic of 1918 and the H5N1 avian influenza. Analyze the information; focus on the control measures used in the past and modern times, and assess what we can do today to prevent an influenza epidemic from spreading in the US. You are required to address both parts of this case study on influenza.

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Part 1: Assess the control measures used during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919. Your response must include the following:

1. Why was it considered a disaster?

2. What made this flu case different than most flu cases?

3. What actions did public health departments take to make things better?

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4. What control measures were used during the influenza pandemic of 1918?

Part 2: Assess the potential of H5N1 avian influenza to become a pandemic strain in humans. Your response must include the following:

1. Where did the disease come from?

2. What causes avian influenza?

3. Can the virus infect humans?

4. What can public health officials do to minimize exposure? 

Must be at least 250 words and supported by at least two references 

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