Individual assignment. Deadline is next 4 hours.

Hi i have uploaded a file for the details. There are few questions that need to be answered. And maximum word is 2000. Deadline is next 4 hours. Subject is business statistics.

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Assessment task

Due date:

Week 5 – Friday 9th of April 2021 at Midnight




2000 words Maximum.

Learning outcomes assessed:

4, 5, 6

The task:

This assessment task is designed to address learning outcomes from week 4, 5, 6 as published in the Unit Outline.

Students are required to respond to the following questions:

Answer all Questions

QUESTION 1 (Show all your workings)

(4 Marks)

i) What is random variables? (2 Marks)

ii) The total number of Customers visited in a small Restaurant last week in Melbourne is described by the following probability distribution. Find the expected value of the number customer visited. (2 Marks)

x 0 1 2 3 4

p(x) 0.35 0.20 0.25 0.15 0.05

Required formulae: E(x) =

QUESTION 2 (Show all your workings) (11 Marks)

i) Define Population, Parameter, Sample, Statistic. (4 Marks)

ii) A Prawn firm in regional Victoria was trying to adopt a cost saving feeding for the Prawns in their firm ponds. They were feeding a popular brand of fish food to a bunch of 2 million Prawns with an average initial weight of 4 gram each in last three months. At the end of three months feeding they wanted to see the progress of the Prawns. They collected 500 Prawns randomly and found the average weight to be 16 Grams. From this survey result they make a prediction that the average weight of those 2 million Prawns to be 16 Grams.

Find the value of followings in the above experiment:

a) Population. (1 marks)

b) Parameter. (1 marks)

c) Sample. (1 marks)

d) Statistic (1 marks)

e) Is this an example of Descriptive Statistics or Inferential Statistics?(1 marks)

iii) Define Central Limit Theorem with brief explanation (2 Marks)

QUESTION 3 (Show all your workings) (6 Marks)

i) Define two types of estimator. (2 Marks)

ii) What are the desirable characteristics of an estimator? (4 Marks)

QUESTION 4 (Show all your workings) (9 Marks)

Regression analysis has been conducted between the sales figure and number of staffs for 9 small grocery shops in Melbourne city, which produces the following Excel output.

i) Define Regression and correlation. Write the differences between these two. Also develop a regression model for the two variables describe in the above result.
(2 +4 +2 = 8 Marks)
ii) Interpret the value of Coefficient of Determination. (1 Mark)

Structure of assignment:

The following provides a guide to how you might structure your assignment:

Title page

Question 1- Respond all the Question

Question 2 -show all your workings

Question 3 -show all your workings

Question 4- Respond all the Question


Appendices (if applicable)

The conditions:

1. Writing assignments must not exceed the word counts indicated. Double space your pages, use a 12-pt Arial font, use 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page.

2. Your assignment must include a cover page, responses to all the questions and a properly referenced bibliography.

3. Evidence of extensive research beyond the prescribed text is required. Students may use the prescribed text to guide your research, but it should not be used as a primary reference source.

4. Penalties may apply for late submission. Extensions will be granted only if they are supported by appropriate documentation prior to the due date.

5. This assignment must be handed in via Turnitin (link provided via Moodle) for successful completion of the course and will count 25 marks towards the final mark.

6. Ensure that references are appropriately acknowledged in your bibliography.
Refer to OIHE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY regarding plagiarism.

7. The Harvard Referencing System (author-date) should be used. [Harvard (Author-date) is based on: Commonwealth of Australia 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, rev. Snooks & Co., John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.]

Useful websites:


“Harvard System of Referencing Guide”

. Anglia Ruskin University. 21 May 2012. Accessed 25 July 2013.


“Rec Cite”


“Harvard Style”.

University of Melbourne. Accessed 25 July 2013.

· Chernin, Ei (1988).

“The ‘Harvard system’: a mystery dispelled”

, British Medical Journal. October 22, 1988, pp. 1062–1063.

Marking guide

You will be assessed according to the following marking scheme:



Performance Standard

Assessment Task Criteria


HD 80-100%

D 70-79%

C 60-69%

P 50-59%

F 0-49%

Knowledge & understanding


· In depth, expert knowledge.

· Superior proficiency in application of knowledge to problem.

· Expert knowledge

· Proficient application of knowledge and understanding.

· Competent level of knowledge

· Accurate application of knowledge and understanding.

· Superficial knowledge.

· Some inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding.

· Lack of knowledge

· Significant inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding.

Logic of argument(s)


· Central argument(s) expertly developed

· Topic covered in depth in a scholarly manner.

· Central argument(s) clearly developed and supported by evidence

· Topic covered in depth and is concise and fluent.

· Central argument(s)developed and supported by evidence

· Topic covered in depth but with some gaps,

· Central argument(s) has been developed but not fully supported by evidence

· Progression of argument and ideas not strong.

· Lack of central argument(s) and evidence base

· Argument incoherent and difficult to follow.


· Expert scholarly demonstration of critical analysis

· Conclusion draws argument in influential and scholarly manner.

· Considerable demonstration of critical analysis

· Comprehensive and competently developed conclusion

· Good demonstration of critical analysis

· Conclusion is logical outcome of argument(s).

· Critical analysis partially evident but not fully developed

· Conclusion is evident but not strong.

· Critical analysis lacking or absent.

· Conclusions poor or absent.

Research / referencing

· Expert scholarly use of wide range of relevant sources

· Expert paraphrasing and referencing.

· Scholarly use of wide range of relevant sources

· Good application of paraphrasing and referencing.

· Wide use of mostly relevant reference sources

· Reasonable application of referencing.

· Limited use of relevant references sources

· Some inaccuracies in references and in-text citations.

· Limited research or poorly researched

· Considerable inaccuracies in references and in-text citations.

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