Industrial Hygiene

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Board Question.

The current OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for nuisance dust is 15 mg/m3 as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure. The ACGIH has published a threshold limit value (TLV) for inhalable dust of 10 mg/m3. OSHA is required to consider economic and feasibility influences as well as health impacts for establishing or updating PELs. The ACGIH can consider only the health impacts when establishing TLVs. Discuss the extent to which you believe economic and feasibility impacts should be considered when establishing an occupational exposure limit (OEL).

Evaluation of Diesel Exhaust Continuous Monitors in Controlled Environmental Conditions

Chang Ho Yu, 

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Allison P. Patton, 

Andrew Zhang, 

Zhi-Hua (Tina) Fan, 

Clifford P. Weisel & 

Paul J. Lioy


Diesel exhaust (DE) contains a variety of toxic air pollutants, including diesel particulate matter (DPM) and gaseous contaminants (e.g., carbon monoxide (CO)). DPM is dominated by fine (PM2.5) and ultrafine particles (UFP), and can be representatively determined by its thermal-optical refractory as elemental carbon (EC) or light-absorbing characteristics as black carbon (BC). The currently accepted reference method for sampling and analysis of occupational exposure to DPM is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 5040. However, this method cannot provide in-situ short-term measurements of DPM. Thus, real-time monitors are gaining attention to better examine DE exposures in occupational settings. However, real-time monitors are subject to changing environmental conditions. Field measurements have reported interferences in optical sensors and subsequent real-time readings, under conditions of high humidity and abrupt temperature changes. To begin dealing with these issues, we completed a controlled study to evaluate five real-time monitors: Airtec real-time DPM/EC Monitor, TSI SidePak Personal Aerosol Monitor AM510 (PM2.5), TSI Condensation Particle Counter 3007, microAeth AE51 BC Aethalometer, and Langan T15n CO Measurer. Tests were conducted under different temperatures (55, 70, and 80°F), relative humidity (10, 40, and 80%), and DPM concentrations (50 and 200 μg/m3) in a controlled exposure facility. The 2-hr averaged EC measurements from the Airtec instrument showed relatively good agreement with NIOSH Method 5040 (R2 = 0.84; slope = 1.17±0.06; N = 27) and reported ∼17% higher EC concentrations than the NIOSH reference method. Temperature, relative humidity, and DPM levels did not significantly affect relative differences in 2-hr averaged EC concentrations obtained by the Airtec instrument vs. the NIOSH method (p < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analyses, based on 1-min averaged data, suggested combined effects of up to 5% from relative humidity and temperature on real-time measurements. The overall deviations of these real-time monitors from the NIOSH method results were ≤20%. However, simultaneous monitoring of temperature and relative humidity is recommended in field investigations to understand and correct for environmental impacts on real-time monitoring data.

Sampling efficiency of modified 37-mm sampling cassettes using computational fluid dynamics

T.Renée Anthony, 

Darrah Sleeth & 

John Volckens

Pages 148-158 | Accepted author version posted online: 29 Oct 2015, Published online:08 Jan 2016


In the U.S., most industrial hygiene practitioners continue to rely on the closed-face cassette (CFC) to assess worker exposures to hazardous dusts, primarily because ease of use, cost, and familiarity. However, mass concentrations measured with this classic sampler underestimate exposures to larger particles throughout the inhalable particulate mass (IPM) size range (up to aerodynamic diameters of 100 μm). To investigate whether the current 37-mm inlet cap can be redesigned to better meet the IPM sampling criterion, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were developed, and particle sampling efficiencies associated with various modifications to the CFC inlet cap were determined. Simulations of fluid flow (standard k-epsilon turbulent model) and particle transport (laminar trajectories, 1–116 μm) were conducted using sampling flow rates of 10 L min−1 in slow moving air (0.2 m s−1) in the facing-the-wind orientation. Combinations of seven inlet shapes and three inlet diameters were evaluated as candidates to replace the current 37-mm inlet cap. For a given inlet geometry, differences in sampler efficiency between inlet diameters averaged less than 1% for particles through 100 μm, but the largest opening was found to increase the efficiency for the 116 μm particles by 14% for the flat inlet cap. A substantial reduction in sampler efficiency was identified for sampler inlets with side walls extending beyond the dimension of the external lip of the current 37-mm CFC. The inlet cap based on the 37-mm CFC dimensions with an expanded 15-mm entry provided the best agreement with facing-the-wind human aspiration efficiency. The sampler efficiency was increased with a flat entry or with a thin central lip adjacent to the new enlarged entry. This work provides a substantial body of sampling efficiency estimates as a function of particle size and inlet geometry for personal aerosol samplers.

Unit Homework Assignment

Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse
health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour
time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes.

Metal Fume Result OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV
Antimony 0.05 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³
Beryllium 0.00001 mg/m³ 0.002 mg/m³ 0.00005 mg/m³ (I)
Cadmium 0.025 mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.01 mg/m³
Chromium 0.02 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³

Copper 0.0


mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.2 mg/m³
Iron Oxide 0.5 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ (R)

Magnesium Oxide 0.02 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³
Molybdenum 0.003 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ (I)

Nickel 0.25 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 1.5 mg/m³ (I)
Zinc Oxide 0.3 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ 2 mg/m³ (R)

(R) Respirable fraction (I) Inhalable fraction

Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute
and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.

Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Calculate the equivalent
exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the
table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an

Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.





eration and Behavior
of Airborne Particles (Aerosols)

Paul Baron

Division of Applied Technology

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

I. Particle size range

II. Inhalation & lung deposition

III. Particle behavior
– Settling, impaction, electrostatic


IV. Particle generation
– Energy input, size, charge, humidity

• Letter release

• Carpet release

VI. Particle collection and measurement

What is an AEROSOL?

• Simply defined

tiny particles
or droplets suspended in air.

• The haze in the picture on the
right is caused by light
scattering from numerous
water/oil droplets and mineral
particles released into the air
from the drilling of rock.

Are Aerosols dangerous?

• The air we breathe always contains solid particles
or droplets and is therefore an aerosol.

• These aerosol particles can be from natural
sources or man-made sources

• Sometimes the particles are of type that, at
sufficient concentration, are toxic to our body.

• The organ in our body most sensitive to particle
exposure is the respiratory system

Toxic Aerosols!?
Our respiratory system is efficient at removing aerosols, but if they fall
within particular size ranges, are highly concentrated, or toxic, they may
cause adverse health effects. They may also deposit on skin or eyes,
generally only causing irritation, though more toxic effects may occur.
Very small particles may pass through the skin and enter the body that
way. Soluble particles may dissolve and pass through the skin.

Read on for more details on aerosol generation and behavior

Overall Scenario:
Evaluation of Exposure in Workplaces

Aerosol Transport
Based on Air Flow

Aerosol Sampling/

Aerosol Inhalation

Generation from,

e.g., Grinding






Loss Mechanisms






Aerosol Assessment in the
Workplace: Types of Measurements

• Sampling, usually with a filter and pump, provides
a sample that can be analyzed in the lab for
specific chemicals, quantity of dust, particle shape
(fibers), etc.

• Direct reading


s allow continuous
observation of dust concentrations, e.g., mass or
concentration or size distribution, but do not
usually provide specifics of the aerosol type.

Aerosol Assessment in the
Workplace: Types of Measurements

• The most accurate assessment of worker’s
exposure is measurement with a personal sampler,
i.e, a collection or measurement device placed on
the worker’s chest.

• Techniques for control of exposures can use either
personal samplers or (fixed) area measurement
devices. Direct reading devices allow rapid
assessment of the effectiveness of dust control
devices or strategies.

I. Aerosol Size Range
Particle size is often determined by the process that generated the particle.
Combustion particles usually start out in the 0.01-0.05 m size range, but combine
with each other (agglomerate) to form larger particles. Powder is broken down
into smaller particles and released into the air; it is difficult to break down such
particles smaller than ~0.5 m. Biological particles usually become airborne from
liquid or powder forms, so these particles are usually larger than ~0.5 m.




Mechanical Generation
(dust or mist)

Combustion Particles

0.001 10 10


Particle Diameter ( m)

0.01 0.1 1

II. Respiratory System Deposition
ICRP Model, averaged
over males, females,
several respiration rates

Particle Diameter ( m)







Head Airways

Head Airways


(Gas exchange)




0.001 0.01 1010.1 100







III. Aerosol Particle Behavior

• Settling


• Charge effects

• Release from surfaces

• Agglomeration/

Particle Settling in Still Air

Time to settle 5 feet by unit density spheres

0.5 m 1 m 10 m 100 m3 m

41 hours 12 hours 1.5 hours
8.2 minutes

Aerodynamic diameter definition:
diameter of a unit density sphere that
settles at the same velocity as the particle
in question

5.8 seconds

Particle Settling in a Closed Room
Stagnant air Turbulent air


Conc. Conc.

Particles of the same size will settle
at the same speed in still or
stagnant air

Particles passing close to a
horizontal surface can settle, but
the rest will continue to be stirred.

profiles using a



Particle Settling in Turbulent Air

Half-life of particles in 8 foot high room

0.5 m 1 m 10 m 100 m3 m
41 hours 12 hours 1.5 hours
8.2 minutes

Particles settling in turbulent air will
have an exponential decay rate as
indicated in the previous slide 5.8 seconds

Particle Transport in Buildings

• Most large particle losses by settling
• Most small particle losses by exchange

with outdoor air
• Complex flow systems
• Turbulence production

Doors, people, fans. ventilation

Ventilation system

III. Aerosol Particle Behavior
• Settling
• Impaction
• Charge effects
• Release from surfaces
• Agglomeration/

Particle Impaction

• Impaction depends on
particle size, air
velocity, jet diameter

• Large particles deposit
more easily

• Even larger particles
can bounce from


• Impaction surface can
be modified to improve
collection, e.g., add oil

Cascade Impactors


• Used for size distribution

• Commercial impactors
– Andersen






Virtual Impactors

• Used to reduce
particle bounce

• Used to concentrate
larger particles
– Commercial virtual

impactor up to 100:


– Contains smaller

particles in minor




III. Aerosol Particle Behavior
• Settling
• Impaction
• Charge effects
• Release from surfaces
• Agglomeration/

Electrostatic Effects




• Particle-particle interaction small
• Particle-surface interaction large
• Particle charge depends mostly on

generation process, surface energy,
humidity, time in the air

• Airborne particle charge gradually
decreases due to ions in air
(particles are nearly neutral after
about 30 min)

Particle Charge Imparted During
Generation—Liquid Droplets

• In conductive solution,
ions equally distributed

• In nonconductive
solution, fewer ions

• Droplet charge
generally low

• When liquid
evaporates, the final
particle may have
relatively high charge –




Particle Charge Imparted During
Generation—Solid Particles

• Difference in surface
energy levels

• Separation energy

• Humidity creates
bridge between
particle and surface

+ + + + + + + +

Space Charge
Expansion of Aerosol

– High aerosol concentration

– Particles are highly charged

– All particles have same polarity

– Aerosol will expand because of particle-particle

III. Aerosol Particle Behavior
• Settling
• Impaction
• Charge effects
• Release from surfaces
• Agglomeration/

Generation from Carpet

• Particles deposited in
carpet; acts as a sink

• Footstep crushes
fibers against each

• Footstep compresses
carpet, creating high
velocity air flow

Particle Transport from Sources

Small particles
system Transport by

local turbulence

Direct settling
(larger particles
and clumps

by activity

Asbestos Fiber Generation
Effect of humidity on particle charge

and particle generation efficiency



0 10 20 30
Relative Humidity (%)

Particle Removal from Surfaces
by Air Flow

• Boundary layer near
by motionless

• Factors affecting
release: Air velocity,
particle attraction to
surface versus
particle cross

• Water (humidity)
can increase

< 0.1 m virtually impossible > 20 m relatively easy

Vacuum Removal

• Suction
forces air
near surface
to remove

• Variable

III. Aerosol Particle Behavior
• Settling
• Impaction
• Charge effects
• Release from surfaces
• Agglomeration/

Agglomeration/ Deagglomeration

• Particles in a powder are in close
contact, primarily agglomerates

• Shaken powder releases clumps
(agglomerates) and single particles

• Shear forces, caused by difference
in air velocity across the particle,
can break apart clumps

• Shear forces increase with
increasing energy (air velocity)

Particle Size Evolution











3 )

Particle Diameter ( m)

Grinding aerosol
T = 0

T = 25 min

T = 225 min



Coagulation (high conc.)


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

IV. Aerosol Generation

< 0.1 m virtually impossible > 20 m relatively easy

Energy Input
Air flow
Mechanical energy

Overcome adhesion
between particle and


Airflow to entrain

Release happens
in microseconds

Adhesion depends
mostly on micro-
roughness of
surface, also on
relative surface

V. Particle Collection and Measurement

• Filter sampling
– Filter efficiency, pore size, filter type
– Sufficient volume for analysis
– Dries particles because of continuous air flow
– Removal from filter can be an issue

• Impactor sampling
– Cascade impactor: 3 to 8 stages, size resolution
– Sufficient volume for analysis
– Dries particles, though less than filter
– Inert (oiled?) surface or direct to growth medium

• Air filtration different

from liquid filtration
• Pore size in air filters

generally meaningless as
indicator of efficiency

• Small particles collected
by diffusion, large ones
by impaction/interception

• Maximum penetration at
about 0.3 m

• Efficiency increases with
increasing air velocity

Particle diameter ( m)
0.01 0.1 1 10







Direct Reading
Aerosol Measurement

Optical particle counter
– Relatively inexpensive (~2K – $10K)
– Portable, battery operated
– Rapid detection
– Nonspecific for bacteria
– Toxic concentrations near or below

ambient particle concentrations
– Can be used for tracer studies

Direct Reading
Aerosol Measurement

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer
– Relatively expensive (~$40K)
– Movable, line operated
– Higher size resolution, possibly improved size

distribution signature
– Fluorescent detection version
– Can be used for tracer studies

Overall Scenario
Aerosol Sampling/
MeasurementAerosol Transport




to Surfaces

Aerosol Inhalation

Resources for Aerosol

• Hinds, 1999, Aerosol Technology, Wiley

• Baron and Willeke, 2001, Aerosol Measurement,

• Hurst, 1997, Manual of Environmental
Microbiology, ASM Press

• Spreadsheet: Aerosol Calculator available from or

Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12

RESEARCH Open Access

Thoracic and respirable particle definitions for
human health risk assessment
James S Brown1*, Terry Gordon2, Owen Price3 and Bahman Asgharian4

  • Abstract
  • Background
  • : Particle size-selective sampling refers to the collection of particles of varying sizes that potentially
    reach and adversely affect specific regions of the respiratory tract. Thoracic and respirable fractions are defined as
    the fraction of inhaled particles capable of passing beyond the larynx and ciliated airways, respectively, during
    inhalation. In an attempt to afford greater protection to exposed individuals, current size-selective sampling criteria
    overestimate the population means of particle penetration into regions of the lower respiratory tract. The purpose
    of our analyses was to provide estimates of the thoracic and respirable fractions for adults and children during
    typical activities with both nasal and oral inhalation, that may be used in the design of experimental studies and
    interpretation of health effects evidence.

  • Methods
  • : We estimated the fraction of inhaled particles (0.5-20 μm aerodynamic diameter) penetrating beyond the
    larynx (based on experimental data) and ciliated airways (based on a mathematical model) for an adult male, adult
    female, and a 10 yr old child during typical daily activities and breathing patterns.

  • Results
  • : Our estimates show less penetration of coarse particulate matter into the thoracic and gas exchange regions
    of the respiratory tract than current size-selective criteria. Of the parameters we evaluated, particle penetration into the
    lower respiratory tract was most dependent on route of breathing. For typical activity levels and breathing habits, we
    estimated a 50% cut-size for the thoracic fraction at an aerodynamic diameter of around 3 μm in adults and 5 μm in
    children, whereas current ambient and occupational criteria suggest a 50% cut-size of 10 μm.

  • Conclusion
  • s: By design, current size-selective sample criteria overestimate the mass of particles generally expected to
    penetrate into the lower respiratory tract to provide protection for individuals who may breathe orally. We provide
    estimates of thoracic and respirable fractions for a variety of breathing habits and activities that may benefit the design
    of experimental studies and interpretation of particle size-specific health effects.

    Keywords: Size-selective sampling, Fine and coarse particles

    It has long been recognized that the regional pattern of
    particle deposition in the respiratory tract affects the
    pathogenic potential of inhaled aerosols. For example,
    Morgan [1] concluded that respirable dusts likely caused
    pneumoconiosis and silicosis in coal miners, whereas a lar-
    ger size fraction caused bronchitis and obstructive changes
    in pulmonary function. Sampling the total air concentra-
    tion of particulate matter (PM) provides a crude estimate
    of exposure that may not correlate with observed health

    * Correspondence:
    1National Center for Environmental Assessment, U.S. Environmental
    Protection Agency, MD B243-01, Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, NC 27711,
    Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © 2013 Brown et al.; licensee BioMed Central
    Commons Attribution License (http://creativec
    reproduction in any medium, provided the or

    effects if the risk is associated only with those particles that
    may enter the thorax or penetrate beyond the ciliated air-
    ways. The concept of size-selective particle sampling has
    been employed as a means for effectively sampling the
    particle sizes associated with specific pathologic outcomes
    (e.g., the respirable fraction with parenchymal disease). If
    an environmentally or occupationally related particle is
    recognized to only affect the gas-exchange region of the
    lung, then a sampling strategy that only collects the respir-
    able fraction of airborne PM is preferable to sampling total
    suspended particulate (TSP) or the thoracic fraction.
    The human respiratory tract can be divided into three

    main regions based on size, structure, and function,
    namely, the head, tracheobronchial region (also known as

    Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
    iginal work is properly cited.

    Figure 1 Thoracic particulate mass fraction criteria (relative to
    total airborne particles) for size-selective sampling. Individual
    data points are observed human head penetration efficiency during
    oral inhalation for an inspiratory flow rate of 43.5 L/min, i.e., light
    exercise [5-7]. As stated by ACGIH [3], the sampling criterion is offset
    to the right of experimental data to overestimate the amount of
    exposure to the lower respiratory tract, i.e., the lungs, and
    correspondingly to provide a greater level of protection for exposed
    workers. From ACGIHW, Particle Size-Selective Sampling in the
    Workplace, Report of the ACGIHW Technical Committee on Air
    Sampling Procedures. Copyright 1985. Reprinted with permission.
    Courtesy: Dr. Otto G. Raabe.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 2 of 12

    the conducting airways), and the gas-exchange region (also
    known as the parenchymal, alveolar, or pulmonary) region.
    Size-selective sampling is intended to help discern the
    amount of aerosol expected to be available for deposition
    in a region. Most sampling conventions have been defined
    in terms of particle penetration into respiratory regions ra-
    ther than the expected particle deposition or dose to re-
    gions. Specific definitions used herein, adopted from the
    European Committee for Standardization (CEN), are [2]:

    � Inhalable fraction – the mass fraction of total
    airborne particles which is inhaled through the nose
    and mouth.

    � Extrathoracic fraction – the mass fraction of inhaled
    particles failing to penetrate beyond the larynx.

    � Thoracic fraction – the mass fraction of inhaled
    particles penetrating beyond the larynx.

    � Respirable fraction – the mass fraction of inhaled
    particles penetrating to the unciliated airways.a

    The above definitions are stated in terms of a mass
    fraction. Relative to total airborne particles, the particle
    size having 50% penetration for the thoracic and respir-
    able fractions are 10 μm and 4.0 μm (all particle sizes
    are aerodynamic diameter unless expressed otherwise),
    respectively [2,3]. These criteria were specifically devel-
    oped for workplace atmospheres. Since particles must
    generally become deposited to exert biological effects,
    these conventions, based on regional exposure (i.e., par-
    ticles penetrating into a region of the respiratory tract),
    are conservative by design in that they overestimate the
    amount of inhaled material that becomes deposited and
    thereby available to induce an effect.
    In 1985, the American Conference of Governmental In-

    dustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommended particle size-
    selective sampling in setting threshold limit values for occu-
    pational exposures [4].b The ACGIH specifically considered
    a reference worker (weight, 70 kg; height, 175 cm) breath-
    ing orally while engaged in light activity (minute ventilation,
    21.75 liters/min). Criteria were established for Inspirable
    (now Inhalable), Thoracic, and Respirable Particulate Mass
    that were intended to be protective against materials that
    were considered hazardous when deposited anywhere in
    the respiratory tract, anywhere within the lungs, and in the
    gas-exchange region, respectively. These criteria were based
    on exposure of a respiratory tract region (based on particle
    penetration into that region), not particle deposition in a re-
    spiratory tract region. The ACGIH committee recognized
    uncertainty related to individual biological variability in re-
    spiratory health status, breathing patterns (rate and route),
    and airways structure as well as differences in work rates,
    all of which can cause differences in inhaled aerosol depos-
    ition and dose. Facing these uncertainties, the committee
    afforded extra protection to exposed workers by over

    representing the true penetration of particles into regions of
    the respiratory tract as illustrated in Figure 1 [4].
    Size-selective sampling has also been employed by the U.

    S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in setting the
    national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for par-
    ticulate matter (PM). In 1987, the EPA changed the indica-
    tor for PM from TSP (effectively an aerodynamic cut-size
    varying from 25 to 40 μm, depending on wind speed and
    direction) to PM10 (particles with a nominal mean aero-
    dynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm) [8]. Consistent in concept with
    the ACGIH thoracic particle fraction, PM10 delineates a
    subset of inhalable particles (referred to as thoracic parti-
    cles) that are thought small enough to penetrate to the
    thoracic region (including the tracheobronchial and alveolar
    regions) of the respiratory tract.c In 1997, the EPA extended
    size-selective sampling to include fine particles indicated by
    PM2.5 (particles with a nominal mean aerodynamic

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 3 of 12

    diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) and retained PM10 as the indicator for
    thoracic coarse particles [9]. The selection of PM2.5 by the
    EPA was mainly to delineate the atmospheric fine (combus-
    tion derived, aggregates, acid condensates, secondary aero-
    sols) and coarse (crustal, soil-derived dusts) PM modes and
    for consistency with community epidemiologic health stud-
    ies reporting various health effects associated with PM2.5.
    With consideration to the PM NAAQS, Miller et al. [10]
    also specifically recommended a particle size cut-point of ≤
    2.5 μm as an indicator for fine PM based on consideration
    of particle penetration into the gas-exchange region and
    the delineation of the fine and coarse particle modes.
    Most recently, the International Organization for Stan-

    dardization (ISO) has released recommendations for sam-
    pling conventions based on particle deposition (rather
    than exposure) in adult males and females engaged in ac-
    tivities of sitting, light exercise and heavy exercise as speci-
    fied in Table 1 [11]. The ISO estimates of deposition were
    determined using the International Commission on Radio-
    logical Protection (ICRP) human respiratory tract model
    [12]. These new ISO conventions [11] are not considered
    further herein as current sampling conventions for occu-
    pational and non-occupational settings remain dependent
    on the probability of particle penetration rather than de-
    position in specific regions of the respiratory tract.
    Conceptually, size-selective sampling better characterizes

    PM exposure to regions of the respiratory tract and thereby
    affords more appropriate avenues for protection of exposed
    populations than TSP. Such a simple concept is not, how-
    ever, without ambiguity in definitions and debate over ap-
    propriate sampling approaches. For example, the definition
    for the thoracic fraction specifies particles “penetrating

    Table 1 Ventilatory and activity patterns for adult males,
    adult females, and a ten year-old child

    Sleeping Sitting Light Heavy

    Exercise Exercise

    Adult Male VT (mL) 625 750 1250 1920

    Sedentary worker f (min-1) 12 12 20 26

    t (hr) 8.5 5.5 9.75 0.25

    Vdaily (L/day) 3825 2970 14625 749

    Adult Female VT (mL) 444 464 992 1364

    Sedentary worker f (min-1) 12 14 21 33

    t (hr) 8.5 5.5 9.75 0.25

    Vdaily (L/day) 2717 2144 12187 675

    Child (10 yrs) VT (mL) 304 333 583 752

    Male or Female f (min-1) 17 19 32 45

    t (hr) 10 4.67 9.33 0

    Vdaily (L/day) 3101 1772 10447 0

    VT, tidal volume; f, breathing frequency; t, time spent engaged in specific
    activity; Vdaily, total volume inspired in 24 hr. Data are from ICRP [12] Tables
    B15 and B16A-B for breathing and activity patterns, respectively.

    beyond the larynx,” whereas the ACGIH thoracic conven-
    tion for sampling (Figure 1) clearly and intentionally overes-
    timates the fraction of large particles penetrating into the
    thoracic region to afford extra protection of occupationally
    exposed individuals. The purpose of this paper is to provide
    realistic estimates of thoracic and respirable particle frac-
    tions for adults and children that may be used in the design
    of experimental studies and interpretation of health effects
    The ICRP human respiratory tract model [12] was used

    to estimate particle penetration through the extrathoracic
    (ET) airways. The ICRP predictive equations for ET depos-
    ition are based on experimental measurements in humans.
    Although also based on human data, the ICRP model was
    not used to estimate penetration through the tracheobron-
    chial (TB) airways due to its reliance on measurements of
    particle clearance from the TB airways and the ability to
    target particle deposition into the ciliated airways. That is,
    much of the available regional deposition data for the TB
    and alveolar regions have been obtained from experiments
    with radioactively labeled, poorly soluble particles or by use
    of aerosol bolus techniques (see Sections D.9.2 and E.5.3 of
    Ref [12]). Aerosol bolus (40 ml volume of 3.5 μm particles)
    inhaled to a very shallow lung volume (70 ml, ~75% of
    phase I inert gas washout) by healthy adults (10 M, 6 F;
    20-43 yrs of age) show preferential left lung deposition and
    23% retention at 48 hrs [13]. This suggests slow TB airway
    clearance and/or some penetration into the alveolar region.
    Given the above, coupled with uncertainty related to slow
    TB clearance [e.g., 14,15], we utilized the publicly available
    multiple path particle dosimetry (MPPD; ver 2.1, © 2009)
    model to estimate penetration through the TB airways.

    Once particles have entered the respiratory tract via the
    nose or mouth, the primary factors affecting particle pene-
    tration into the lower respiratory tract (i.e., beyond the lar-
    ynx) are airways size and structure, breathing pattern (flow
    and volume), route of breathing (nose vs. mouth), and in-
    haled particle size. With regard to particle size, we have
    considered particles whose deposition is governed by their
    inertial properties, i.e., ≥ 0.5 μm. Breathing patterns vary
    mainly by sex, age, and activity. Table 1 provides the breath-
    ing patterns, subject groups, and activity patterns from the
    ICRP [12] model that were used in our assessment.
    Based on our comparison of the ICRP model [12] to

    more recent data provided by Brochu et al. [16], the daily
    ventilation rates and activity patterns provided in Table 1
    overestimate typical daily ventilation rates. Table 2 pro-
    vides daily ventilation rates (5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles)
    reported by Brochu et al. [16]. The daily ventilation rates
    from the ICRP [12] model’s recommended time budget
    roughly correspond to the highly active 95th percentile
    (see Table 1 vs. Table 2). To assess the effect of daily

    Table 2 Daily ventilation rates (Vdaily).

    Vdaily (m

    Very sedentary Median Highly active

    5th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile

    Male b 12.86 17.48 22.11

    Female b 9.91 13.67 17.42

    Children c 7.20 10.22 13.24
    a Data are from Table 2 of Brochu et al. [16]; b values for age range of 23 to <30 years; c average of male and female values for age range of 7 to <11 years.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 4 of 12

    activity/ventilation rates on particle penetration into the
    respiratory tract, we reduced the estimated time (given in
    Table 1) that individuals spent engaged in light exercise
    and correspondingly increased their time sitting to match
    the daily ventilation rates in Table 2. To match the very
    sedentary 5th percentile of daily activity, it was necessary
    also to eliminate time spent by the adult female engaged
    in heavy exercise and to attribute all of the child’s activity
    to sleeping. Even when considering 100% of the child’s ac-
    tivity equivalent to sleeping, the ICRP [12] breathing pat-
    tern slightly overestimated (by 3%; 7.4 vs. 7.2 m3/day) the
    5th percentile daily ventilation rates of Brochu et al. [16].
    Route of breathing varies with inspiratory flows and gener-

    ally shifts from nasal to oronasal breathing at higher flows.
    The ICRP [12] model characterizes breathing habit based on
    Niinimaa et al. [17], who examined the route of breathing as
    a function of activity in healthy adults (14 males, 16 females).
    Eighty-seven percent of the subjects breathed through the
    nose at rest and switched to oronasal breathing with exer-
    cise. These subjects were referred to as “normal augmenters.”
    Thirteen percent breathed oronasally even at rest and were
    referred to as “mouth-breathers.” For both of these breath-
    ing habits (i.e., normal augmenters and mouth-breathers,
    we estimated the fraction of a breath passing through the
    oral and nasal pathways from regression equations for oral
    breathing in Figure 1 of the Niinimaa et al. study [17]. The
    ICRP [12] model utilizes this same general approach, but
    for each breathing habit and activity (i.e., sleeping, sitting,
    etc.), the same fraction of oral breathing was assumed
    applicable to all ages and both sexes.
    In considering breathing habit, we differed from the

    ICRP, in that we assumed the fraction of oral breathing to
    differ between adult males and females as a function of
    their minute ventilation rather than their activity level.
    However, children tend to have a greater fraction of oral
    breathing than adults at rest and during exercise [18,19].
    Therefore, consistent with the ICRP, we assumed the frac-
    tion of the breath inhaled through the mouth (Fm) in the
    child engaged in some specific level of activity was equal to
    that of the adult male engaged in the same level of activity
    despite the dramatically lower ventilation rates of the child.
    We also considered recent breathing habit data not avail-
    able for inclusion in the ICRP model [12]. Bennett et al.

    [19,20] show a more gradual increase in oronasal breathing
    than did Niinimaa et al. [12]. In addition to the normal
    augmenter and mouth-breather breathing habits based on
    the Niinimaa et al. [17] study, we also considered the more
    gradual onset of oronasal breathing observed in adults and
    children by the Bennett et al. [19,20] studies, herein termed
    as “gradual augmenters.”
    The gradual augmenter breathing habit for children was

    estimated by linear regression of the observed minute ven-
    tilation and Fm at rest and at 40% maximum physical work
    capacity from data in Table two and Figure two of Bennett
    et al. [19] for 12 children (9 M, 3 F; 6-10 yrs of age). The
    gradual augmenter breathing habit for adult males and fe-
    males was estimated by linear regression of the observed
    minute ventilation and Fm at rest and at 60% maximum
    physical work capacity from data in Table two and
    Figure three of Bennett et al. [20] for 22 adults (11 M, 11
    F; mean age, 22 yrs). In the adult females, the fitted Fm was
    zero for the activity of sitting and so was also set to zero
    for the activity of sleep. Table 3 provides the Fm for all
    breathing habits (normal augmenters, mouth-breathers,
    and gradual augmenters) used in our simulations. In a
    study of 37 subjects from 7-72 years of age, James et al.
    [21] reported that 2 subjects (5.4%) breathed orally only.
    With this finding in mind, we have also considered purely
    oral breathing in our estimates of particle penetration into
    regions of the lower respiratory tract.
    For air passing through the mouth, deposition of large

    particles by impaction occurs mainly at the larynx. From
    Eq D.30 of ICRP [12], laryngeal deposition efficiency,
    η(ET)larynx, is given by:

    η ETð Þlarynx ¼ 1− 1:1 � 10−4 d2a Qtotal SF3
    � �0:6

    Vt SFt

    � �−0:2h i1:4 þ 1
    � �−1

    where: da is aerodynamic diameter (μm); Qtotal is total
    inspiratory flow rate (mL/s); VT is tidal volume (mL); and
    SFt is a scaling factor of 1.0 for adult males, 1.08 for adult
    females, and 1.26 for ten year-old children from Table
    fifteen of ICRP [12].
    For nasal breathing, ET deposition efficiency due to

    impaction was calculated from Eq. D.32 and D.33 of
    ICRP [12]. The ET deposition efficiencies for the anter-
    ior, η(ET1)nose, and posterior, η(ET2)nose, nasal regions
    are given by:

    η ET1ð Þnose ¼ 0:5 1− 3 � 10−4 d2a Qnose SFt3
    � �

    þ 1
    � �−1n o

    η ET2ð Þnose ¼ 1− 5:5 � 10−5 d2a Qnose SFt3

    � �1:17 þ 1
    h i−1

    where: Qnose is the inspiratory flow (mL/s) through the
    nose. The use of SFt in Equations 2 and 3 presumes that

    Table 3 Partitioning of breaths through the mouth and

    Sleeping Sitting Light Heavy
    Exercise Exercise



    Augmenter a

    0, 1.00 d 0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0.52, 0.48

    breather a

    0.29, 0.71 0.36, 0.64 0.59, 0.41 0.66, 0.34

    Augmenter b

    0.12, 0.88 0.13, 0.87 0.29, .071 0.54, 0.46



    Augmenter a

    0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0.50, 0.50

    breather a

    0.12, 0.88 0.23, 0.77 0.57, 0.43 0.65, 0.35

    Augmenter b

    0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0.22, 0.78 0.59, 0.41

    Child Normal
    Augmenter a

    0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0, 1.00 0.51, 0.49

    breather a
    0.29, 0.71 0.36, 0.64 0.59, 0.41 0.66, 0.34

    Augmenter c

    0.29, 0.71 0.31, 0.69 0.51, 0.49 0.77, 0.23

    a From regression equations for oral breathing in Figure 1 of Niinimaa et al.
    [17]; b Data based on Table 2 and Figure 3 of Bennett et al. [20] for 22
    individuals (11 M, 11 F; mean age, 22 yrs); c Data based on Table 2 and
    Figure 2 of Bennett et al. [19] for 12 children (9 M, 3 F; 6-10 yrs of age); d

    fraction inhaled through mouth, fraction inhaled through nose.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 5 of 12

    nasal deposition efficiency increases with decreasing body
    size and increasing nasal resistance. Two studies [19,22]
    suggest that the nasal deposition in children is less than that
    of adults. These two studies, not considered in the ICRP
    model [12], suggest that it may be inappropriate to apply a
    scaling factor for nasal deposition of children. Accordingly,
    we estimated the nasal deposition efficiency of the 10 yr old
    child for a SFt of both 1.0 (child-A) and 1.26 (child-B). Add-
    itionally, we estimated the upper and lower 95% confidence
    bounds for inter-individual variability attributable to differ-
    ences in deposition efficiency within the ET region predicted
    by Equations 1-3 as specified in paragraphs D44 and D68 of
    ICRP [12].
    The deposition efficiencies along the ET pathways (i.e.,

    nasal and oral) were assumed to be independent. As such,
    total ET deposition was taken to be the sum of deposition
    between the pathways weighted by the flow partitioning (see
    Paragraph 161 of ICRP [12]). The thoracic fraction, defined
    as particle penetration past the larynx, P(ET), is given by:

    P ETð Þ ¼ 1− Fm η ETð Þlarynx− 1−Fmð Þ
    � η ET1ð Þnose þ 1− η ET1ð Þnose

    � �
    η ET2ð Þnose �


    We estimated inspiratory deposition efficiency in the
    TB region, ηTB, of particles (0.5-20 μm; 0.1 μm incre-
    ments) using the publicly available multiple path particle
    dosimetry (MPPD; ver 2.1, © 2009) model.d The model
    considers deposition by the mechanisms of impaction,
    sedimentation, and diffusion. The approach and formula
    used to calculate particle losses in the MPPD model are
    described by Anjilvel and Asgharian [23]. Physiological
    input parameters (namely, tidal volume [VT], breathing
    frequency [f], functional residual capacity [FRC], and
    upper respiratory tract volume [URT]), necessary for
    MPPD simulations are provided in Tables 1 and 4. FRC
    and URT for each group are from Table fifteen of ICRP
    [12]. The Yeh and Schum [24] typical path whole lung
    model was utilized and scaled for FRC and VT. The ef-
    fects of these physiologic parameters on deposition in
    humans free of respiratory disease are described by de
    Winter-Sorkina and Cassee [25].
    The respiratory fraction, defined as particle penetra-

    tion through the ciliated airways of the TB region, P
    (TB), is given by:

    P TBð Þ ¼ ∫
    0 C1 dt

    ∫Tinh0 C0 dt
    ≅P ETð Þ 1−ηTBð Þ ð5Þ

    where: C0 and C1 are particle concentration passing the
    larynx and terminal bronchioles, respectively; and Tinh is
    the time of inhalation. Since conducting airway particle
    concentration is nearly constant during inhalation, respira-
    tory fraction can be expressed in terms of TB deposition

    efficiency as given above. An

  • Additional file
  • 1: Appendix
    to this paper provides estimates of P(TB) based on the
    ICRP [12] model rather than the MPPD model.
    After calculating P(ET) and P(TB) for all activities and

    individual groups, daily average estimates of P(ET)avg
    and P(TB)avg weighted by daily ventilation (see Tables 1
    and 2) were calculated as a function of particle size.
    Ventilation-weighted averages of P(ET)avg for each par-
    ticle size were calculated as:

    P ETð Þavg ¼

    P ETð Þi

    V daily−i

    � �


    V daily−i

    where: P(ET)i is the ET fraction for activity, i; Vdaily-i is the
    daily volume inhaled while engaged in activity, i; and n is
    the number of activities. Ventilation-weighted averages of
    P(TB)avg were computed similarly to those of P(ET)avg.
    Finally, thoracic and respiratory particle fractions were also

    calculated after applying the ICRP [12] inhalability criterion
    assuming no ambient wind, 1−0.5 [1− (0.00076 da

    2.8 + 1) −1].
    The ICRP [12] criterion was utilized as it better represents
    the inhalation of particles <10 μm than the ACGIH and CEN [2,3] criterion.

    We estimated particle penetration fractions into the thorax
    and respiratory region of an adult male, adult female, and a







    0 2 4 6 8 10



    da (µm)

    Figure 2 Thoracic fraction, i.e., particle penetration through the
    extrathoracic region, P(ET), as a function of breathing route.
    Penetration data are with respect to particle diameter as a function
    of the fraction of air inhaled through the mouth (Fm) in an adult
    male engaged in light exercise relative to particles entering the
    respiratory tract. Curves are for the Fm of 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and
    1.00 as indicated on the figure. Horizontal red line highlights
    50% penetration.

    0 2 4 6 8 10



    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 6 of 12

    10 yr old child. In the results described below, data do not
    consider particle inhalability unless specifically stated.
    Inhalability was not considered since, as the results will
    show, it has a minimal affect on 50% cut-points for particle
    penetration into the lower airways for all breathing habits
    except the less probable condition of oral breathing.

    Route of breathing
    Of the factors we considered, route of breathing (or breath-
    ing habit) had the greatest effect on estimates of P(ET) and
    P(TB). Figure 2 and 3 illustrate P(ET) and P(TB) for an
    adult male engaged in light exercise as a function of Fm. In
    Figure 2, fifty percent P(ET) occurs at the da of 1.8 , 2.7,
    4.4, 6.1, and 7.0 μm for the Fm of 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and
    1.00, respectively. Note that the curve in Figure 2 for Fm=1
    is for comparable conditions to those for which ACGIH [4]
    thoracic fraction was based, i.e. an orally breathing adult
    male engaged in light exercise. In Figure 3, fifty percent P
    (TB) occurs at the da of 1.7 , 2.5, 3.8, 5.1, and 5.7 μm for
    the Fm of 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00, respectively. As
    ventilation is shifted to the lower removal efficiency oral
    passages, there is an ever greater separation between the P
    (ET) and P(TB) curves. By contrast, for purely nasal breath-
    ing (Fm = 0, the case for normal augmenters during light
    exercise), due to the vast removal of particles in the nasal
    airways, there is nearly no difference between the P(ET)
    and P(TB) curves in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
    Table 5 provides the 50% cut-points for particle penetra-

    tion into the thorax and respiratory region for all the
    breathing habits we evaluated. As may be expected based
    on Fm (see Table 3), the predicted particle penetration for
    the gradual augmenter breathing habit is enveloped be-
    tween that of the normal augmenter and mouth-breathers.
    Additionally, consistent with Figures 2 and 3, Table 5
    shows that the largest 50% cut-points are observed during
    the case of oral breathing. Table 6 provides data on the
    penetration of 10 μm particles into the lower respiratory
    tract which is generally less than 20%, except for the case
    of oral breathing where penetration into the thorax can
    approach 40%.

    Age and sex
    Daily weighted penetrations curves for P(ET)avg and
    P(TB)avg are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5, respectively.
    For normal augmenters and oral breathing, 50% cut-
    points for P(ET)avg and P(TB)avg were generally similar

    Table 4 Functional residual volume (FRC) and upper
    respiratory tract volumes (URT)

    FRC (mL) URT (mL)

    Adult Male 3300 50

    Adult Female 2680 40

    Child (10 yrs) 1484 25

    between adult males and females, but shifted to slightly
    (<0.2 μm) smaller particle sizes in the females (see Table 5). There was a larger (<0.8 μm) difference in 50% cut-points between males and females for the mouth-breather and gradual augmenter breathing habits which is attributable to greater nasal inhalation by females than males. The data for child-A are more consistent, than child-B,

    with experimental data [19,22] showing a lower nasal par-
    ticle removal efficiency in children than adults. For all
    breathing habits except oral breathing in Table 5, child-A
    shows larger 50% cut-points than adults. Additionally, in
    Table 6, the penetration of 10 μm particles into the thor-
    acic and respiratory regions of child-A is generally greater
    than or equal to that of adults for all breathing habits other

    da (µm)

    Figure 3 Respirable fraction, i.e., particle penetration through
    the tracheobronchial region, P(TB), as a function of breathing
    route. Penetration data are with respect to particle diameter as a
    function of the fraction of air inhaled through the mouth (Fm) in an
    adult male engaged in light exercise relative to particles entering
    the respiratory tract. Curves are for the Fm of 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75,
    and 1.00 as indicated on the figure. Horizontal red line highlights
    50% penetration.

    Table 5 Particle penetration (50% cut-point) through respiratory tract regions relative to particles entering the
    respiratory tract

    Vdaily (%-tile)

    Normal Gradual

    Augmenter Mouth-breather Augmenter Oral only

    P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg


    5% 2.94 a 2.74 5.15 4.32 3.60 3.25 9.00 6.67

    95% CI (1.72–5.03) (1.65–4.34) (3.12–8.48) (2.84–6.10) (2.11–6.11) (2.00–4.98) (5.86–13.8) (5.00–8.14)

    50% 2.46 2.30 5.09 4.30 3.37 3.05 8.09 6.11

    95% CI (1.44–4.20) (1.38–3.71) (3.14–8.26) (2.86–5.88) (1.99–5.67) (1.88–4.65) (5.26–12.4) (4.58–7.34)

    95% 2.14 2.03 5.08 4.31 3.19 2.90 7.61 5.89

    95% CI (1.25–3.66) (1.20–3.32) (3.16–8.16) (2.89–5.83) (1.90–5.33) (1.79–4.44) (4.95–11.7) (4.38–7.07)


    5% 2.92 2.71 4.32 3.78 3.10 2.86 8.78 6.50

    95% CI (1.71–5.01) (1.63–4.28) (2.57–7.22) (2.40–5.52) (1.81–5.30) (1.73–4.48) (5.71–13.5) (4.88–7.91)

    50% 2.42 2.27 4.46 3.87 2.91 2.68 7.88 5.96

    95% CI (1.41–4.13) (1.36–3.64) (2.72–7.32) (2.51–5.45) (1.71–4.94) (1.63–4.19) (5.13–12.1) (4.47–7.17)

    95% 2.10 1.99 4.58 3.96 2.74 2.54 7.44 5.77

    95% CI (1.23–3.60) (1.18–3.26) (2.82–7.42) (2.60–5.49) (1.61–4.64) (1.53–4.00) (4.84–11.4) (4.29–6.94)

    Child-B b

    5% 2.77 2.61 4.31 3.78 4.30 3.78 8.34 6.46

    95% CI (1.62–4.75) (1.56–4.18) (2.58–7.19) (2.40–5.57) (2.57–7.17) (2.40–5.56) (5.42–12.8) (4.74–8.04)

    50% 2.25 2.13 4.37 3.81 4.07 3.59 7.50 5.81

    95% CI (1.31–3.85) (1.27–3.48) (2.67–7.15) (2.47–5.35) (2.46–6.71) (2.29–5.15) (4.88–11.5) (4.32–7.08)

    95% 1.89 1.81 4.34 3.76 3.98 3.49 6.91 5.33

    95% CI (1.11–3.24) (1.07–2.98) (2.69–7.03) (2.48–5.11) (2.45–6.47) (2.27–4.88) (4.49–10.6) (4.01–6.36)

    Child-A c

    5% 3.92 3.56 5.60 4.72 5.59 4.72 8.34 6.46

    95% CI (2.29–6.72) (2.18–5.44) (3.38–9.28) (3.09–6.63) (3.37–9.27) (3.09–6.62) (5.42–12.8) (4.74–8.04)

    50% 3.18 2.94 5.37 4.53 5.12 4.36 7.50 5.81

    95% CI (1.86–5.45) (1.77–4.58) (3.29–8.77) (3.03–6.10) (3.11–8.40) (2.88–5.95) (4.88–11.5) (4.32–7.08)

    95% 2.68 2.50 5.16 4.34 4.85 4.14 6.91 5.33

    95% CI (1.56–4.58) (1.50–3.97) (3.19–8.34) (2.94–5.66) (2.98–7.90) (2.76–5.51) (4.49–10.6) (4.01–6.36)

    P(ET)avg, extrathoracic particle penetration which is the thoracic particle fraction averaged across all activity levels weighted by daily ventilation; P(TB)avg,
    tracheobronchial particle penetration which is the respirable particle fraction averaged across all activity levels weighted by daily ventilation; 95% CI, ninety-five
    percent confidence intervals for inter-individual variability attributable to differences in particle penetration through the extrathoracic region; a Aerodynamic
    particle diameter in μm; b Scaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.26; c Scaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.0.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 7 of 12

    than oral. For oral breathing, the penetration of 10 μm par-
    ticles is lower in child-A than adults.

    Activity level
    Impaction in the nasal airways, larynx, and large bronchi in-
    creases in conjunction with activity and increasing inspira-
    tory flows across the range of da. Therefore, decreasing 50%
    cut-points for both P(ET)avg and P(TB)avg are observed with
    increasing activity. In general, the penetration of 10 μm par-
    ticles into the thoracic and respiratory regions also showed
    a small reduction with increasing daily activity level (see
    Table 6). However, the small reductions in particle

    penetration pale in comparison to the large increases in
    ventilation and intake of particles that occur with increasing
    activity level.

    Inhalability adjustment
    The thoracic and respirable fraction data in Table 5 were
    relative to particles entering the respiratory tract. For com-
    parison, Table 7 provides da associated with 50% penetra-
    tion into the thorax and respiration regions after applying
    inhalability criterion. Adjusting for inhalability shifts pene-
    tration curves to smaller particle sizes, and this effect is
    most evident where there is a low activity level and a

    Table 6 Penetration of 10 μm (da) through respiratory tract regions relative to particles entering the respiratory tract

    Normal Gradual

    Augmentera Mouth-breathera Augmentera Oral onlya

    P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg

    5% 0.05b 0.03 0.21 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.43 0.21

    50% 0.04 0.02 0.19 0.08 0.11 0.04 0.36 0.15

    95% 0.03 0.01 0.19 0.06 0.10 0.03 0.32 0.12


    5% 0.06 0.03 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.41 0.20

    50% 0.04 0.02 0.15 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.35 0.14

    95% 0.03 0.01 0.16 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.31 0.11

    Child-B c

    5% 0.05 0.02 0.16 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.38 0.18

    50% 0.03 0.01 0.15 0.06 0.14 0.06 0.31 0.13

    95% 0.02 0.01 0.14 0.04 0.13 0.04 0.27 0.09

    Child-A d

    5% 0.10 0.05 0.21 0.10 0.21 0.10 0.38 0.18

    50% 0.07 0.04 0.19 0.09 0.18 0.07 0.31 0.13

    95% 0.05 0.02 0.17 0.05 0.16 0.05 0.27 0.09

    P(ET), extrathoracic penetration for 10 μm particles; P(TB), tracheobronchial penetration for 10 μm particles; aData are daily averages, all activity levels weighted by
    daily ventilation; bFraction penetration; cScaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.26; dScaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.0.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 8 of 12

    substantial contribution of oral breathing. Table 6 provides
    data on the penetration of 10 μm particles into the lower
    respiratory tract. Those penetration data may be adjusted
    for inhalability by multiplying by 0.84, the inhalability of
    10 μm particles.

  • Discussion
  • We calculated thoracic and respirable particle fractions
    for an adult male, adult female, and ten year-old child

    0 2 4 6 8 10

    ) a


    da (µm)

    10 yr-old Child-A

    10 yr-old Child-B

    Adult Male

    Adult Female

    Figure 4 Thoracic fraction, i.e., particle penetration through the
    extrathoracic region, P(ET)avg, in adults and a 10 yr-old child.
    Data are daily averaged values for a median activity level, gradual
    augmenter breathing habit, and uncorrected for particle inhalability.
    Child-A and child-B are for a scaling factor of 1.0 and 1.26 in
    Equations 2 and 3, respectively. Horizontal red line highlights 50%
    penetration which occurs at 3.1 μm (adult female), 3.4 μm (adult
    male), 4.1 μm (child-B), and 5.1 μm (child-A).

    engaged in typical daily activities ranging from sleep to
    heavy exercise. Our estimates are intended to represent
    full-day ambient and/or non-ambient exposures while
    individuals are engaged in a variety of activities. This dif-
    fers from the ACGIH and CEN criteria which are
    intended to represent a workplace setting [2,4]. Similarly,
    considering the need to provide protection for sensitive in-
    dividuals who may breathe by mouth and/or oronasally, the
    EPA [8] selected the nominal cut-point of 10 μm as an

    0 2 4 6 8 10

    ) a

    da (µm)
    10 yr-old Child-A
    10 yr-old Child-B
    Adult Male
    Adult Female

    Figure 5 Respirable fraction, i.e., particle penetration through
    the tracheobronchial region, P(TB)avg, in adults and a 10 yr-old
    child. Data are daily averaged values for a median activity level,
    gradual augmenter breathing habit, and uncorrected for particle
    inhalability. Child-A and child-B are for a scaling factor of 1.0 and
    1.26 in Equations 2 and 3, respectively. Horizontal red line highlights
    50% penetration which occurs at 2.7 μm (adult female), 3.1 μm
    (adult male), 3.6 μm (child-B), and 4.4 μm (child-A).

    Table 7 Inhalability adjusted particle penetration (50% cut-point) through respiratory tract regions


    Normal Gradual
    Augmenter Mouth-breather Augmenter Oral only
    P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg P(ET)avg P(TB)avg

    5% 2.92 a 2.72 4.97 4.24 3.55 3.22 8.24 6.38

    95% CI (1.71–4.90) (1.64–4.26) (3.09–7.66) (2.81–5.85) (2.11–5.82) (2.00–4.85) (5.66–11.4) (4.89–7.59)

    50% 2.44 2.30 4.93 4.21 3.33 3.02 7.52 5.90

    95% CI (1.43–4.12) (1.37–3.67) (3.11–7.51) (2.84–5.67) (1.99–5.43) (1.87–4.54) (5.12–10.5) (4.50–6.98)

    95% 2.14 2.02 4.92 4.22 3.15 2.88 7.14 5.71

    95% CI (1.25–3.62) (1.20–3.29) (3.13–7.44) (2.87–5.64) (1.89–5.15) (1.78–4.36) (4.84–10.1) (4.32–6.77)


    5% 2.90 2.70 4.22 3.72 3.08 2.85 8.06 6.23

    95% CI (1.70–4.87) (1.63–4.20) (2.56–6.73) (2.38–5.34) (1.81–5.13) (1.73–4.40) (5.53–11.2) (4.78–7.41)

    50% 2.41 2.26 4.36 3.81 2.89 2.67 7.35 5.77

    95% CI (1.41–4.06) (1.35–3.60) (2.70–6.80) (2.50–5.29) (1.71–4.79) (1.63–4.12) (5.00–10.3) (4.39–6.83)

    95% 2.10 1.99 4.46 3.89 2.72 2.52 7.00 5.60

    95% CI (1.23–3.55) (1.18–3.23) (2.80–6.87) (2.58–5.33) (1.61–4.42) (1.53–3.93) (4.74–9.91) (4.22–6.66)

    Child-B b

    5% 2.76 2.60 4.22 3.73 4.21 3.72 7.73 6.20

    95% CI (1.62–4.64) (1.56–4.11) (2.56–6.69) (2.39–5.38) (2.56–6.68) (2.39–5.37) (5.28–10.8) (4.65–7.52)

    50% 2.24 2.13 4.27 3.75 3.99 3.54 7.05 5.63

    95% CI (1.31–3.79) (1.27–3.44) (2.65–6.66) (2.46–5.20) (2.45–6.30) (2.28–5.01) (4.77–9.98) (4.25–6.74)

    95% 1.89 1.80 4.25 3.71 3.91 3.45 6.56 5.21

    95% CI (1.10–3.21) (1.07–2.96) (2.67–6.56) (2.47–4.99) (2.42–6.12) (2.25–4.78) (4.42–9.37) (3.96–6.15)

    Child-A c

    5% 3.87 3.52 5.40 4.62 5.39 4.61 7.73 6.20

    95% CI (2.28–6.36) (2.17–5.27) (3.34–8.32) (3.07–6.32) (3.34–8.31) (3.06–6.31) (5.28–10.8) (4.65–7.52)

    50% 3.15 2.92 5.20 4.44 4.96 4.28 7.05 5.63

    95% CI (1.85–5.29) (1.77–4.49) (3.26–7.96) (3.00–5.88) (3.09–7.66) (2.86–5.75) (4.77–9.98) (4.25–6.74)

    95% 2.66 2.49 5.00 4.26 4.73 4.07 6.56 5.21

    95% CI (1.56–4.47) (1.50–3.91) (3.16–7.64) (2.92–5.51) (2.96–7.29) (2.74–5.39) (4.42–9.37) (3.96–6.15)

    P(ET)avg, extrathoracic particle penetration which is the thoracic particle fraction averaged across all activity levels weighted by daily ventilation; P(TB)avg,
    tracheobronchial particle penetration which is the respirable particle fraction averaged across all activity levels weighted by daily ventilation; 95% CI, ninety-five
    percent confidence intervals for inter-individual variability attributable to differences in particle penetration through the extrathoracic region; a Aerodynamic
    particle diameter in μm; b Scaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.26; c Scaling factor in Equations 2 and 3 equal to 1.0.

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 9 of 12

    indicator of the thoracic fraction consistent with ISO
    [26,27] recommendations for occupational or non-
    occupational environments. Our estimates show less pene-
    tration of coarse particulate matter into the thoracic and
    gas exchange regions of the respiratory tract than current
    criteria. For typical breathing habits (i.e., not oral breath-
    ing), we would predict less than 20% penetration of 10 μm
    particles into the thorax, whereas a 50% penetration of 10
    μm is currently used in both occupational and non-
    occupational criteria [2,4,8,9]. Recognizing that there are
    differences in the sources and chemical composition be-
    tween ambient fine (nominal mean da ≤ 2.5 μm) and larger
    coarse PM, our finding may, in part, explain why causal

    relationships are observed between morbidity and mortality
    with short and long-term exposure to fine PM but not lar-
    ger coarse PM (see Chapter 2 in Ref [28]).
    There are two primary reasons for the dramatic differ-

    ence between our estimates and the current criteria. First,
    the ACGIH [4] criteria considered all inspired air to enter
    via the oral airway which increases the penetration
    through the ET airways. With the exception of a labora-
    tory setting, however, few individuals breathe exclusively
    through the mouth. This would make the breathing habits
    other than oral breathing preferable for the purposes of
    estimating actual exposures. Second, the ACGIH criteria
    are intentionally conservative (Figure 1) as the committee

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 10 of 12

    chose to afford extra protection by over representing the
    true penetration of particles into the lower respiratory
    tract. In Figure 2, we predicted a 50% cut-point of 7.0 μm
    for the conditions considered by the ACGIH, namely, an
    orally breathing adult male engaged in light exercise. Add-
    itionally, our predicted upper bound 95th percentile for
    50% cut-points during oral breathing corrected for
    inhalability in Table 7 are ~10 μm. Thus, selection of 10
    μm as having 50% penetration into the thorax was consist-
    ent with over representing the true penetration of particles
    into the lower respiratory tract of most individuals.
    Route of breathing has a dramatic affect on particle deliv-

    ery to the thoracic and respiratory regions since the depos-
    ition efficiency of the nasal passages greatly exceeds that of
    the oral pathway. Most subjects in the Niinimaa et al. [17]
    study, 87% (26 of 30), breathed through their nose until an
    activity level was reached when they switched to oronasal
    breathing. Thirteen percent (4 of 30) of the subjects, how-
    ever, were oronasal breathers even at rest. These two sub-
    ject groups are commonly referred to in the literature (e.g.,
    see [12]) as “normal augmenters” and “mouth-breathers,”
    respectively. Becquemin et al. [18] and Bennett et al. [19]
    showed that children tend to have a greater fraction of oral
    breathing than adults at rest and during exercise. Route of
    breathing may also vary between races; Bennett et al. [20]
    found that African-Americans and females had a greater
    nasal contribution to breathing during exercise than Cauca-
    sians and males. The abrupt change in route of breathing
    occurring in normal augmenters has not been observed by
    others. The gradual augmenter breathing habit based on
    Bennett et al. [19,20] may be preferable to the normal aug-
    menter in representing the general population. Chadha
    et al. [29] found that the majority (11 of 12) of patients with
    asthma or allergic rhinitis also breathe oronasally at rest. In
    healthy individuals, a small fraction (around 5%) may
    breathe solely through the mouth [21]. Our estimates for
    gradual augmenters provide particle penetration fractions
    most typical of healthy populations. Our estimates for
    mouth-breathers may be more appropriate for patients
    with mild upper respiratory disease.
    The ICRP model [12] appears to underestimate the

    penetration of particles through the ET airways of children.
    A SFt is applied in Equations 1-3 with the presumption
    that oral and nasal particle deposition increase with de-
    creasing body size and increasing flow resistance.
    For oral breathing on a mouthpiece, Bennett et al. [30]

    showed greater ET deposition in children than adults. This
    finding suggests that the application of a SFt of 1.26 in
    Eq 1 is appropriate for laryngeal deposition. However, for
    nasal breathing, Becquemin et al. [22] and Bennett et al.
    [19] showed less nasal deposition in children than in
    adults. These two studies, not considered in the ICRP
    model [12], suggest that it may be inappropriate to apply a
    SFt in Equations 2 and 3 for nasal deposition in children.

    Lower nasal deposition of particles in children than adults
    means greater penetration of particles into the lower
    respiratory tract of children than adults. Accordingly,
    we conducted simulations for the child with the SFt in
    Equations 2 and 3 set equal to 1.0 in addition to the SFt of
    1.26 recommended by ICRP [12]. The estimated nasal ET
    deposition efficiency of 2 μm particles in the normal aug-
    menter child during light exercise decreased from 68% to
    48% when the SFt was decreased from 1.26 to 1.0. For
    comparison, under the same level of activity, the estimated
    ET deposition efficiency was 57-58% in the adult male and
    female. Decreasing the nasal deposition efficiency of the
    child relative to the ICRP model [12] increased the particle
    size estimated to have 50% penetration into the thoracic
    and respiratory regions (see Tables 5, 6, 7 and Figures 4
    and 5). These estimates of larger 50% cut points for child-
    A than adults appear consistent with studies in children
    that were not incorporated into the ICRP model [12].
    With the exception of Table 7, the thoracic and respir-

    able fractions that we present are the amount of particles
    entering a specified respiratory tract region relative to the
    amount of particles entering the respiratory tract. In effect,
    we assumed 100% inhalability across the range of particle
    sizes (0.5-20 μm) examined. We have opted on this con-
    vention since the inhalable fraction depends on factors not
    considered here such as wind speed and direction relative
    to the exposed individual. For recent reviews of the litera-
    ture on particle inhalability, the reader is referred to
    Brown [31] and Millage et al. [32]. Adjusting our data for
    inhalability, shifts penetration curves to smaller particle
    sizes, but mainly only where there is a substantial contri-
    bution of oral breathing (see Table 7 vs. Table 5).

    Our analyses show that occupation and non-occupational
    criteria for thoracic and respirable fractions overestimate
    the size of particles entering these regions. As already
    noted, penetration fractions for workplace criteria were
    chosen to afford extra protection by over-representing the
    true penetration of particles into regions of the respiratory
    tract [4]. However, accepted definitions for thoracic and
    respirable fractions speak specifically to particles that pene-
    trate into these regions. As such, current occupational and
    non-occupational criteria may misinform practitioners
    with regard to the actual size of particles expected to reach
    regions of the respiratory tract during typical behavior. For
    instance, the current criteria suggest that 10 μm particles
    (50%) penetrate into the thorax, thus, leaving the expect-
    ation that observed health effects may be modulated by
    their deposition in either the upper or lower airways. How-
    ever, we predict that about 20% or less of these 10 μm par-
    ticles would penetrate through the ET airways and into the
    lower respiratory tract. Our modifications to the ICRP
    model [12] related to breathing habit and nasal deposition

    Brown et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013, 10:12 Page 11 of 12

    in children reflect more recent data and provide consistent
    estimates of greater particle penetration into the thoracic
    and respiratory regions of children than adults. With those
    modifications, for median activities, we predict 50% cut-
    points for P(ET)avg at ~3 μm in adults and ~5 μm in chil-
    dren. The predicted 50% cut-points for P(TB)avg are slightly
    less than 3 μm in adults and slight greater than 4 μm in
    children. Our estimates of particle penetration into the
    thoracic and respiratory regions of the respiratory tract
    should be useful in the design of experimental studies and
    interpretation of PM health effects evidence.

  • Endnotes
  • aMore typically, the literature has defined this term in re-

    lation to the fraction of particles entering the gas-exchange
    region or the fraction penetrating through the tracheobron-
    chial region, the ciliated airways, or conducting airways.

    bFor completeness, other groups such as the British
    Medical Research Council offered size-selective sampling
    recommendations prior to the ACGIH. For a historical
    perspective, the reader is referred to Lippmann [33].

    cFor accuracy it should be recognized that the sampler
    collection efficiency curves for EPA’s PM10 and ACGIH’s
    thoracic fraction are different. The criteria are similar for
    particles smaller than the 50% cut-point at 10 μm. How-
    ever, the curves diverge at about 12 μm, with a dramatic
    drop in collection efficiency (dictated by policy consider-
    ations) for EPA’s PM10, and a more gradual decrease in
    collection efficiency for the ACGIH criterion.

    dThe MPPD model typically outputs estimates of regional
    deposition for the entire respiratory cycle. For the purposes
    of this project, the software output was modified by the de-
    velopers to provide inspiratory deposition fractions for par-
    ticles in the ET and TB regions. Designating the ET and TB
    regions as separate compartments, the deposition efficiency
    in the TB region (ηTB) during inhalation was calculated
    from the MPPD output as DFTB / (1-DFET), where DFTB
    and DFET are the deposition fractions of particles in the TB
    and ET region during inhalation, respectively. For more in-
    formation about this model, the reader is referred to: http://

    Additional file

    Additional file 1: Comparison of respiratory particle fractions
    predicted by the MPPD and ICRP [12] models. In general, the ICRP
    [12] model predicts less particle penetration into the respiratory region
    than the MPPD model.

  • Abbreviations
  • ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists;
    CEN: European Committee for Standardization; da: Aerodynamic diameter;
    DFTB: Particle deposition fraction in the TB region during inhalation;
    DFET: Particle deposition fractions in the ET region during inhalation; EPA: U.
    S. Environmental Protection Agency; ET: Extrathoracic; f: Breathing frequency;
    Fm: Fraction of breath passing through the mouth; FRC: Functional residual

    capacity; ICRP: International Commission on Radiological ProtectionISO
    International Organization for Standardization; MPPD: Multiple path particle
    dosimetry; NAAQS: National ambient air quality standard; ηTB: Particle
    deposition efficiency in the tracheobronchial region; η(ET)larynx: Extrathoracic
    particle deposition efficiency in the larynx; η(ET1)nose: Extrathoracic particle
    deposition efficiency in anterior nasal region; η(ET2)nose: Extrathoracic particle
    deposition efficiency in posterior nasal region; P(ET): Particle penetration past
    the larynx and the thoracic fraction; P(TB): Particle penetration through the
    ciliated airways and the respirable fraction; PM: Particulate matter;
    PM2.5: Particles with a nominal mean aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm;
    PM10: Indicator for thoracic coarse particles; Qnose: Inspiratory flow through
    the nose; Qtotal: Total inspiratory flow rate; SFt: Scaling factor, ratio of trachea
    diameter in adult reference male to that of subject; t: Time spent engaged in
    specific activity; TB: Tracheobronchial; TSP: Total suspended particulate;
    URT: Upper respiratory tract volume; Vdaily: Total volume inspired in 24 hours;
    VT: Tidal volume.

  • Competing interests
  • The authors have no competing interest.

  • Authors’ contributions
  • JB conceived the project, coordinated and drafted the manuscript. TG
    contributed to defining the project’s scope and drafting the manuscript. OP
    modified software for the purposes of this project to provide inspiratory
    deposition fractions for particles and participated in the interpretation of
    data. BA contributed to the methodology, participated in software
    development and drafting of the manuscript. All authors read and approved
    the final manuscript.

  • Acknowledgments
  • The authors thank Drs. Beverly Cohen (NYU), Martin Harper (NIOSH), Mort
    Lippmann (NYU), and Lindsay Wichers Stanek (U.S. EPA) for their helpful
    comments. TG was funded, in part, by a faculty appointment with the U.S.
    EPA through a program administered by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and
    Education (EPA-ORD/NCEA-RTP-2009-02). This document has been reviewed
    in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy and
    approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products
    does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. The views
    expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily
    reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Author details
  • 1National Center for Environmental Assessment, U.S. Environmental
    Protection Agency, MD B243-01, Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, NC 27711,
    USA. 2NYU School of Medicine, 57 Old Forge Road, Tuxedo, NY 10987, USA.
    3Applied Research Associates, Inc, 801 N. Quincy St., Suite 700, Arlington, VA
    22203, USA. 4Applied Research Associates, Inc, 8537 Six Forks Road., Suite
    600, Raleigh, NC 27615, USA.

    Received: 4 May 2012 Accepted: 3 February 2013
    Published: 10 April 2013

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    Cite this article as: Brown et al.: Thoracic and respirable particle
    definitions for human health risk assessment. Particle and Fibre Toxicology
    2013 10:12.

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