Infant & Toddler Learning & Development

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EDUC90897 Infant & Toddler Learning & Development 2021

Coordinator: Dr Ben Deery,

, Level 6, 100 Leicester Street.

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Tutors: Mari Horiguchi (see CANVAS for contact details)

Assessment 1 Requirements: Graded components & Hurdle Requirements


Type of Assessment

Eqv. Length




1500-2000-word Essay (reviewing research and theory); plus
1-2 page Activity Play sheet (equivalent to 1000-1500 words)

3000 words total

Mid semester




Type of Hurdle Requirement

Minimum of 80% attendance at all scheduled lectures tutorials, seminars and workshops.


Please use the UoM library’s ‘Web of Science’ research paper database on the University library page.

NB: You can then use the reference lists in these papers to find further articles (again using Web of Science or E-Journals search via library).

Assessment Purpose & Details

The purpose of this paper is to use research evidence and theory to communicate your understanding of the impact of play on infant and toddlers’ (0-3) learning and development AND to be able to communicate this to parents and other early childhood educators.

You must choose one of the following types of play to research:

Type of Play

Other related terms ?

May add ?

Block Play


infan*, toddler*, “young child*”, learning, development ?????

Pretend Play

Dramatic, Socio-Dramatic, Fantasy

Rough and tumble Play


Song OR Music (Play)

Nursery rhymes/songs, finger play, lullabies

Then write a 1500-2000-word essay reviewing:

– The research available describing the impact of this type of play on 0-3 learning & development (the evidence). This may include any domains of development, such as language, motor skills, social-emotional skills etc, but may also include other areas such as executive functioning, internalising behaviour etc.

– Using your evidence papers, try to explain how this type of play impacts on the different aspects of 0-3 learning & development (the theory).

– Using your evidence and theory review, design and write a 1-2 page Activity Play sheet aimed for a parent or another early childhood educator (the research-to-practice).

The Activity Play Sheet should include (at least) enough detail to show a parent or educator (in any logical order): how to do the activity, what may be needed, what approx. age range it is suitable for, what the parent/educator may do, say or act, the why/importance of doing the activity (referencing research & theory wherever possible), and how they could extend and simplify (adapt) the activity for other children (e.g., older or younger children).

NB: Please use subheadings and APA referencing for both essay and activity sheet. Aim to have another student/peer read your work and get feedback before you submit.










Assessment FAQs:

– Development refers to developmental domains, such as (a) socio-emotional, (b) physical, sensory, or motor, (c) cognitive/intellectual, and (d) language domains, but there can be more specific areas within each of these domains, and other areas of learning/development that are often referred to e.g., executive functioning.

– Please cover more than one domain of development (above), but you may not always be able to cover all 4.

– The Activity sheet is equivalent to 1000-1500 words but does not need to include 1000-1500 words.

– The Activity sheet is equivalent to this word count due to researching, investigating, planning, photos/pictures, designing, and other time involved

– Please use google images or photos taken at home. No photos from placement.

– This essay should focus primarily on birth to approximately 36 months of age, however, it is ok to include research in older children if needed.

– There is not a minimum number of references. You need to cite where you got your theory and evidence from, and this will depend on what you present and write. There is an appropriate but not magic number.

– There is no ‘year restriction’ on the age of research papers, especially if the study is a key or classic paper. Do try to use as much recent evidence as you can though.

– You will most certainly need to use research from different countries. This is encouraged, but you may need to note if there are major differences between that country/research and an Australian context.

Assessment Goals

In the essay paper and related activity sheet, the Teacher Candidate should:

· Identify and communicate using theory, how play may affect young children’s learning and development;

· Identify and communicate using research evidence, what impact play has on young children’s learning and development;

· Identify and communicate the impact play on more than one area of young children’s learning and development e.g., (a) socio-emotional development (b) physical, sensory or motor development, (c) cognitive/intellectual, (d) language development or other areas e.g., executive functioning.

· Identify and communicate to another audience (e.g., parent or educator) research-based strategies using play and the possible impact on young children’s learning and development

· Write a well-articulated essay that is structured, cohesive, uses relevant research and theory, and organised in a clear and logical structure that covers major areas mentioned

· Write an ‘easy-to-understand’ parent/educator Activity Play sheet that is easy to follow, based on evidence and theory from essay, and organised in a clear and logical structure that covers major components mentioned

· Provides relevant and appropriate citations and evidence to support essay and information presented

Assessment Links to Teacher Graduate Standards

Related Graduate Standards and evidence of students’ attainment of the standard and how it is or will be collected:

· 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of student and how these may affect learning:

· Requires Teacher Candidates to critically discuss an aspect of development in-depth and the possible effects on learning

· 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn and the implications for teaching:

· Requires Teacher Candidates to detail the relationship between learning and promoting the selected developmental processes for infants and toddlers.

· 3.3 Include a range of teaching strategies

· Teacher Candidates are required to outline suggestions to promote strong infant/toddler development.

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